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Posts posted by cricket91

  1. Have you ever been in the locker room, weight room, bathrooms etc????


    Duh Raiderbird, that's called ambiance at the Birdome, to use more Coach Shields vernacular! It's also what makes HHS a "unique" place to play. I think most HS facilities suck to watch a game at because of the lack of tradition, history, etc. But I think your probably agree.

  2. Dale is better than any coach that I have ever seen at developing talent. As Ken Shields would, "Attitude develops your Altitude."


    Exactly, and as far as being able to get that talent, let us not forget about open enrollment in Kenton Co. And I don't even want to hear about SK taking talent away from Dixie because SK's success is a recent development. Besides Kenton co. is a huge county population wise. The key being that Dixie does not develop their talent once they get to the HS level as much as they could. Much of that is due to the off season program and lack of two a day practices that most teams, even poor teams, participate in here is NKY, and most everywhere else in the State.

  3. You just said exactly what needed to be said. Ask Dale where they'd be with facilities like Dixie. Highlands has the desire to be successful regardless of what they have. Desire is not something you talk about either! You and Mike Brown are the only people I know that are content with new diggs that are happy to be .500 or less. With the talent and size that Dixie has every year they should be contenders! 6-6 to me isnt a contender...it's a pretender!! Do you know what would happen in Fort Thomas if Highlands had a 6-6 record?? Someone would be given an all expense paid one way vacation outta town.
    Maybe not after one season like that ...........But two, and walking papers are being filled out before the football banquet is even over for sure.
  4. Incorrect Hatz, I did know who they played, and I did not say that the Sullivan kid was the best LB they have played. I simply stated they haven't run into anybody like him.......HHS fans know what I mean. Besides, HHS has earned a certain amount of Bravado over the years, but they know how to temper that with hard work, dedication and confidence. You just believe it's arrogance, when it is actually just confidence in your program, kids, and coaches.

  5. Maybe we can introduce mr. Jude to Mr. Sullivan next week......talk about different levels......I assure you, he hasn't see a LB like him this year. If he can go that is. Besides, there are a few other guys Mr. Jude will be introduced to before he gets to meet Mr. Seidl on most plays. They are ok ball players also. One dimensional teams traditionally do not do well against the Birds.

  6. The problem is Towles throws the ball 90mph everytime he throws it. He needs to learn to put a little more touch on the ball..


    He did have several balls he threw to the sidlines where lofted the ball right over top of the Dixie defender. I noticed that at least 3 times last night. He has the ability to do it, but I think they need to develop some more inside routes also. The kind that keep the chains moving.

  7. Jude running over CCH is no surprise. It has everything to do with matchups. The Birds are ineffective minus Towles in the running dept. so therefore' date=' they didn't expose CCH's run defense like J.C. Highlands rely's heavily on the pass and will be much more effective matched up with Central. They need Mccoy in the backfield.[/quote']


    Keep telling yourself HHS has no running game. Maybe Johnson Central will believe you. That would be good for HHS.

  8. Highlands - Marty Moore

    Cov Cath - Mike Woolf


    2 of the best LBS ever in NK


    Beechwood RBs: Tacket, Sieman, Moorlidge, Berger, Williams, Johnson, Vocke, Bankamper, etc, etc, etc.


    Highlands RB - a ton of them, but Frisk was the best !


    Covcath's other LB with Big Bad Woolf was darn good also and tough as nails. Ziegler I think his name was.

  9. I hope that takes place. Coach Lickert would get that ship headed in the right direction rather quickly..


    Hate to disagree with you Raiderbird, but I totally disagree. I think the ship has sailed and the kids and powers that be at Boone are just happy to exist when it comes to athletics. Boone has many more problems to worry about other than football or athletics in general right now.

  10. I think it was long overdue had no control of his team. Now they need to Get Rid Of their A.D Scott Meyers he has No clue what the hell he doing. IMO

    I don't know much about Coach Deaton, but I can tell you that Dayton is VERY lucky to have Mr. Meyers in their system. He is unquestionably an honest, intelligent, talented guy who CANNOT work miracles given some of the circumstances faced by the teachers and coaches in the school system. One thing I do know is that Mr. Meyers will do everything in his power to get things back on the right track down there. Truth be told, you may just get what you wish for because I assure you Mr. Meyers would have many oppurtunites If he ever decided to leave. Careful what you wish for. I know him well and he is just stubborn and tough enough to get the job done in spite of the obstacles. If you let him.

  11. You don't know me either. Had to change my handle Bpiccolo. I have many years and many more posts on here. Way more than a Varsity player. I'm a huge HHS fan also. Just sticking up for my friend Sweep who has given more blood, sweat and tears to the progam over 40 years than almost anyone I can think of in the HHS community. Not trying to offend you.

  12. Scott had minus 40 yards rushing in the 2nd half. Eleven starters didn't start for Highlands. Go to practices during the weak before you criticize "our" team and see how hard they worked going into this game. If anyone wants to say they were non emotional, maybe the fan support could have been a little bit louder to help them.


    You know not whom you are speaking to Grasshopper. Sweep has forgotten more HHS Football than you will EVER know. Be careful who you chastise.

  13. Have to agree with this one. Understand Highlands has won a lot, but if you want to be considered the best, 300 or 1300 boys, you need to win the biggest class in the state.


    Agree that they probably would have done that in past years, but we'll never know?


    Can't wait to hear the excuses when they do play and the little school withe 300 boys beats your 1300 boys. Talk about some chest pounding then.

  14. Geez, dennis12b, at least spell some of their names correctly if your going to call people out by name. All or most of the kids you mentioned came to HHS for a reason, be it academic, to be closer to a divorced parent, parents worked at the school, etc. Not everything is black and white or as simple as wanting to go to HHS because of football. Besides, I think you missed a few, truth be told. I won't list them, because that is between them and their tution paying parents.

  15. I said a few weeks back on another thread that, IMO, Ryle tends to actually regress late in the season and that they don't traditionaly improve a whole lot throughout the season and that the next Ryle Vs. HHS game would be a blow out IMO. Sounds to me as if history is coming to fruition again in Union.....Sad part is, that problem rest soley on the coaching staff. Just calling it like I see it, and many would agree with me if they were being honest.

  16. This is an impressive margin of victory for the Birds but it doesn't elevate them beyond a mediocre Highlands team. It is a step in the right direction, but not proof of Bluebird greatness.


    The real test will be if they struggle in the finals or not.


    If they pound everybody from here on out by 30 or more, including the championship, will that do anything to change your mind Ru? That is a real possibility at this point.

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