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Posts posted by BBsports

  1. I'm assuming you're NOT talking about Wayne Perry here. I've never heard anybody say anything negative about the guy. I'm trying to remember when he retired, though. I'm thinking there must have been one other guy in between Wayne and Steve.


    Coach’s name was Joe Austin my son had a cousin who attended Hanover and played basketball he told us word was coach Austin was not well liked by the players. Saw him rip on one of his own coaches at a recruiting gathering in front of people.

    Coach Baud was always first class no BS.

  2. This thread brought back a lot of good memories my son and I doing recruiting

    road trips. I went back through e-mails and found one from Coach Baudendistel from Hanover basically asking why my son choose MSJ over Hanover and what can he do to reach out to young men in NKY area.

    Coach Baud was recruiting my son and was not the Head Coach at the time (we really didn’t care for the head coach at the time) we found out after that Coach Baud became Head Coach.

    Really sorry to hear their not doing well Coach Baud is a great guy I actually talk to him after my son’s first game against Hanover. I told Coach Baud if he would have been the Head Coach at the time things might have been different and we talk some more but that I will keep between us.

  3. This is for BBsports. The big question is if you found yourself in a similar situation again, how would you handle it? What would you do differently before your trip to prepare? What would you do differently in reaction when you got the notice that a party was going on?


    That’s two great questions

    I will try to work it out better to get daughter to go but reality is it’s not going to happen.

    Yes, even after the shock of everything Judge, lawyer I would still call knowing my daughter (miss bad attitude can’t wait to get out) and her friends that I don’t want in my house anyway. I can’t get past the part of if something happens to someone that it would come back on me.

    Yes I would still call.

  4. Update, we retained a lawyer for my daughter had a meeting with him he said he would talk to officer involved and prosecutor and get it dropped down to diversion opposed to jail time and on her recorded looking at 350 - 700.

    Court today lawyer talked told Judge T. he spoke with all those involved and they were alright with her being sent to diversion program. Judge just started shaking her head NO says that the keg law and underage drinking is something that she takes very seriously. Lawyer starts again with he spoke to this guy and that guy Judge asks to see papers Lawyer asks if he and prosecutor can approach bench Judge allows. Now at this point I’m thinking if she gets jail time I’m not paying lawyer (like that’s possible) but he’s up there doing a lot of talking but all are smiling they walk back. Jude says it not in her to do this but in light of some information that the lawyer has presented and the fact that the parents called police. Judge asked daughter if parents were upset she said yes did they punish you she said yes Judge says as they should of Judge then allowed her to do the diversion program which will be a class (about 3 hours) and community service (not sure on how much).

    Someone posted it will all work out it did but it’s a costly one I know she should pay for it but it still cost me one way or another. Also tell your kids never never say that they are hosting a party best to say people just showed up.

  5. She was charged with "Keg law"

    My Son-in-law sister works for court system was in same courtroom with my daughter Judge T wanted to give her a week in jail prosecutor said a week how about just a weekend. Then Judge T said you better get a lawyer.

    A week in jail to a 18yr old girl with no past history with the law.

  6. My fear was that if something happened to anyone it would have come back on me. There was text between myself and daughter telling her no party which would have shown that I knew there was a party going on at my house. I warned her I would call police.

  7. To answer some question.

    Neighbor breaking it up? Was not an option he doesn’t have the too do it.

    CC= Campbell County

    Judge= Thomas

    Police checked all for sobriety if not able to drive they rode with someone.

  8. I need some help trying to understand something. Was on vacation my and received a text from neighbor that my 18yr old daughter who stayed home was having friends over (we gave her the no party speech before we left). Then another text later from neighbor around midnight she is having a party (not wanting underage kids drinking at my house) so I called CC dispatch said we were out of town neighbor says a lot of cars at house only one that should be there is my 18yr old daughter dispatch says no problem will send out unit. They showed up (3 cruisers) broke up party had all leave and gave my daughter a citation for “allowing underage drinking in her home” which I was fine with that at the time. Daughter goes to court today I’m thinking Judge will give her community service which to an 18yr old would be good for her (she only works part time any fine or court cost would fall back to me one way or another)

    WRONG Judge tells her she needs to lawyer up and gives her a new court date??? This is where I’m confused what has this Judge showed my daughter (daddy’s going to have to pay for lawyer,) daughter can’t afford that works part time any Judge should know 18yr old doesn’t have money. After she goes to court with lawyer will she get community service then? I still will be out lawyer cost.

    Was calling the police the right thing to do???

  9. IMO a team can only be pushed to the level of their competition (Hampton) doesn’t play at a high level so the opposing team (KY) only has to takes it up a notch higher to win. We in turn always except them to play at the highest level possible which in games like last night seems to make them look as if they played bad. I really hate it when I hear someone say after a game like last night good thing we didn’t play a really good team.

    Go Big Blue!!!!

  10. Watched game at bar did anyone else noticed what Ricky did before Virginia in bounded ball with 2.something seconds called time out pointed down the bench and up jumped a player with the longest set of arms took off his warm-up shirt. Ricky had him guard the inbound player lol (lesson learned).

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