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Posts posted by HouseofPain

  1. Well, like I predicted it would come down to defensive play. McCreary Moved the ball all night at will but shot themselves in the foot on many occassions. I bet Mccreary had somewhere around 300 yards total offense. Their first 2 series they were moving down the field at 4 to 6 yards a pop but threw an interception and had a turnover. I don't think McCreary punted one time in this game they just couldn't finish off their drives. In short Southerns defense gave up a lot of yards just didn't give up points and I knew that's were this game would be won or lost. I don't think you can say 1 or 2 people on defense can account for 40 points. Yes, they would have made a difference on offense in finishing drives with points but that should have happened anyways but it was one of those nights where things just didn't go Mccreary's way on offense where they ended drives and sometimes that happens. Anyway congradulation to Madison Southern on a good win and to my McCreary Raiders I will say keep your heads up, keep playing as a team, and keep working hard everyday. I am very proud of you all and I am sure everyone else is to. Football is a man's sport and you all prove yourselves everyday by your dedication and hard work. Go Get'em Guys!

  2. I think this game will be decided by whose defense steps up and plays. With the size and strength in the middle for McCreary and with a little above average quickness in the defensive backfield and Tyson Williams back healthy at linebacker I think McCreary will be ready to make a big defensive stand in this game so I will take McCreary by 14 in another good game between these two ball clubs!

  3. Big-Ballin as cellking has pointed out three of the four games McCreary lost were all to ranked teams in their classes. Edmonson is No. 2. I understand McCreary played them hard for almost three quarters. It does not matter if they are district or non tough teams are tough teams. I started paying attention to McCreary in 2006 and I can tell you they have not have not had an easy schedule in the five years I have paid attention to them.


    I have not paid as close attention to them this year but I think they can do well with the rest of their season. Good Luck!


    I have to disagree a little there TRENCHMASTER, 4 years ago they were playing a non-district schedule with mostly lower end 1A and 2A teams but that was because they were trying to rebuild the program. Like I said earlier the Raiders were just crawling at that time and now they have learned to walk the next thing to do is start running which means working toward an even tougher schedule and you do that by getting bigger, faster and stronger in the off-season. I see great things ahead for the Raiders and the first thing I see is a big win Friday night over Powell Co. Go Get'em Guys!

  4. Some of these guys on here think if your off-season schedule doesn't have Boyle, Highlands, Male, Trinity and Saint X on it then it's not a tough schedule. This is the toughest schedule that McCreary has ever had and that is the way you build a program. No one said it was the toughest schedule in the state but Mccreary plays in the toughest 4-A district and has their toughest out of district schedule ever and I am sure it will continue to be tough and even tougher in the future and eventually meet up with everyone elses standards. McCreary started of crawling and now they are walking in another couple or so years they will be running (ie: an even tougher schedule) and with some really hard work and dedicated kids maybe even get into the full sprint mode. Whoa nelly, I don't mean to put the cart before the horse, LoL! Let's just focus on beating Powell Co. for now and let the nay sayers have their say as everything else will come in due time! Go Get'em Guys!

  5. If you would read, I said the other kids did contrbute. But you didn't answer my my question about YOUR plays not working last season without WATTS? Smith will keep it going as he will beat M.S.


    Yes every player contributed as they do this year, finally we agree on something. The only game I remember Arron not playing in last year was the Powell Co game where he sat out the 2nd half and the offense ran very well without him or we would not have been victorious so maybe you were thinking about the year before when he was out for half a season and we struggled. But I will tell you this I give the kids all the credit for the success we had last year or any year and I will take the credit for all and any lack of success we have encountered. Coaches do not win football games players do but coaches should always take the blame for the losses and not put that on the players. I do agree however that Coach Smith will have the Raiders properly coached up for this weeks game against Powell Co and next weeks game against Madison Southern and I have every confidence that the efforts of the coaching staff will have the players ready for victory in both games and fully expect that the Raiders will once again be in the playoffs. Go Get'em Guys!


    Trenchmaster, you are 100% correct sir and I 100% agree with you and if everyone looked at things in that same way are program would be twice if not three times as strong. God bless you sir!

