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Pile Driver

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Posts posted by Pile Driver

  1. Apparently, Big Cass has gotten tired of the Skywalker, trash talker. It was him who was behind the sneak attacks on Enzo. On this Raw, Cass admits it was him after "security footage" surfaced showing Cass faking getting attacked. Claims he has grown tired of carrying Enzo for years and has finally can not stand to listen to him any more.


    So it looks like single careers for the near future. Cass turning heal and Enzo competing in the cruiser weight division, maybe?

  2. My family was camping at AJ Jolly Park in Alexandria that weekend. I was just a young boy. My dad was an EMT for a local volunteer fire department. By the time we heard the news on the radio and he left for the fire house, his units had already left. He stayed behind, threw a cot or gurney into the back of our Econoline van and basically became the only other "life squad" for the rest of the county since everyone else was at the BHSC. Fortunately, nobody else in the county needed help that night.

  3. I do not like when the media tries to push athletes down my throat as G.O.A.T. For example: Michael Jordan in the late 80'2-90s, Tiger Woods in the late 90's-00's, and LeBron in the 00's and 10's. I want to decide for myself. Yes, they are all world class and deserve all the accolades given. I just dont like when it when the media is pushing them down my throat in every tv spot, magazine/online article, pregame, etc...

  4. I have to go with Goldberg if its a clean match-up. What would that say about Brock Lesner if K.O. beats Goldberg? Then Lesner loses way more credibility than he has already with his last two beatdowns to Goldberg.


    Thats why I think KO will win with a DQ finish. Perhaps, its a big set up for a Jericho/KO reunion or even a run-in by Lesner and that will set up another Wrestelmania match.

  5. My Ivan Koloff story...around 1980 or so, my friends and I went to a show at the old Riverfront Coliseum. We would get there about two hours early and stand outside the performers entrance down by the river side of the coliseum. Then, after the show was over, we would run back down there and watch them leave. Some sign autographs, some don't. We had a great time yelling at those who didn't. Anyway, Koloff was traveling with Ole Anderson at this time. They get in the car, pull out of the lot and turn the corner. We hear a loud smashing sound and tires squealing to a stop. We run around the corner to see Koloff standing outside the car, with blood streaming down his hand. Somebody threw a brick or rock at the car and buster the passenger window where how was sitting. To this day, I can still see him standing there and yelling in "perfect" English. Lots of cuss words for sure. What?! What happened to his accent? I was so bummed to find out he was not really Russian. I learned that day that wrestling was not as real as I thought it was. Still a huge fan though.

  6. This could go in several forums. We'll start here.


    It's on tonight (Mon) and Tuesday, February 14th. I'm a dog lover and own two boxers (not pure breds). These are some beautiful breeds.


    I'm partial to the large breeds; boxers, bull mastiffs, and Akita.


    What are some of your favorite breeds?

  7. I'd be willing to bet that the injury actually happened at least two weeks prior to the Royal Rumble. That's why the stupid story line of Sami Zane beating him on Raw and taking his spot in the Rumble. The WWE was concerned that extended time in the Rumble match would do more harm than good, or knowing he would have to take some time off to recover would kill any feud they have going.


    So, have Joe do an attack and promote the injury, which WWE rarely does and it creates the whole HHH/Joe storyline.


    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  8. Apparently, Certified G means you get beat down every match and BonafideStud means your partner has to jump in and win every match for you.


    Now, I'm not hating on Enzo Amore. I love to watch him and Big Cass. Very entertaining. They built a big following in NXT and it carried over to the main roster. They have the entire crowd reciting the whole "Certified G and Bonafide Stud" intro.


    So tell me, if they are that popular, then why are they not getting a bigger push? I'm tired of seeing Enzo getting beat up , only to have Cass win the match!



  9. Not as good as advertised. Stroman was dominant, but missed the mark with Goldberg, Lesner, and Taker. My guess is old and out of shape and physically couldn't handle the load. Missed seeing the tradional surprise "legend" or two thrown out there. Kept waiting for a couple more from NXT. Where is Samoa Joe? I know they're building Rollins and HHH, but to not have one of your biggest stars in the PPV in some angle?

  10. Followed a school bus up AA highway young kids where running up and down the aisle playing. That’s on the driver.


    Absolutely on the driver. I wonder if they had a monitor. Usually they sit right behind the driver so they can talk. Like that is controlling behavior! :ohbrother:

  11. It's more about the age and number of students. If there was a true emergency, you would not be able to help the youngest students evacuate the bus quick enough if they are belted in. Today's buses are built so the higher seat backs and closer seats form a padded cocoon around the student. The buses are safer, but no vehicle is perfect.

  12. Blackburn was huge tonight. Took over the game. They pounded the Tigers. However, Ludlow coaches and administrators should be embarrassed by their personal fouls. I would guess about 10 or so. What has turned into a good season, is marred by the play on the field. I guess the coach has no control. The community certainly can not be proud of that. Good luck the rest of the year and in hosting a playoff game.

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