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Zoot Soup

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Posts posted by Zoot Soup

  1. Guys cannot sign until the 8th right? 12:01 tonight just marks the start of when guys can start meeting with other teams?


    Right, but I have a feeling we'll all know well before the names are on the dotted line. I'd say it moves pretty quickly. Teams will panic and not wait on the big names to sign. They just can't afford to.

  2. $10.00 an hour job, in this economy is a good job. Pride is keeping some these people from getting jobs.


    I've never understood that line of thinking. Not attacking you, attacking the thought process. So they're too proud to take more blue collar jobs, but they're not too proud to sit at home and draw unemployment? I can't imagine drawing unemployment. I think I'd rather work 80 hour weeks.

  3. How about these for some ideas:


    1. Stop the oil leak in the gulf.

    2. Secure the border.

    3. Increase legal immigration.

    4. Repeal Obamacare

    5. Keep captial gains taxes at 20%.

    6. Cut government spending back to levels seen 10 years ago.

    7. Get out of the automobile business.

    8. Get out of the banking business

    9. Stop using unsound finanical policies in a failed attempt at social engineering.

    10. Don't apologize for America Exceptionalism.

    11. Treat Israel with respect.

    12. Treat England with respect.


    See, what you did there was just list the talking points. You didn't say how it could be done. If it were as easy as that, it would have been done long ago, right?

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