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Pile Driver

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Posts posted by Pile Driver

  1. The problems with the football team go deeper than the head coach. How many games has their entire NKYFL teams won in the last 5 years? Not that many, I can assure you. So the kids come up to the high school with nothing but a losing attitude and little experience at being competitive. Mix in the socioeconomic depleted community and it is a recipe for disaster.


    Sure you can mix in a good team every few years, but when Dayton is down, they are WAYYYYY down.

  2. Throwing clip boards (Bellevue) and cursing (Bishop) is not part of the game. I would think that a parochial school, such as Bishop Brossart, would take a long look at the behavior of the coaches. I would expect some fallout to occur on this one.


    I agree the officiating was awful. Players do make mistakes, the personal fouls were costly for the Mustangs. But to have a coach also draw one is unacceptable at any level in any sport!


    Bottom line is: Bellevue won. Bishop Brossart is still learning how to play at that level (both players and coaches--since neither has been there before).

  3. 19 posts and not a hint of a Highlands fan. Just kidding.


    I think the overall quality of NKY football is outstanding. Each and every year, it seems we have multiple representatives in the state finals. NKY has won its share. I would not expect this year to be any different. The "Real View of NKY football" will be determined in the playoffs by how may teams advance in the first and second round.


    KIR has a good feel for most of the teams he mentioned. Several will disappoint or underachieve (Ryle, Cov Cath, Dixie...) I will hold off judgement to see how they do in the playoffs. After all, there is only one champion (per class, that is).

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