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Everything posted by TrueBlueWildcat

  1. I got to wondering what does MLB need to fix in order to compete with the NFL in terms of popularity, marketing, and to just get people excited for an entire season. 1. Get rid of Bud Selig (I believe he is retiring after his contract next season) 2. Implement some sort of salary cap or increase the luxury tax by about 200%. 3. MLB draft needs to allow teams the option of trading draft picks just like the other major sports. 4. Get rid of bad umpires. Maybe send them down to umpiring minor league games if they do bad in MLB games. 5. MARKETING! Baseball needs to learn how to market it's players. Pujols, Hanley, Mauer, Utley, Howard, Reyes. They need to market the sport better in order to get people excited. NBA does it, NFL does it, why can't MLB? 6. Do not expand replay, I think a small amount of human error is what makes the game fun and exciting. (sounds like I'm contradicting post #4 but I'm not) 7. Increase televised games. 8. Either get rid of the All-Star game counting for home-field advantage or get rid of having every team represented and just let the best players play each other (fan voting to an extent) 9. Start playoff games earlier than 10 and 11 PM. Kids can't get interested in something if it's past their bed time. 10. This one is just my own opinion but I would like to see MLB get rid of East, West, Central and just have AL & NL. Top 8 teams from each league goes to the playoffs.
  2. I understand that and I feel the same way as you but I love seeing baseball moving in a different direction to separate itself from the steroid era.
  3. I just noticed on ESPN today that A-Rod was sitting 2 homeruns shy of 600 but yet no one has a countdown tracker on him or all of this media like Bonds, McGuire, Sosa, etc. got when they played. Baseball has turned a corner and is heading in the right direction, minus a few details and a certain commish. I could care less if he gets to 600 and I hope he doesn't pass 715.
  4. And I actually have a couple more that say differently than you about the flag but I am leaving for now.
  5. I don't have actual evidence more than certain sites I believe to be more research based than just people who are in their mom's basement. I have another thing I will point out in all of this but it'll have to wait until later.
  6. You state about this: It's a simply matter of physics and remembering that on the moon that there is no atmosphere, so the motion of an object does not have air resistance to work against, meaning that it doesn't slow down like it does here on Earth. This comes from NASA's website but it tells more of a simple explanation: Not every waving flag needs a breeze -- at least not in space. When astronauts were planting the flagpole they rotated it back and forth to better penetrate the lunar soil (anyone who's set a blunt tent-post will know how this works). So of course the flag waved! Unfurling a piece of rolled-up cloth with stored angular momentum will naturally result in waves and ripples -- no breeze required! I still disagree with both and although I don't have the facts YET (going out to eat) I still believe that it COULD have been staged. It's fairly simple process and Americans will believe just about anything. I believe in conspiracies and you believe we went to the moon. See how that worked.
  7. We may make it out of this round by tonight or early in the morning. These last picks are owned by people who are usually on later in the evenings anyway.
  8. Doesn't that make me knowledgeable as well? Because we are both stating evidence and information for something that we neither one actually seen happen?
  9. Funny that some of your arguments don't even match up with some of those from government scientists and other people who have "debunked" these theories. And although I did use the term "debunk" multiple times in my previous posts i should have rephrased and stated that some people provided their side of the story and gave a very interesting rebuttal to the argument. Believe me, I have done a lot of research and finding of information regarding this topic. I even did a presentation on it in college.
  10. Keep it coming guys, it doesn't bother me. I think it just makes you all look very close minded on certain subjects that you all want to believe in because of the situation and magnitude it would have on people but clearly have flaws that make them seem like they could have been staged.
  11. Listen, I know I'm in the minority on this but to completely disregard something because you seen it on television is pretty laughable.
  12. Alright, so here's my take on the whole situation. First off I know there are many websites stating evidence of a hoax, and I know that there are just as many debunking the hoax but even then how do we know what the truth is. NO ONE actually seen those men on the moon and I mean no one. Unless you were on the moon with them then I don't want to hear anyone say they seen it happen. Does everyone really believe everything they see on tv? Yes the Apollo took off from the ground but that doesn't mean it actually landed on the moon does it? In the years of prep and actually launch date it cost around $25 billion for the Apollo project, that's a pretty steep price just to land on a rock before the Soviet Union. Since that time NASA has planned 3 more trips since then and all have been canceled due to lack of money. I find it hard to believe that NASA couldn't come up with some sponsor money and all of these television deals to help generate the money. It seems funny that they announce this stuff about going and the closer it gets they cancel. Also, the Soviet Union had launched the spy satellite and Americans freaked out so the American government put together this whole elaborate hoax of landing on the moon to try and "unite Americans" together and it actually worked. I'm going to talk about the picture evidence now, and I know there are many testimonials debunking each picture. *There should have been a larger crater in the moon than what there was. I know the moon is a giant rock but the blast from the shuttle should have made some kind of dent. *Why is the flag waving for? There is no gravity, nor wind on the moon. I read one thing that said the astronauts touched the flag but in all the videos I've watched they didn't "touch" it after they spiked it in the ground. The ripple effect would not have been that smooth. Now onto the whole "we taped over the moon landing". Are you serious NASA, you all actually taped over the only original video footage from the Apollo mission. This just provides more controversy for NASA that this happens. What about Buzz refusing to swear on a bible that he actually walked on the moon. Now I know some of you will say that he didn't have to prove anything but if I landed on the moon and I knew I did then I'd have absolutely no problem with putting my hand on the bible and saying so. I'll have more later but this is it for now. I'm not saying we could never land on the moon but I am saying it's hard to believe that we did in 1969, I don't believe the technology was there and I believe it was a quick setup by the government to lower the concerns put on by the Soviet Union.
