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Posts posted by BBsports

  1. I was going to say this as well. Maybe not as direct as this, but similar. I saw Brossart play 4 times this year and other times in the previous years. When I see them, I think they have two nice players. The others are what I would consider as equally talented to several other of the better schools they play. No better and no worse. And in some of those games, the other team could match or even better the two good players for Brossart. So I wouldn't say this senior class was "loaded". They were good, but not loaded. Successful grade school and middle school teams do not guarantee successful high school teams. Too high of expectations put on these kids. Watching them, they are an above average high school team in terms of talent, but not loaded or elite. It is what it is.


    Secondly, before we bash the coach and say they fell down hill after the All A, is it possible the Brossart group places too mush emphasis on the All A and after a let down or one bad game, they have a tough time regrouping. (no, this isn't a bash of the All A). This is a legitimate question. I have heard from former players and coaches that many feel the All A has more importance placed on it than any other event. So the All A hits and the season is mentally over for the kids. It becomes very tough to remotivate the team. I've heard that from Brossart and NCC fans, coaches and players. There has to be something to it. Some can recover and some can't.


    And the fact they went 6-6 after the All A...Could that possibly be because they got to the toughest part of their schedule in a time when they may have been trying to recover from the All A? I mean, most of the teams they were losing to are not chumps! Maybe they are just better teams.


    I'm not starting trouble, just trying to give you a different perspective from an outsider. We always want to bash the coach first, but forget we are talking about young girls that have a role in this too. Girls are different than boys and emotions, distractions and high school life plays a bigger role than it does in boys sports. Boys can put things behind them and "just play ball" much easier than girls. I would say think about other things before bashing your coach online. And for some, maybe you need to look in the mirror and ask if your expectations were realistic for your child and this team.[/quote


    I didn't bash coach sorry if came across that way, Like I said I liked him for the most part and as far as girls basketball goes they were loaded for an in coming class of freshmen. My daugther played B-ball year around and I know she is not who your talking about pretty sure as did Verst and Zigler. Sure me being a parent of that class I knew them all I put alot on them myself but I'm not putting all the blame on Coach girls do change over the years more than boys. But I do feel Feldman has had a problem with making adjustments in big games.

  2. In all honesty, Coach Feldman has not won when it really counted. He got beat in the All 'A' Regional his first year by a much weaker St. Patrick team and then preceded to lose big time to NCC the next two years in the All 'A' State tournament and then lost to a much smaller and less talented team in Danville this year in the All 'A'. And I believe in the four years at Brossart, this was the only year he won the district and then with a ton of talent, lost to Mason Co. in the first round of the regional. He may have won a bunch of regular season games but the games that really counted he was woefully short on. This team of seniors never experienced the success that they were touted to have way back when they were freshmen. In my opinion, Coach Feldman never reached the pinnacle of what I would consider coaching respect and success. But thinking the AD at Brossart will keep him because he's afraid of not being able to find anyone who might be a quality coach to replace him. Maybe its the AD that should go with the coach!


    Nailed it. This senior class was loaded with talent in trems of girls basketball it's in coming Freshmen year and I would have to agree they never reached it's potential. The biggest knock I had on Coach Feldman (and I got along well with him) when my daughter played for him and I've hread it from other parents over the last few years is ADJUSTMENTS are never made when necessary. Coach Feldman will be at Brossart as long as he wants I don't see them feeling a need to change.

  3. Can someone explain to me when we were up by 2 with 29 secs left in the game, why Harrison throws up a horrible lob?


    PlYs like that you can't blame in being a freshman. You blame it on just being stupid.


    They have shot that way all year thats Cals offense "Dribble Drive" which is fine if you can finish and make foul shots??? Plus now Cals cut out the use of his bench players which has given them sparks all season. They are their own worst enemy getting hard to watch.

  4. As Barney would say you have to "Nippet". Word is that Haslam will not fill CEO poisition he has a very good friend (Peyton Manning) who will retire in a year and will offer the job to him. They met and supposedly he told Haslam they would never be an good organization as long as Banner was there. Haslam hoping he can step in and advise team like Elway does.

