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Posts posted by HouseofPain

  1. Well tonight is the night that McCreary needs to step up and play some real good football. They are coming off a dominatingperformance against Knott Co where everyone said it would be close and it wasn't close from the 1st play. Everyone is saying this is going to be a blow out by NL but I think the Raiders come out and play some great defense which has shown to be their strength this year and they keep this one close until the end and then they have a bug play that helps them pull out the win. Now, you all may say that this is just wishful thinking and that maybe but that is what makes people like me true fans.......... confidence in your team! Go Raiders and Go Get'em Guys!

  2. I have always said that everyone should respect everyone elses opinion on these forums but this forum has proven me wrong. This forum is a mirror of what is wrong with our country. Everyone fights and argues over religion and in fact religion is man made. God has no hand in religion. God has one church that Jesus created while here on earth as a man, God doesn't have a religion. The Bible is Gods word and it does say that the only way to the father is through the son you must be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ anything else falls short. He also commands us to go out and preach/teach to the world and we can't do that if we are afraid to step on someones toes or offend their religion which in fact was created to serve self-intrest of a person or group of people. I will be glad, as I always am, to sit down with anyone and let them show me in Gods word where what they say is right and if they can then I will agree it's right but if they can't then I don't have a problem telling them that they are wrong. I know several of you will get on here and attack this post but you won't be able to back it up biblically. If our country continues to turn away from God it will eventually suffer Gods wrath. What we need is to start every day at school with prayer, end every school day with prayer, pray at every event athletic or not and by putting God first in our lives as a country we may be able to start healing our country from rampat drug use, violence, teenage pregnancy ect.... Someone on here said they weren't God like and that no one was and that is true but we are suppose to strive to be as God like as possible even though we will all fall way short of the glory of God we are still suppose to try. May God Bless you all!

  3. I will gladly accept being called a homer. I have watched most of these guys grow from boys to fine young men and I know they all wor hard and have hearts like lions. I am Marion and Gold through and through! So, if supporting my guys no matter what and giving them the benefit of the doubt in most games in their schedule makes me a homer than the "H" in HoP mite as well stand for homer. Go Raiders and Go Get'em Guys!

  4. 17th century probably doesn't have anything to do with our country. 1776 ring a liberty bell with you! Yes, some or even most of our family fathers had slaves and my reference was to God delivering his chosen people into slavery so it may not necessarily be a Christian thing to do it doesn't mean they didn't believe in God. I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and I believe in God ad read the Bible but that doesn't mean all of my actions and thoughts are Christian like after all I am human just like our founding fathers!

  5. And how did God's

    word fit into slavery and the treatment of Native Americans?


    I am pretty sure our history with the native Americans are a little after our founding fathers created the constitution that is the frame work of our country. As for slavery, it has been around since the days Jesus walked on this earth and at times was caused by Gods hands for his chisen people mostly because they forgot about him. There is no such this as evil................evil is just the word we use to describe the absence of God!

  6. Well, being a true Maroon and Gold Raider fan and also being a realist really contradict each other this week. So, I will have to put it as if I were coaching and getting ready for this game. It's going to be a very tough week but I would put together a game plan that would give my team the best possible way to keep the game close enough to give us a chance to win at the end if the other team makes a mistake. This means my team would have to play 4 quarters of mistake free football, my team would have to take a few chances and calculated gambles and be successful with all of them. My team would have to win the speacial teams game and be on the positive side of the turnover equation! My prediction is all these things must happen to give

    the Raiders a chance to win! Good luck Raiders and Go Get'em Guys!

  7. Just read what out founding fathers said about God, putting our faith in him and praying to him. Our country we founded "In God We Trust"! Also, separation of Church and state was not to keep the church out of government it was to keep the government from dictating what church you attended. Our founding fathers let Gods word guid them in running this country from it's beginning and now we want to keep Gid out of our governments decisions. It's no wonder our country is in the shape it's in. Of course there are some of you who will disagree and that's your right but I will witness for God anywhere anytime and I know where I will be for eternity! May God Bless you all

  8. Well let's stay with that clear perspective you like to talk about HB. I would say Braken didn't play a lot of JV players and Knott only scored 6 points against the Varsity. Also, I would like to point out that you said this game was a toss up and it was not even close to that even with the 3 scores on the JV. So yeah we will be super exited about this win as fans and I would say the coaches are already working on the game plan for next week and they will get back to business on Mon. But as fans we will enjoy the dominating win all week because like it has been said there are no cake walks so this was a hard fought victory and we will enjoy it and worry about next Friday around 7:30 next Friday. Heartbreaker you enjoy your crow until then. I have found a little salt and pepper and dipped in ranch makes it taste a little better. LoL!

  9. The Raiders totally dominated this game from the first play. The Raiders had to many athletes and completely controlled the trenches. It was great to see the kids having fun. A lot of kids got minutes as the coaching staff started spot playing JV kids in the 2nd quarter and going with a majoity of JV kids towards the end of the 3rd quarter. 5 or 6 different kids scored for the Raiders showing they have many athletes! It was well worth the two and a half hour trip. Good luck to the Raiders as this gives them something to build on for the rest of the season!

  10. No Boilercat I'm good with that. I have said the same thing for two years. I think Coach Derrick Smith is a very good coach and will become a great coach and I hope he coaches for the next 15 years to give the program the consistency it needs and has never had. I have supported him, the players and the program from day one and will continue to do so. But I also have a son playing 7th grade football who will be in high school in a couple of years and I also have a little knowledge of the game and as a parent I will always speak out for the best interest of my son (always in a positive way of course) just like you BC speak out for your brother (I wish you were at the game Friday it was great.) I will continue to support the Raiders and everyone involved with program but I will always be as realistic as possible week to week and I will always do that in a positive way! Good luck to the Raiders with the rest of the season!

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