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Everything posted by MARIAHNCC2009

  1. You tried. Your starters didn't play in the 2nd half. Etown starters played 70% of the minutes allowed and scored 80% of the points.
  2. Did you ever win anything in athletics. I doubt it. The All A is for the smaller schools to compete on a level playing field with other small schools. Winning it is an outstanding accomplishment and I know of at least on team won both the All A and the state titles.I don't believe Boone has won the state title. Boone is about 8-10 times the size of these schools so its easier for them to field a team year in and year out. That being said I'm sure most of the smaller schools in the 9th look forward to an oppurtunity to face Boone in the real world. By the way is that a good witch or a bad witch, WHICH one are you implying. (Boone education I guess.)
  3. I agree. I still think Boone is the team to beat, with a few teams right behind.(NCC,HHS,RYLE)> HHS has shown a few kinks the armor, but they still have alot of talent. Ryle really showed me something in the Boone game. And Conner showed a little heart in the upset of HHS.
  4. I think Ron Dawn from NCC might have something to say about that. Now if you said biggest pain in the _____ , you might have a valid point.
  5. I think he Embarrassed E-Town and himself more than the girls from Fort Knox. The E-town girls and the school itself have become poster girls for bad sportsmanship. I think that is ashame it should only be the coach, the girls do as they are told. I hope Mr. Mudd stepe up and shows these girls some class and takes responsibility for his actions.
  6. I really hope this game happens. I know the girls are looking forward to it. It should be an excellent game. Both sides have alot of talent and want to compete against other top teams. Lord willing(weather) this game could be classic matchup of styles.
  7. That is the state tournament and all the teams in the whole state play under the draw. In the district only a few of them do a blind draw, the rest seed. Creating an unfair advantage for the districts that do seed when playing the less talented teams when they get to the regional.
  8. I am not sure of the exact breakdown of divisions but you are never going to get an exact even playing field. That is why they have the all A. Once the regular tournament begins if you want to move on you are going to have to compete with larger schools. I just beleive that in order to keep things as even as possible all districts should seed or not seed, and since the 36th is one of only a few to not seed they should conform to the rest of the states guidelines As for being a fan of a small school i am. for some reason you want to act like Ncc is the size of Boone.
  9. So the starters played 70% of the total available minutes. Does that make the coach only a 70% nimbrod.
  10. Looks on the surface like another morality lesson is needed, but does anyone have the box score. did the starter play past the 1st or 2nd quarter. Did the starters score the baulk of the points. Important issues before people start attacking the coach and program.
  11. I was just stating that blowouts happen, and sometimes can't be avoided.However you can minimize them by not putting in starters at all after a 29-0 1st quarter. While the backups are in just slow it down. I don't beleive you should quit playing. Your backups deserve to be properly tutored on in game situations. Work on set half court plays. On defense work on the zone. If you steal the ball don't push it up the court. walk it up and get into your half court offense. I don't beleive you should tell these girls to just pass it around and not shoot. That can be as demoralizing o your opponent as running up the score. Just use your subs and slow it down..
  12. It boils down to who is scoring the lions share of the points. Blowouts happen but you can minimize them by slowing things down. The 1st quarter 29-0 score , the starters don't see another minute, slow the game down to half court offense and defense. pass the ball around work on set plays. E-Town took 71 shots I beleive Thats 1every 30 seconds.
  13. They should at least play the championship game so we know who the champion is.lol Seriously not a cake walk but the 2 best teams should advance. True if you want to win it all you have tobeat the best teams anyway. However you would like to say you'll just win and advance but when teams are evenly matched anything can happen and you would like to have another shot. That is why 2 teams from each region advance. I am sure the runner up often advances to the sweet sixteen. If all the other disticts did a blind draw that would be fine. they don't so the best 2 always andvace to the region. the rest of the ninth loves it this way because one of them is getting a first round bye.
  14. Definately does not appear to be the story the news article showed the starters scored 97pts the five off the bench scored 31 pts.
  15. There really can't be another explaination other than lack of class. This coach kept his starters in the game long enough to score 97 pts, 80% of the total. Even if his team had an ax to grind it wasn't with Fort Knox. Take it out on Marion Co the next time you play them. He appears to be just a typical bully can"t whip the tougher kids on the block so I'll make myself look tough by beating up someone that can't defend themselves. Congrats to all the girls who put up huge stats on a helpless opponent. Nothing against the girls. I blame the coach. I just hope the girls realize the big numbers were not that impressive considering the circumstances. The coach should have pulled his starters after the 1st quarter and really taught his player a lesson in sportsmanship. I would assume he was a very average athlete in high school and is trying to compensate from other inadequesies he may have:banana: physically.
  16. E-Town paper said the reseves scored 31points. My Holmes High School math tells me the starters would hav scored 97 points. That is ridiculous. NCC has had several blowouts this year, but coach Dawn always tries to limit the time the starters are on the floor in these games. I can think of a few games the starters didn't play a minute past the 1st quarter. Truely classless by the coach. He should be suspended by the school and make a public appology.
  17. Ron will play the girls that work the hardest and give NCC the best chance to win. I'm not sure wwho told you they get overlooked, but I would challenge them to give an example rather than making a blanketb statement they aren"t willing or unable to back up.
  18. They are still one of the smallest schools in ky (125 smallest). where the kids come from shouldN't matter. It Tony Sanfoss had insight to this years ago, when he started an AAU team and knew he wanted to develope players that would later play with his daughter at NCC.My daughter benefitted from that very much. A few of the girls ended up going to other schools but that happens. It still starts at th grade school level and all these kid went to catholic grade schools. Gary theim did the same thing with the jr.s
  19. Newport wouldbe better. and then you could complain about them being a big school.
  20. The bottom line is you are splitting hairs. Not all thing s are going to be equal.HHS and NCC face larger schools all the time and win. HHS is bigger than NCC. HHS beat ryle earlier in the year. What it comes down to is developing a program. Almost all shools can come up with a ew good players and put roll players around them. It is definately harder at a small school but it can be done.
  21. You weren' t debating geographics we were talking sizeof the schools. Geography would change the landscpe of every shool across the state because all the kids would be at different schools. My daughter would be at HHS. Sandfoss would be at CCHS as would several other girls. The only player I know for sure would be at Bellevue is Paige piccolo. So the result would be that some other schools in your district would be even stronger.
  22. So wouldn't it be a disservice to the girls that can compete(when that cycle comes around) to be denied a chance based on a blind draw. And yet give a team that hs no chance an oppurtunity to be blown out on a much larger stage. My daughter graduates this year when the ball gets tossed up at tip off the luck is over.
  23. No they just won the all A state championship
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