  5. [QUOTE=Jumper_Dad;4916783] I never understood why Libertarians supported legalizing marijuana as much as they do. How much government intervention and levels of bureaucracy would legalizing and taxing marijuana add? Not even thinking about the additional IRS/Tax collection, regulations and government audits.


    I support a SMALLER Government not making it bigger and giving it a new tax base.


    Just to get votes!!!!!!!!

  6. Sorry for late response, my son was drawn for a cow tag a few years back he was 15. I contacted KDFW they set us up with a hunting spot it was an Hunting Club area on an old strip mine site (near Betsy Lane HS School). We meet with an KDFW agent one weekend to scout area saw many elk actually drove up to within 20yds of a bull laying down. My son had a BB game on a Saturday after game 3 of us loaded up and and headed out we reach hotel around midnight meet KDFW agent at 6am along with another set of hunters. Basically what they do is take 7 sets of hunters to spot (on top of mountain) and when they kill out they bring in another set of 7 so we actually missed the first day which worked out better cause there was only 1 set of hunters with us. Once on top the mountain there was another KDFW agent she basically went scouting and radio back to let us know were she saw elk and we drove to that area. It was a hillside at least a mile long the elk were at the bottom working there way up so off we went to head them off at the top which was about a mile walk for us to circle around. Once on top the elk had already started over but ever hill we pop over there were some elk (one had 3 huge bulls standing with sun rising behind them it was beautifully) my son picked out a cow took aim and fired away, now my son was shooting an 300SM which I though was plenty to do trick agent had told was if she dint go down shoot her again cause they will load her up but if she goes over mountain side you have to get her up. So my son put a great shoot on her he turn to me and said again I said no she will go down WRONG three hills later and an shoulder shot finally put her down. Luckily she went down by a road KDFW used a sled type cart like the ones kids use fully plastic shaped like a boat rolled elk over on it winched her up ramps onto their bed backed there truck up to mine with tailgates down slid her over rolled her out shook hands and headed home. As for the meat very very good and an experience my son and I will never forget. A side note the 3rd person with us was drawn last year for Bull elk with bow and it looks awesome on his wall. I've heard people say it would cost to much wouldn't know were to go to hunt. Wrong everything you need to know is out there most people know someone that has been drawn and will pass along info just as I've done over the years. Our friend Mustang even did some research into Ky elk after hearing of our hunt we still put in every year so encourage others to do so and good luck.

  7. To be honest I have character issues with the head coach. When he left Ryle it was celebrated by the kids. He on a number of occasions called kids derogative names. Made players call out other players for missing blocks during games, ( public humiliation )etc. He was very demoralizing for Ryle and had allot to do with some kids never returning to the program. IMO he was abusive to the kids. Not saying a coach can't yell or get mad, but he was non constructive and demeaning. If brossart has number problems now, I think he will be the death of the program.


    They already have had issues with players quitting, but they came back. But still they are being pushed to that level. Right or wrong I don't know there are alot of reason it could come to that. I've talked to a few of the players and they all hesitated when I asked them what they thought of the new Coach. I just know it's hard to be competitive with low numbers to many play both ways by the 4th quarter it starts to show. All and all I wish them nothing but the best Good Luck BB

  8. You ever notice that the ones that like to yell the whole game always sit in the back row of bleachers and YELL their loudest over everyone one????? Never understood that.

    Was at a grade school wrestling match this weekend saw a parent (Dad) walk out on to the mat and picked the kid up off his son set him aside and picked up his son and walked off with him???

  9. My point I was trying to make was a coach should make all players fill apart of the team. Everyone always places to much on playing time practice is where it's all done games won or lost, teams coming together, players and coaches gelling. At HS level these girls know what level they each can play. a coach can't make everyone happy and maybe some just didn't want to play any more it happens but a few of these girls that have walked were descent players and surely could of help in this tournament.

  10. When this class was Freshmen they won Regionals first Frosh girls team at Brossart to do so. Now some of this class was moved up to JV and didn't play on Frosh team. So this class had some players on it and not all were from St. Joes and St Marys.

    But why Coaches (not just Brossart) pick and choose who they think are it and not make all players fill apart of team is beyond me "not saying right or wrong" just saying I don't understand. We've all seen it somewhere when we've said "why isn't that kid playing???"

    But there is no doubt that their bench could be stronger. Still good but??

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