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Posts posted by HouseofPain

  1. You are right, if Amis plays PCC more than likely score (maybe) 14-18, but no way does him playing change the outcome.


    From a 41 point game to a 2 point game? Would this kid made that much of a difference on the "D" side of the ball? I could see changing it to like a 21 pont spread because the offense would have had the ball longer and things like that but your statement has confused me:confused: because I have been around football along time and I don't know of one player that can make a 39 point difference in a high school football game. IMHO!

  2. I agree, the Green Dragon offensive line owned the night and their running back was a handful. I was glad that the Raiders defense held when they had to but they need a lot of work or adjustments from the coaches to get them where they can slow down their next apponent. I hope they really concentrate of the "D" side of the ball this week in practice and use this game as a tool to see what needs to be corrected! Again, my hats are off to the Green Dragons they played hard all night and congrats to the Raiders on a hard foaught well deserved win!


    Bronco, I can tell you that the coaching staff was not pleased with the "D" performance in this game. However, there were many instances were they bent but did not break. As I suspected Harlan played a hard nosed game and never quit and for that alone they are winners in my book! They have some great kids, coaches and fans. I wish them luck with the rest of their season and congradulations to the Raiders for the win. Now, have a good week of practice and fix the "Big D" before Thursday!

  3. Who is hooked on the Ultimate Fighting Championships? I buy everyone on Pay-Per-View and never miss the re-runs on spike. i watch the reality show "The Ultimate fighter and I have to two live events. Man, that stuff is addictive and i love it!:fight:

  4. AllSEC first team his jr and sr years. I remember listening on the radio to his first game at Vandy. They were playing Duke and he played sparingly in the first half and then lit it up in the 2cd half. He finished with 36 and that was before the 3 pt line. :thumb:


    Oh no not a skinny-ball post!:confused:

  5. Well in defense of the players at Southern, those kids simply turned the ball over in the fourth quarter. This game with Williamsburg will be a dogfight. Southern actually has a pretty competitive team, they have just shot themselves in the foot in key situations. Coach Brumley has a group of tough minded kids who just need to believe in each other. Southern has a great Junior class, and with a great offseason the future should be bright. I will always support Madison Southern, and the fans down there need to support them as well.


    You are first class slapfest07, keep supporting them kids because they deserve it. I think you guys played a great game ad both teams faught hard. I think the officials got carried away at times (like giving Rico the unsportsman like when he gave Watts a little lov'in for a great hit) no one on the McCreary sideline was happy with that call. Rico is a great athlete and was very sportsman like all night. I wish Madison Southern all the best with the rest of your season. My prediction for this game is 7 points either way!

  6. The truth is McCreary could have scored 40 per half on M.S. but could not take care of the ball. Turnovers were a direct result in 21 of M.S. points. 4 out of the 5 TD's scored were passes over the top. I said all of that to get to this: W-burgs D-line and LBers are definately able to shut down M.S.'s running game and M.S. isn't much of a throwing threat. W-burg's Offense will pick apart M.S.'s "D" and because of the passing game the TB will have well over 100 yards. All of this factored in and I would have to say W-burg wins by 40 unless they play at Madison Southern then it will be closer!:ylsuper:


    I agree W-burg should easily win this game but I can give first hand testomony that if it is played at Madison Southern the odds are against you blowing them out. We had 9 straight penalties called against us on our 2nd offensive series calling back a TD and a couple of very good runs. That was just a small example of how our game was officiated. My advice to W-burg (who is definately the better team) is to stay positive and work together no matter what happens during the course of the game, that is if it is played at M.S.

  7. You McCreary guys are true sportsmen. We don't get much respect around here. Seems like just a lot of negativity. Support is definately a BIG part of success. We have certainly had a tough start this year and last Friday gave us something to build on. Good luck to you guys, except for Friday. :D No prediction, but look forward to a good game. :thumb:


    We know how it feels to get degraded all of the time and have our young men work their butts of all week and play their hearts out on Fridays. Success is more than wins and losses and teams like McCreary and Harlan may never win a state championship but because they have a program they help develope respectfull hard working young men. These young men deserve praise and support for putting in their time for the school and community. I thank God every day that 48 young men in McCreary county are playing football and not out doing drugs or what have you. I say good job to all athletes at every school and good luck to the Green Dragons and to the Raiders! 1968isaac thanks for your comment us in McCreary Co appreciate it. We always feel at home when we come to Harlan to play and I am sure this year will be no different. See ya at the game!

  8. Hey HouseofPain glad to see you start posting on here and good luck to the Raiders on Friday.


    Thanks bronco99, I hope you will be there Friday. I think McCreary will be ready for some hard nosed action. I am good friends with Coach Donahue and I know he will have his Green Dragons primed and ready to knock your head off. Should be a good game. Give me a call between now and Friday!

  9. I am so glad that McCreary started to put some emphasis in football and that is evident by all of the MC posters on here. Goodness knows that if anyone is due some success on the field, its MC. Good luck to you guys. I'll be rooting for you every other night except friday. The Dragons need this one also!!


    Thanks outlawcoach, the big come from behind win last week sparked some enthusiasm throughout the entire school. Things are getting better but I will have to agree with Bronco99 and the administration need to get behind the program 100% for it to really take off. I am glad you are pulling for us and I completly understand about your loyalties this Friday. Good luck the remainder of the year(except Friday of course).

  10. But you see, a throwing motion results in the ball going forward. The spot becomes the point on the field where the ball is when it leaves his hand. That becomes the point at which "grounding" is marked.


    And the ball is almost always released ahead of the front foot in a throwing motion. Sounds like the ref made the right call!

  11. Watts is the best running back, reciever and quarterback on this team. He also does a good job on defense. Roark is a very good back but I believe Watts has the ability to be a D1 kid.


    I definately agree with you that Watts is the best athlete on the team. However, Roark is a natural tailback that can run in the middle of the field better than Watts and he still has enough speed to hurt you on the outside. These two definately compliment each other and I am glad that we have both.



    DreamLand: Stop Watts and you win by at least two touchdowns. Let him run, you lose. McCrearys line play is suspect so put lots of pressure on Watts and see what happens.


    DreamLand, I don't know if you have been invoved very close to any football programs but one person dosen't make-up an entire team. Our line works very hard and without them Watts and Roark couldn't gain a yard. Also, we have several young me who can catch a ball which helps when Watts throws it. So, you can see we are just like every other team it is a group effort and everyone depends on each other. The Raiders are like every one else in that we have players we don't want to do without, like Watts, because our team would definately not be as effective.But, in the same sense we would not be as good if we didn't have Roark ect... Every member of every team is important to how that team functions!

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