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Posts posted by FalconBacker

  1. How does this OC team compare to those loaded Ft. Campbell teams?


    O-Cath may be close to the talent on the 2007 FC championship team, but not even in the same conversation as the 2008 or the even better 2009 team. It is unfair to O-Cath to try and compare them to any FC championship team. FC had a Mr. Football, some all-state performers, etc... O-Cath doesn't have that this year.


    However, this O-Cath team is more than capable of representing the west and winning the state championship.

  2. Oh yeah!!! They are the real deal again this year. That side of the bracket is stacking up to be very tough as well!!!


    I think from one end of the state to the other, 2A football is by far the most competitive with some excellent match-ups. I just wish we could play some games on Friday and some on Saturday so I could travel and see some of these great teams.

  3. O-Cath would probably beat Owensboro if they had a rematch at this point in the season.


    They are a very sound and well-disciplined team, which should be considered the favorite out of the west for 2A. Never know what happens in the playoffs, many times things work out differently than anticipated. Great job by Coach Edge to get O-Cath back on the map after a terrible season in '09.

  4. Four weeks ago I would have said Owensboro Catholic was the overwhelming favorite, although I would have voted for Fort Campbell to pull the unlikely upset. Fast forward through the bye week, Tre Powell returning, and the Falcon’s last two games and I think the gap between these two district rivals has closed to just about even. I expect a classic OC vs FC matchup for the district championship and maybe the best game between these two we have seen since 2005. OC will likely throw the ball all over the field and having Tre back on defense is big boost, not to mention his ability on offense and special teams. Hills has been playing much better and I think is really maturing as the QB. The keys for Fort Campbell will be not to turn the ball over, stop OCs passing attack, and win the battle in the trenches.


    I’m going with Fort Campbell in a close one.


    I don't think I have ever walked into Fryar Stadium and not had a flashback to the 2005 playoff game with O-Cath. That one, without a doubt, cost us another trophy in the trophy case. Young sophomore QB CJ Croft learned a lot that game and would use that experience later as a senior to bring home that elusive state title in 2007.

  5. When Monroe played FC at Austin-Peay last year for semi-state Tre Powell was more impressive to me than Antonio Andrews. I am pretty sure that I even posted this after the game on here. This kid is the real deal!!! He is one of those God Given Talents!!! You can really tell his presence on the field no matter where he may be lined up...OC had better shadow this young man because if they do not shut him down he and the rest of the team will make them pay dearly!!! As I said earlier, I would love to see this game, but gotta go to Green County!!!!


    In Antonio's defense, he was playing with a real bad hamstring when you saw him. He was basically dragging 40 lbs. of dead-leg with him on every play. The same hamstring injury really bothered him in the Murray, Monroe and DeSales games.


    Tre Powell however, was the best player on the team last year and remains on an entirely different level this year. (How many teams have a Mr. Football who was just the second best player on the team?) Tre was also the leading tackler on the FC squad last year from the FS position; had two key interceptions against Monroe last year.


    He is just a couple punt return for TDs away from breaking the KY state record. It is a shame that he missed so many games due to injury, may have cost him a Mr. Football award. The coaches showed a lot of patience in the time schedule of bringing him back. His injury is good to go and it will be fun to watch him for the few games left this year. He should go on to great success at the next level.

  6. Fort Campbell isn't the same team now that Tre Powell is back on the field ... he's the Falcons' biggest playmaker. Note how badly the Falcons beat Hancock County, and compare that score with how badly Owensboro Catholic beat the Hornets.

    Murray returned something like 14 starters from a team that took the eventual state champions to the last minute. It isn't like the Tigers are unproven.

    If then Falcons beat Owensboro Catholic, or even lose a close game to the Aces, it means that Fort Campbell's top-10 ranking was justified.


    As for the records ... not all schedules are created equal. Washington County has had a nice season and the Marion County win is impressive. But let's face it ... 2A is a pretty strong class and frankly, has more teams worthy of a top-10 ranking than the other two small-school classes.

    And if Fort Campbell beats Owensboro Catholic, I expect you will be on here to give the BGP panel credit for having the foresight to recognize Fort Campbell as a team worthy of being ranked.

    The BGP panel, in my opinion, does a pretty good job with the rankings. I don't necessarily agree with them all the time, but as far as I'm concerned, they put together a more accurate top 10 than the AP voters do.


    I think that pretty well sums things up, BGP gets it pretty close! The best thing is that it will all be played out on the field.

  7. How about the 3-5 Fort Campbell team that you have ranked. Really? Teams like Murray get credit from past years and play an easy schedule, but the Commanders come back after being 3-8 and down for several years to play a comparable schedule to most teams ranked above them but get no love. Oh well, the game against Danville will tell if they are for real or not. It just makes the rankings look laughable when you rank a 3-5 team over an 8-0 team. Washington Co. had a bigger win against their only common opponent, and Fort Campbell also beat Hancock Co. and Todd County. WOW! All credit to FC for the past three years (and I love their program so I'm not bashing) but it's a joke to have them ranked at this point. If they beat OCath, yes. But until then I just lost a lot of respect for the people doing the rankings at BGP.


    I knew that would get a lot of reaction. Don't worry about the rankings, Washington County will get an opportunity to prove themselves legit this week and in the playoffs. Fort Campbell at 3-5 will also get a chance to prove themselves this week and in the playoffs. I like FC's chances against any KY 2A team.

  8. Except for playoff opponents, there is no team that I enjoy watching FC beat more then O-Cath. The Aces caused the Falcons a lot of pain and were the last hurdle FC had to overcome to reach greatness a few years ago. FC is rolling and finally playing Falcon-Ball like we expect.


    I look for this to be a fun game with FC winning by two TDs. The Aces are solid on Offense, but will not be able to keep pace with the FC scoring and team speed. I look for Coach Edge and the Aces to have a disappointing night at Fryar Stadium.

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