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Zoot Soup

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Posts posted by Zoot Soup

  1. :lol: Did the folks in Waco fly airplanes into buildings killing innocent people? What was it they did to anyone again?


    There are between 1.2 and 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, how many of them do you think are radical? A few hundred? A few thousand? Maybe a few million? Since you're the expert, you tell me.


    Despite your myopic perspective of me, I really don't personally care if they build it there, I do understand why those closer to it have a problem with it.


    Your opinion of me is pretty meaningless to be honest with you since you've never met me and know zero about me.



    If I remember correctly several FBI agents were killed in the siege. Granted, it wasn't the thousands on 9/11, but I'm sure those families remember it well. But that's not really the point. The point is that every religion has its wackos and to stereotype a whole religion based on the actions of a few is pretty irresponsible.


    You continue to say "I don't care", but continue to give the reasons why it shouldn't be put there.

  2. Beck is no saint by any stretch but he is no different than Bill Mahr or Kieth Olberman in his speil, it is just from the opposite side. I bet a lot of you would have liked Beck 3-4 years ago when he was hammering GWB the way he hammers BHO now.


    Agree. I loathe Beck but Bill Mahr may irritate me more. Glenn Beck is a smart guy, but has just chosen the $$$ over legitimate political debate. Mahr is an idiot on another level. I'm not sure he's ever listened to another opinion than his own.

  3. They believe they are the ones that are "true" Muslims and there are likely millions of them.


    Didn't the folks in Waco believe they were the "one true" Christians? And your second statement is purely your personal opinion. Despite your assertions to the contrary, its pretty obvious where you stand...

  4. I posted earlier that I don't live in New York and didn't lose anyone in the 9/11 attack, so it really makes no difference to me personally. I just fully understand how those people feel.


    Then you think it's possible that the families shouldn't get the final say in the matter?

  5. There isn't much they could do to UK even if they wanted to because almost all of this went down before UK got even remotely involved...


    That's what I'm wondering. Everyone outside of Kentucky will be pointing fingers at Cal, but is there really anything implicating him or Kentucky?

  6. How so? I couldn't care less if they build it or not since I don't live in New York and didn't lose anyone in that cowardly attack , but I do care what the people of New York think about it and I especially care about how the families of the victims feel.


    Say about me what you like, but I think the families are wrong in being against it. If a crazy Jewish man killed someone in my family, it wouldn't cause me to oppose a Jewish family moving in next door to me 10 years later.

  7. I am to say my religion is right. But yes people can worship however they want to. I do not interfer with anyone practicing any religion.


    Listen, I'm with you 110%. I believe Jesus is the only way to heaven, but I'm also interested in showing love and compassion to Muslims. And it seems that many of you are forgetting the central tenet of Christianity- forgiveness. You all are holding grudges against people that didn't even have anything to do with 9/11.

  8. I need to quit reading this one before I puke.


    If you need me I'll be building a statue across the street from Columbine High School of the shooters.


    Are you serious? Not even close to being the same thing. Ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

  9. I know of 20 practicing Muslims.


    19 were hijackers who flew into the WTC

    1 is osama Bin Laden


    I'll add a few for you -

    Muhammed Ali

    Kareem Abdul Jabbar

    Hakeem Olajuwon


    But seriously....what's the big deal? I actually think it'd be a GREAT idea to put a mosque near Ground Zero.

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