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Posts posted by StraightShooter

  1. I don't think Ryle has shown even a glimmer of hope to be able to compete at the same caliber of St. X and Trinity. How can the coaching be "on track" but play calling be questionable? A lot of coaching is the play calling and quite frankly, it's embarassing. The coaches don't call timeouts when they should be called, they have players in positions where they don't belong, and they don't use kids often enough who could be a dominant factor this year. I hope you're prediction is right, but I don't see it happening.


    It sounds like you have some kind of ax to grind with the coaching staff at Ryle. I see a team that plays hard and could very easily be a surprise team in the playoffs.

  2. I agree. I don't think Ryle has a chance at this one. The coaching has been consistently bad all season so I wouldn't expect them to get smart the last game.


    I'm not sure why Ryle's coaching staff is getting ripped so bad. They were the only local team that gave Highlands a game, they lost 3 very close games to decent teams and have a team that always plays hard. That's the sign of good coaching - a team that gives 100%. Now maybe play-calling is not the best, but it continues to improve each week. I'll go on record as saying I'll be shocked if this is not a close game. No way that Hank Clay blows out Ryle in this one. It will probably be a shoot out.

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