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Posts posted by BBsports

  1. Why are you asking? The one thing I value about BGP is all the different opinions I already knew how I felt about it but just wanted to throw it out there and read other thoughts.


    Are you concerned? I would say I’m concerned some for the other employees they not said anything but if they did he’s gone but for that matter the same goes for anyone. I’ve never seen this guy smile at all always has a stern look but he listens and does what is asked of him.



    Have there been issues? No issues so far but we have a saying here give them a few weeks and their true colors start showing up.


    Or are you just trying to make a point? No point at all just conversation

  2. New temp working for me has "White Pride" tattooed on the back of his arms, is that racists???

    He’s been here two weeks done a good job so far today he has on sleeveless shirt.

    Should someone be let go for a tattoo?

  3. I look for Haslam to go after Manning to be more of Elway type of role with the Browns maybe not a strong of a role. Supposedly Manning told Haslam that they would never be successful with Banner running things then Banner was gone. The two definitely have a connection. But I’m feeling good about Hue Jackson I think he will be able to get more out of the players then past coaches.

  4. RICHMOND, Va. – Concealed handgun permits held by residents of 25 states will no longer be valid in Virginia, the state's attorney general said Tuesday, drawing swift criticism from GOP lawmakers.

    Attorney General Mark Herring, a Democrat, said the state will revoke its reciprocity agreement with the states because their concealed weapon laws don't meet Virginia's standards. Those states hand out permits to people who are barred under the Virginia law, like fugitives, convicted stalkers and drug dealers, which undermines the state's law and puts residents at risk, he said.

    "Evenly, consistently and fairly enforcing Virginia's concealed handgun permit law, as we are now doing, means that it will be more difficult for potentially dangerous individuals to conceal their handguns here in Virginia and that will make Virginians safer, especially Virginian law enforcement," Herring said.


    The move means that Virginians will no longer be able to use their concealed handgun permits in six states that require a mutual reciprocity agreement: Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Wyoming.


    John Whitbeck, chairman of the Virginia Republican Party, said Herring's announcement was further proof that Democrats have "declared war on the Second Amendment."

    The top Republican in the GOP-controlled House of Delegates said that Herring is "damaging the integrity of the office he holds."


    "Despite promising to take politics out of the attorney general's office, Mark Herring consistently seeks to interpret and apply the law of the Commonwealth through the lens of his own personal, political opinions," House Speaker William Howell said.

    Lars Dalseide, a spokesman for the National Rifle Association, said concealed handgun reciprocity agreements between states have ended before, but his organization is unaware of another state ever implementing a change of this magnitude.


    States are currently being notified about the change, which goes into effect on Feb. 1, Herring said. The only states that have tough enough laws to maintain their reciprocity agreement with Virginia are: Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and West Virginia, he said.

    The states whose permits Virginia will no longer recognize are:

    Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming

  5. I don’t think Pat needs to be told anything he’s not dumb he knows what will happen if he struggles just adding more pressure to himself. Ky’s OC needs some plays to get Pat settled in.

    One thing we all can admit is that Pat has had his chances to prove himself if they go to Barker no one should be surprised and I really like Pat.

  6. You would think UK football fans would know by now that firing a the HC and the backup QB don't solve anything. If you fire Stoops who would UK hire? No top level assistant would take the job knowing that 3 years is the cutoff point for a turn around. Stoops is the guy and Towles is the guy. A change now at QB and it says that the program is playing g for next year. Dawson has to become less balanced in his playing calling, his OL is not going to allow him to pound the ball so he must use various types of screens to help alleviate some of the OL issues. If UK scores 14 in any fashion they win the game. Vandy will score one touchdown, but find it hard to believe they have the ability to score two offensive TDs.


    Play to your strengths not to what you want to do but to what you can do.

  7. Went to last night’s game tailgated some socialized a lot it was a great atmosphere and a beautiful night for football. On my way out gave Coach Wiggins a (man) hug and big congratulations on a great season and said the same to the rest of the coaches. Hats off to Berea I believe they only dressed 16 players and had to travel a long way but they played hard never gave up.

    Looking forward to going to more games and tailgating!!!!!

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