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Everything posted by hoosierbirdfan

  1. I don't know. I would like to use a lifeline and ask the experts ,final answer?
  2. Highlands stadium is one of a kind. I don't know of any other stadium where the visiting team parents can sit in the bleachers and carry on a conversation with their son on the sideline.
  3. As I said in a previous post , I repect PC for making it this far in the playoffs.Highlands and their fans don't expect any opponent to lay down. They want PC to "give us all you got". We want PC and their fans to come up to Ft. Thomas and enjoy a great night of hard hitting football .As far as no one playing with the Birds (as you say) there have been teams that have played with the Birds , they just didn't win the game.
  4. No I couldn't do that . You will be proud of me, I let him in on my short-cut back to paintsville. They should be arriving home anytime now!!!! :lol::lol::laugh::laugh:
  5. You mention players and their heart, but I don't see anything about them winning the game.Why is that!!
  6. I was sitting next to the bus driver of JC ,real nice guy, gave the birds lots of compliments, he had nothing to do with the football team, he was just the driver. The whole time he was at Highlands he thought he was in Florence.( OH WELL) :lol::lol::lol:
  7. If Pulaski County isn't fired up by now,they should stay on the bus. I know the Birds are fired up they have a lot at stake besides a state title. There is a perfect season, the big win over Cincinnati St. X , for the seniors ,they have lost only one game in three years. Some may play college football some where but for most it could be the last or second last chance to play sanctioned football. Dale and company have them ready like always! Go Birds!!!
  8. There is good news and there is bad news. First the good news: This is the farthest PC has advanced in the playoffs and probably their best team ever. Now for the really bad news. This Highlands team is not the average Highlands team--in the past, even average Highlands teams have won state. This Highlands team may be (I said, "may be") the best Highlands team ever. Our D1 starting QB is playing, but not at QB. We have a sophomore QB taking his place. More bad news: This Soph. QB is really, really good, to say the least. I know PC is going to play their hearts out. That's what they had to do to get this far, and I respect them for that! In conclusion, I know that anything can happen; but it is just bad timing to be playing THIS Highlands team THIS YEAR. I hope everyone has a safe trip to and from Ft.Thomas and that there are no injuries to either team.
  9. I was hoping someone would step up to the plate. