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Pile Driver

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Posts posted by Pile Driver

  1. I didn't think Brossart looked as bad as Collegiate looked good. I really liked the looks of the Collegiate team. I don't believe Brossart's focus was very good. They seemed to pass it around the horn and shoot jump shots too often, when Collegiate really couldn't guard the big man on the low block. But all in all this was a pretty good game between two pretty solid teams.


    Brossarts big doesn't dominate against smaller opponents like you expect from a 6'9 240 guy.

  2. They rotate home, visitor every other year at Campbell County Middle School, to handle the crowd. $6.00 admission with the extra $1.00 going towards a scholarship for both schools. It will be a tough game for the Camels. The Camels will need to bring their A game.


    This came from a reliable source. No passes will be accepted. Both schools will use a pass list. If there is a school that wants to scout, they need to contact Mel Webster at BB to be put on a list.

  3. Two of mine:

    When I brush my teeth, I have to slurp some water right from the faucet, swish it around and spit it out to rinse my mouth. My wife is always asking me why, when my mouth is already wet. :idunno:


    I also have to make sure I rinse myself after a shower for about 3 minutes to make sure all the soap and shampoo is off. Even have to take the shower head and hose off to get all the hard to reach places. :idunno:

  4. Unless the young adults you are dealing with have every word they say in a situation like this judged, cut, edited and used at the whim of national media, it just isn't the same. Take a look at the last 5 days leading up to and after the game for more proof than imaginable.


    There will be contact between the two teams before too long. It cannot and should not happen until things cool way down and some distance is placed between the programs and the brawl. Mick talked today about being willing to work with X in community service opportunities going forward. It will happen, but right now is not the time...


    The young people I work with have way more to be angry about than trashtalking college athletes. They are not getting a free ride in college as student athletes which comes with "perks" (clothing, food allowances, housing,...). Yet, I do not allow them to make excuses. "Tu cant play on my team". Get real! This guy is waiting on a million dollar pay day from the NBA. Should I feel sorry that he has to trash talk to the UC bench? You cant have it both ways; play ball in the publics eye at a major college, yet be offended by criticism and the media.

  5. I work directly with teens. Dealing with these young adults is very challenging and rewarding at the same time. We love them when they do great things, and love them when they do stupid things. I still hold the kids accountable for the things they do. Part of what makes me good at what I do is I am willing to forgive the kids for their mistakes. As for the XU and UC players, I find no satisfaction in blanket apologies. Yancy and all the others do not know me. I only know them as basketball players. Please do not apologize to me as a community member. My life is pretty much the same as before Saturdays game. When I deal with the teens, I make them apologize. There is something about humbling yourself to your peers that is quite effective. I think Mick missed with not allowing contact between the two teams. If the players really felt sorry, then let the ones involved hear it.

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