  13. Interesting pick with him still recovering from knee surgery. Doesn't expect to play until around November I believe.
  14. 5.01 Fleming County Hooligans ( 1996 ) – QB Joe Flacco BAL 5.02 Maysville Split Ends (TB) (Sumoroyal) – TE Jeremichael Finley GBP 5.03 Indo Savages (PutMeInCoach) – RB Reggie Bush NO 5.04 Northern Kentucky Blazers ®(Bigblueinsanity) – WR Hines Ward PIT 5.05 Paducah Rabbit Fists (00Rocket28) – RB Ricky Williams MIA 5.06 Marrowbone Marauders ® (Hangman) – WR Mike Sims-Walker JAC 5.07 Bushwood Country Club Gophers (AverageJoesGym) – RB Justin Forsett SEA 5.08 Big Creek Moonshiners (Da champ) – WR Dwayne Bowe KC 5.09 Atwood Fighting' Amish (NEERFAN) – QB Jay Cutler CHI 5.10 Mississippi Thrill (Go Cats) – WR Wes Welker NEP 5.11 Maytown Mirkers (WildcatScratchFever) – OTC until 12:03 PM CST Thursday 5.12 Bardstown Butchers (BoondockSaint) – 5.13 Paducah Rabbit Fists (00Rocket28) – 5.14 Boyle County Blue Devils (PurplePride92) – 5.15 Junction City Jailcats (UKMustangFan) – 5.16 Middle Fork Mustard Seeds (5Wide) –
  15. I do. I have quite a few thoughts on this subject as well. I will give more insight to it here in a bit but I wanted to get the topic started.
  16. 5.01 Fleming County Hooligans ( 1996 ) – QB Joe Flacco BAL 5.02 Maysville Split Ends (TB) (Sumoroyal) – TE Jeremichael Finley GBP 5.03 Indo Savages (PutMeInCoach) – RB Reggie Bush NO 5.04 Northern Kentucky Blazers ®(Bigblueinsanity) – WR Hines Ward PIT 5.05 Paducah Rabbit Fists (00Rocket28) – RB Ricky Williams MIA 5.06 Marrowbone Marauders ® (Hangman) – WR Mike Sims-Walker JAC 5.07 Bushwood Country Club Gophers (AverageJoesGym) – RB Justin Forsett SEA 5.08 Big Creek Moonshiners (Da champ) – WR Dwayne Bowe KC 5.09 Atwood Fighting' Amish (NEERFAN) – QB Jay Cutler CHI 5.10 Mississippi Thrill (Go Cats) – OTC until 10:18 AM CST Wednesday 5.11 Maytown Mirkers (WildcatScratchFever) – 5.12 Bardstown Butchers (BoondockSaint) – 5.13 Paducah Rabbit Fists (00Rocket28) – 5.14 Boyle County Blue Devils (PurplePride92) – 5.15 Junction City Jailcats (UKMustangFan) – 5.16 Middle Fork Mustard Seeds (5Wide) –
  17. Read that it was an "open" endings and could set up a sequel.
  18. Good moving along today, now if we can make it to the 6th round by tomorrow night.
  19. 5.01 Fleming County Hooligans ( 1996 ) – QB Joe Flacco BAL 5.02 Maysville Split Ends (TB) (Sumoroyal) – TE Jeremichael Finley GBP 5.03 Indo Savages (PutMeInCoach) – Time Expired 5.04 Northern Kentucky Blazers ®(Bigblueinsanity) – WR Hines Ward PIT 5.05 Paducah Rabbit Fists (00Rocket28) – OTC until 6:04 PM CST Tuesday 5.06 Marrowbone Marauders ® (Hangman) – 5.07 Bushwood Country Club Gophers (AverageJoesGym) – 5.08 Big Creek Moonshiners (Da champ) – 5.09 Atwood Fighting' Amish (NEERFAN) – 5.10 Mississippi Thrill (Go Cats) – 5.11 Maytown Mirkers (WildcatScratchFever) – 5.12 Bardstown Butchers (BoondockSaint) – 5.13 Paducah Rabbit Fists (00Rocket28) – 5.14 Boyle County Blue Devils (PurplePride92) – 5.15 Junction City Jailcats (UKMustangFan) – 5.16 Middle Fork Mustard Seeds (5Wide) –
  20. 5.01 Fleming County Hooligans ( 1996 ) – QB Joe Flacco BAL 5.02 Maysville Split Ends (TB) (Sumoroyal) – TE Jeremichael Finley GBP 5.03 Indo Savages (PutMeInCoach) – Time Expired 5.04 Northern Kentucky Blazers ®(Bigblueinsanity) – OTC until 5:33 PM CST Tuesday 5.05 Paducah Rabbit Fists (00Rocket28) – 5.06 Marrowbone Marauders ® (Hangman) – 5.07 Bushwood Country Club Gophers (AverageJoesGym) – 5.08 Big Creek Moonshiners (Da champ) – 5.09 Atwood Fighting' Amish (NEERFAN) – 5.10 Mississippi Thrill (Go Cats) – 5.11 Maytown Mirkers (WildcatScratchFever) – 5.12 Bardstown Butchers (BoondockSaint) – 5.13 Paducah Rabbit Fists (00Rocket28) – 5.14 Boyle County Blue Devils (PurplePride92) – 5.15 Junction City Jailcats (UKMustangFan) – 5.16 Middle Fork Mustard Seeds (5Wide) –
  21. He was online last night but I guess he didn't check the thread. Time will expire in about 8 minutes.
  22. Who you callin a rook? I've been in this league before. :lol: I was just suggesting the 12 hour clock, not saying it was actually time for it.
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