  6. I have total confidence that McCreary will win this game. They just need to be focused on the game this friday and not let themselves get caught up in what happend last week or the Wayne co game or the Russell co scrimmage all of those things are done and gone. Just use the experiences you have had and focus on getting ready to play Powell Co and McCreary will win this game. I will take McCreary by 14. Go Get'em Guys!

  7. Well, I was gonna leave this one alone but sometimes I just can't help myself. LoL! IMO I think everyone should always be positive now that doesn't mean you can't give critsizim but there is such thing as positive or constructive critisism. Now, I know just about all of the posters on here(from MC) I am sure and you all know who I am because it's obvious. Now, I am going to tell everyone on here that dogging each other at the expense of our kids isn't very constructive for our program. I use to let PRIDE controll what I said to people but that didn't make it right so I have tried to think and most importantly pray about how I feel about things and what I say concerning things. What cellking said was out of frustration I am sure and what the Banker retalliated with was the same. My first instinct is to jump all over the Bankers post and talk about the last two years being very close at halftime and how the wet field last year was a help to Knox and hurt MC because of the quickness factor, but I realize he is just responding out of frustration and the only way he has been able, as many others on here, to deal with his frustration is to attck others. I know , I have been there myself but it never solves anything and only hurts the community, program and most of all the kids. I pray every night that our community, admiistration and coaches can somehow all get on the same page and start supporting each other instead of tearing each other down all the time. We always tell our kids to play as a team and not fight amongst themself but we cannot live by our own words and be a positive part of the same team. Most of the time we critisize just because we don't like someting about someone else but it isn't about us adults, it is about the kids and when we lash out at each other instead of supporting each other all it does is hurt the kids. I hope every kid in every athletic program we have finds success with their efforts as they sacrafice time, dedication and hard work for our community and school. I will continue to pray that I can continue to overcome being pridefull and always put our kids first because we touch their lives with everything we say and do. I will also pray for everyone in our community, especially those of us who work with kids daily, and I hope you all pray for me because I need it as much if not more than most! Now Raiders, Go Get'em Guys!

  8. This will definately be a tough week for my Raiders. Coach Mills has Knox Central on the rise to be an elite force in KY high school football. These guys live in the weight-room in the off-season and that is where it is at, it hasn't happened over-nite it has taken years of hard work and having the players buy into a system that gets them bigger faster and stronger. My biggest piece of advice to the Raiders under-classmen is to take note of Knox centrals off season program and learn from it because that is what has gotten them to this point and is what will keep the program going up hill. You have to want it bad enough to work for it, the coaches can't want it or do it for you. "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!" Now Raiders go out this week and lay it on the line, have confidence in yourself, play fundamental football and play at 100% at all times so when you leave the field you can hold your head high and look your teammates in the eyes knowing you did your best and that is all anyone can ask! Go Get'em Guys!

  9. With a line like MC has they should be able to run between the tackles and pick up 3-5 yards on MOST anybody. The line just has to believe in themselves, work on proper technique week in and week out and prepare for each individual opponent one at a time! I truely believe this was just the start for them and will win 3 more games this year. Go Get'em Guys!

  10. McCreary showed up to play tonight and got the job done, It was good to see these young men play like I know they can. The linemen were sustaing blocks and the backs were running hard. The defense played real good all night long. The hard work of the players and staff showed tonight. Congradulations to coach Smith and his staff for their first win and I am sure it won't be their last. Keep up the good work guys!:banana:

  11. Wayne, Scott and Somerset didn't play their studs on the JV team. They only played on Friday night.


    All someone said is this years team has the capability to win because they have shown it in the past and all you want to do is put the kids down for doing positive things last year. I don't understand...................how can you look those kids in the eyes tomorrow night and say that you are behind them and support them and you think they can win and most of all haw can you be so negative and judgemental and call yourself a christian. I will pray for you tonight and I will be be there to support my Raiders tomorrow night as I always am! Go Get'em Guys!

  12. I'll have to agree, Watts and Roark made McCreary what they were the last few years. Now I know it takes a team, but no Watts, no Roark equals no win!


    The McCreary vs. Madison Southern looks like another battle except this time there are true stars on either side.



    I think I will just give up!!!!!!!!!! I guess I agree with cellking, Tim Couch is what made Leslie what they were in the past so they should just do away with the football program over there because there is no hope left! I am sorry to be so sarcastic but it's just stupid to say that McCreary can't win because these guys are gone. Sorry BB Madison Southern has nothing to do with this thread so we will talk about that in a few weeks! Raiders win this Friday because my Raiders can get the job done period! Go get'em Guys!

  13. If the Raiders had Aaron back this year, they would be 3-0 and a easy win Friday night. The Raiders went 7-4 last year! First ever winning season! The Raiders are not Bell, Rock or Knox.


    Beat Madison Southern and nobody cares what happen in the other 9 games. Good Luck Coach Smith, Staff and PLAYERS.


    Banker you never cease to amaze me! One man can't make up for all the points givien up or lack of points scored in the last 3 outings, sorry it just doesn't work that way. Now if all three games would have been decided by a TD or less I might be inclined to agree with you, but they were not. Saying what you said is just another excuse. Do you want the Raider players to know you think they are not good enough to win? I am almost psitive you don't. Like I said earlier, Watts and Roark have run their course and now they are gone so lets all let them be gone they will never again be a factor for MCHS Raider football. Now, Friday should be a win for the Raiders but they will have to earn it there is no such thing as EASY when it comes to winning football games, not this year nor last year or any year for that matter. Leslie Co is struggling and they only have 4 seniors but the Raiders will have to play fundamentally sound football "Block, Tackle, Win"! As far as the rediculous statement that beating Madison Southern and going 1-9 will mean everyone will forget about the 9 losses, that has to be the craziest thing I have ever heard. Last year the Raiders went 7-4 and all I heard was how easy of schedule the Raiders had and the only competition was Knox, Bell and Rock and they beat the Raiders easily. Plus, the sounds of why can't the Raiders get to the playoffs were replaced with why can't the Raiders win a playoff game. Trust me, football fans and program critics are never satisfied with what you have done they are only interested in what you are currently doing. So don't fool yourself thinking such things, besides I know you know better! Bottom line is that the current Raider football players are more than capable of player better football than they did Friday aginst Wayne and they are more than capable of soundly beating Leslie this Friday. As I have said many times already this year "I have confidence in them"! To tell you the truth I expect non-Raiders to be scepticle about the abilities of our players but it just boggles my mind when people that I know are from McCreary County and I know they publicly praise the Raiders ability and then get on here and basically put them down and discrace them. I just don't understand that. I will love, support and be positive about my Raiders till the day I die (because that's what you do with young people that you love and want to always see grow in positive ways), I didn't grow up or graduate here but I believe myself to be more of a diehard Raider fan than many of those who did. I support you guys and I have confidence that you will play like I know you can and you WILL get the job done against Leslie. So, Go Get'em Guys!

  14. I'll have to go with cellking and say the Raiders prevail in this one. The Raiders will have 6 seniors and 5 juniors who started and/or played a lot last year along with the best sophmore linebacker in the region in Tyson Williams who also started as a freshman last year playing for them in this game. Leslie County only has 4 seniors on their team and 3 of them won't be playing Friday night. To me all of this adds up to a Raider win. Like I have said from the get go the Raiders have a lot of talent and experience on this team and should have no trouble winning this game. However, they haven't been in sync yet this year so I will keep my prediction resonable. I do however think Goins will rush for 150 so yards and the Raiders will score several times. This will be the Raiders coming out party and I will say the score will be 28-6 in the Raiders favor. Go Get'em Guys!



    PS, Can a moderator please add a poll to this thread. A lot of BGPers express their opinions through the polls! Thank you!

  15. Programs like Highlands and Bell County and others at that level never seem to rebuild. Teams like McCreary when they do have the best team that the school ever had do rebuild. Overstating what a single player or group of players can do hurts just as much as underestimating what they can do, in fact it may hurt even worse. Realism is not a bad thing. It is like a really respected coach once told me "if you are returning a bunch of starters from a bad team all you have is the core of another bad team" Now I am not saying McCreary was a bad team last year, what I am saying is that Watts and Roark made them much better. If you put those two guys back on this team you would have a much improved team. If you cannot see that then you are not being realistic. Sometimes a healthy dose of realism is what a team needs.


    Goals are great for a team but I truely believe that you have to set realistic goals, because if you don't the continued failure of never reaching your goals carries over to other parts of the program, including off season workouts, numbers of kids playing etc. Sometimes you cannot define "getting the job done" in wins and losses, but small victories within a game or a series of games.


    I 100% agree with everything you said Blazer. I can gaurantee you I am not overestimating the ability of the McCreary players. I am not even saying that they should be winning these games or any games for that fact, their schedule is not an easy one for our program (should is a word that indicates a win is gauranteed), but I am saying that these guys know how to play the game, they are athletic and they know how to win and they should be playing at a level where they are at least in a position to win I am also saying they have the ability to win games this season. Now, I am not saying it's anyones fault that they haven't won to this point, I am just saying that looking for excuses is not the answer and the answer is to find the problem and correct it and that is the only way to get the program on track. I am also saying that is I believe this coaching staff will do just that. As far as Watts and Roark, they were great players and I truely enjoyed coaching them and yes they would make this team or any team for that matter better but their time at McCreary has came and went and it is time to move on! Go Raiders. Go Get'em Guys!

  16. I agree with almost everything you have said HOP, but the coaching staff in place right now is no where near the quality of staff that was there last year, just my opinion.Good luck Raiders !


    I truely appreciate your comment about last years staff being a quality one, thank you! I would have to say that I also think that the current staff is a quality staff and I have every confidence in their ability to coach and continue the growing process of our program. I personally know and respect each coach and think they will do a great job. Give them a chance kyrj they will get the job done!

  17. Although HoP does not believe that the Raiders miss Watts and the other seniors who departed athlitic contributions, I am sure that they miss the leadership that those guys provided. Sometimes teams are just looking around expecting some player to step up and make plays and Watts did that. Now they don't have that type of player. That is a tough thing to replace. Till the Raiders find a "go to guy" I think they will continue to stuggle. I agree that the coaches are working hard and I am sure that the kids are working hard, it appears that they are missing a key ingrediant. Sometimes it takes years to find that guys sometimes it only takes a game or two. I was not surprised by the score when you look at what a team like Pineville did to them you could see what was coming.


    Blazer, if you read I never said that. I would have to be a moron to think that kids like Watts and Roark aren't missed after they graduate as is any senior that graduates. All I said is all high school teams lose outstanding players to graduation and they still keep going on utilizing the up and coming talent until they graduate and are missed. This is the evotlution of high school football and doesn't make every year a rebuilding year. It's when you graduate 14 seniors and only return 3 for the next year along with only 5 or 6 juniors but have 21 sophmores with no experience, now that is a rebuilding year. But I agree with you blazer that players who are leaders are part of the ingredience needed for success.

  18. No shame in losing to Wayne, they are a very fundamentally sound team. They run a very productive Defensive Scheme and always seem to have a few players that can flat out motor in the open field. MC is going the right way.


    MC has been much improved the last few years and played well all over the field not just the Big 2. I think these kids just need to believe in themselves as a team and quit listening to everyone talking about kids that have graduated and are gone now. Good Luck Raiders!!!


    Is there little league football or elementary football in MC? If not enough kids for a league, maybe look into putting teams (by age) in the Lake Cumberland League in Somerset. Garrard did this for several years and developed quite a bit of talent that way. Alot of those Jr's and Sr's at Garrard that upset Estill last night played in the LCYFL as 5th and 6th graders.


    My point exactly!

  19. HoP all due respect to you and your opinions it is not making excuses to say they are rebuidling. if losing an entire coaching staff (clinton gay was district coach of the year) 11 seniors and two not just two outstanding players one was the ky athelete of the year and the other was a freakish tough nosed runner is not rebuilding than what is? and no not every high school team graduates the best player they ever had every year it is no slight on the team or kids to say this and it is not an excuse! unrealistic expectations are more damaging to a young team than an honest assesment of where they are at which is rebuilding in my opinion. i think most people would agree they are rebuilding. why do you keep saying people are making excuses people are merely making an honest assessment of where the program is right, wrong or indifferent? facts are facts.


    You can't blame their issues this year on people making excuses for them i don't think that is the case. i respect your knowledge of the prog. but I disagree.


