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Pile Driver

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Posts posted by Pile Driver

  1. Had it my senior year of high school during football. AWFUL pain!


    Back then they just had me come in one day and cut them all out.


    You may be thinking of plantar warts. You can cut those or freeze them.


    Plantar Fasciitis is an inflamation of the tendon that runs along the sole of the foot from the heel to the ball. The tendon is under alot of distress (people with high arches get this frequently) and becomes inflamed.


    My wife is suffering the same thing right now. She is also looking at surgery. Her problem is that it has also let to bone stress fractures in her heel.

  2. This is a coaster I used to love when I was younger. I still enjoy coasters and The Beast is a classic. But, over the years, I have started to get sorta paranoid when riding it. :eek:After all, it is a wooden coaster. Wood deteriorates. Bolts loosen. Now, the cars shake and rattle like never before. Is it me or will it be anytime soon that a major catastrophe happens?


    I know they have maintenance personel walk the track every morning, but can they seriously see everything?

  3. Besides the cheering, the student was a gum "chomper" too. That is one of my pet peeves. You are at a ceremony, not a ball game.


    As a famous coach once said, "Act like you've been there before".


    The problem is not so much culturally or socio-economically, it is wide spread, old fashion values are just that; old fashioned. go to any wedding, funeral, graduation, birthday (anything that involves public appearance and celebration) and you see shorts, t-shirts, cheering, talking loud on cell phones, leaving before ceremony is over...


    I think this type of cavalier attitude is a sign of the times. JMO

  4. Should be Philips to lose. If you think about all the young teen girls who spend their whole life texting, who will likely be the voters. I dont think it will be close.


    I really enjoy Philip. He's original.

  5. Philip Phillips is a great musician. Joshua and Jessica can't arrange the songs like Philip.


    I don't care for Joshua. The judges keep saying he takes the audience to church. If I wanted that, I would go to church every Wednesday and Thursday.

  6. Couldn't Casey Pelgen take over that role of QB? I thought he was starting JV last year until he got hurt?


    Pelgen looks to be the starter. He will be a junior. He showed some ability there last year before getting hurt. Like most teams they have holes to plug but only losing about 6 seniors means plenty of returning experience. The problem is a small senior class again this year. Next years junios and sophomores will be relied on quite heavily. They will have a nice size line to block for senior-to-be Jacob Elbert. He will be counted on to carry the load as long as he is healthy.

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