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Pile Driver

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Posts posted by Pile Driver

  1. Remember when MLB relief pitchers rode from the bullpen to the mound in some sort of golf cart that resembled a helmet or baseball?


    I remember growing up (70's), that we would leave our storm door open at night with just the screen door door closed.


    Remember ON PLUS TV ? If you didn't have the descrambler box, you would watch and every once in a while, the fuzzy line would shift just long enough to catch a nipple?


    Remember filling up your tank for $5.00?

  2. I

    One of my Facebook Friends posted this:


    When I was 20 years old, I was a doorman at the Crossbow Taverne in the basement of the Drawbridge Inn. About 2:25 am one night a wrestler engaged me in a conversation and told me I should come to New York to try out for the WWF, now the WWE. I, being young and foolish, threw the number away. RIP Rowdy Roddy Piper, you were always my favorite.


    Was this when he was arrested for DUI?

  3. In thinking about the bank robber thread, I got to wondering how many people have been finger printed.


    I've had background checks for work and even had to for a college enrollment.


    If you submit prints for things like this, does "the man" keep those on file? I've never been arrested, so they do not have a set that way. If I ever did commit a crime, would they know it was me? (Hypothetical, don't judge)

  4. That happened at Campbell like 10-15 years ago. I don't think they ever got the kids.


    Pretty sure a few years back, some kids unplugged the engine block heaters on buses during the winter causing school to be cancelled.

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