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Posts posted by Preachit

  1. It's important to let the kids have fun with this stuff. The students at my school are just starting to get the idea of what a student section is supposed to be. I think its funny when they yell "Push It," over a bad call. And yes they are actually yelling 'Push It.' Let the edgier stuff go as long as there is no profanity or extreme innuendo.

  2. I dont think you understand. Every game played in the state of KY has everything to do with the KHSAA-- period. Both coaches were aware of the situation, and the S/A has apoligized in person and in writing. Sounds to me that the administration attempting to ban may be incompetent to administrate??



    Or they were just trying to enforce a rule. Chances are that if the studentwas banned, then they must have committed an illegal act on school grounds. As an educator I know that bans such as these are only used in cases of drug dealing, weapons, or sex.

  3. Coldiron has regressed the past two years. That is why he did not go to the state tourney last year. He is still in the top 3, but is not as good as he was last year. Twice this year I have seen a short, somewhat heavy man officiating varsity ball. He looks older, kind of like a mafia guy. I think his name is Marlo or Moe. I haven't seen him the previous three years I've been in this region. Does anyone kow who this guy is and if he's been around awhile?

    Watkins is a good ref. He does tend to glare at players after he calls a foul on them though.

  4. I agree the Demons have lost way to many games in that 3rd quarter, and rebounding is a weakness they definately need to work on. The rebounding situation needs to turn around and quick districts are no that far off. The good news is they have the players that have size, and they have players that have the speed to get to the ball. Its just a matter of getting them to think rebound before thinking transition everytime.


    If you look at how WTown plays you see that their offense is very guard oriented. They shoot a lot of threes and jumpers. From what I've seen, their shooting ability is great in the first half but they have a difficult time maintaining the high FG% in the second half. In order for them to win, they need to D up and build a good lead at half time, so they can grind it out and hang on for the victory. OR.. they need to use Vice more often. He posts up and fades away from the basket. Vice is really not a huge offensive threat. Therefore when the 3's don't fall, the players attempt to drive to the rim and force off balanced shots. Last night I thought that Anglin played great, expect for about a three possession period in the fourth where he forced to bad shots and fouled twice.

  5. Grant wins by about ten. The last time that WTown beat Grant was I believe 2005, possibly 2004!!! How can we continue to refer to this as a rivalry. I realize the geographic nature of the county but, if Grant always wins, where is the rivalry? Grant is more of a rival to Walton and maybe Simon Kenton before it is a rival to Wtown. If one team continues to dominate the other, then is it still a true rivalry?

  6. Courtney Sandlin came to WV last year. Her familiy moved her from Williamstown mainly for academics. She does well academically and wasn't being challenged at Williamstown. She still lives in that area but her parents bring her to and from WV each day. She is a very sweet gal!


    Wasn't being challeneg academically? Give me a break. A classic case of parents putting too much emphasis on their child's school athletic career. I can only imagine what my dad would have said if I asked to move from Bellevue to some other school.

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