    I disagree with it being a rebuilding year because it's not. The only reason people are saying that is because of the graduation of Watts and Roark. Like I said, when this season started there were 14 players that started and/or played most of every game last year and when you return 8 seniors and 5 juniors that started and/or played in the previous year it is not a rebuilding year. I am not nor would I ever put the Raiders down because my heart and soul is and has always been with Raider football and the kids that play. I have coached football for 24 years and a rebuilding year is when you only return 2 or 3 starters from the previous year and almost everyone that has to start and play have never started and played varsity football. Now those are the facts. These kids know how to play and they know how to win. Yes it will be a hard road but it wasn't easy last year either. I was not trying to ruffle any feathers Trenchmaster but as you said the facts are the facts. Just because you replace the coaching staff doesn't make it a rebuilding year, I know the coaches too and they are all very capable coaches who know the game of football and as I have said many times I have total confidence in them to get the job done and to continue the building process of the Raider football program for many, many years to come. The only reason I can think that you or anyone says this is a rebuilding year is the fact that there are some sophmores who start and a couple freshmen who play quite a bit well I have news for everyone every team in our region has and probably still has sophmores that start and freshmen that play. These things to me are excuses not reasons and I know the kids and if you give them excuses they will have the tendency to grab hold of them and use them as a reason not to work hard, I have seen it for too many years. Again, I was not and I am not trying to ruffle anyone's feathers, this is a forum and all I am doing is expressing my opinion which I think most on here can say has always been a fair and respectfully given opinion even if they disagree and it is everyones right to disagree with my opinion as it is my right to disagree with theirs. With all that said I think the Raiders still have 4 realistic chances to win this season so that is what they need to be focusing on, I think you will see them get better each week and that is all you can ask. Go get'em guys!


    PS, I didn't say that teams lose the best player they EVER had each year, all I said is other teams miss outstanding players too when they graduate and outstanding players graduate every year that is just part of high school football. Onother thing, if you think that everyone else thinks this is a rebuilding year you are also mistaken because I am constantly speaking up for our program, players and coaches alike, and pointing out all the positive things that the coaches and players are accomplishing. Having bad years happen and they have happened to every coach and staff but you use every loss as a learning and teaching tool and move on it's not the end of the world anyway, I respect your opinion Trenchmaster but I honestly and repectfully disagree and in my opinion if the kids start (and some already have) believing they can't win because it is a rebuilding year then it even gets harder! Good luck to you and the Raiders this Thursday at Leslie I will definately be there cheering on my Raiders.

  20. Can the Raiders win this year?


    That would be a 100% YES! They still have a few games that are very winable and next week against Leslie Co is one of them. Right now the Raiders need to continue to work hard and keep their head up and don't listen to anyone who is trying to make excuses for them and realize there is no such thing as an easy win and you can't live in or on the past. They have to focus, bust their buts and play hard nosed football every Friday night. With that said I think they can still win up to 4 football games this year, like I said earlier I know what kind of athletes the Raiders have and what kind of football they are capable of playing they just have to get it done so everyone else knows what I am talking about. Go Get'em Guys!:ylsuper:

  21. Well, I am definately disappointed Heartbreaker but no need to be underwatch (but that was a good one, LoL). I have total confidence in the Raiders ability beecause I have coached them for many years and know what they are capable of as should the current coaching staff as 3 of the coaches have coached many of them in middle school where they started their development. Trenchmaster I have to disagree with you, this should not be a rebuilding year and as a team they are not any younger than the teams they are playing as 14 or so players that are on the roster for the Raiders started and/or played a lot of varsity football last year in a very successful season. Everyone wants to talk about the Raiders missing Watts and Roark well they do but no more than any other team misses 2 outstanding players when they graduate. My point is all of this stuff is no more than excuses that are being put in the minds of young men who are more than capable of playing hard nosed good fundamental football and they are more than capable of winning football games. When this years seniors were 8th graders they destroyed Wayne Co much like the game went for Wayne Co last night. I am very familiar with players on both teams and the Raiders have just as many athletes if not more than the Cards do. The Cards were definately the best team last night and I congradulate them and my friend coach Thompaon, but I wouldn't trade two of those Cardinal teams for my Raiders. I don't know what the rest of the season will look like but I can gaurantee you that I will not waiver one bit in the confidence I have in these young mens abilities to get the job done every Friday night because I know what level they are capable of playing. You will never hear me make excuses for them because that is not what they need, they need to be incouraged by the fans and they need to be pushed to work harder everyday by the coaches and these guys will respond in a positive manner. Work hard(er) guys and push each other to be the best you can be I will always be behind you, now Go Get'm Guys!

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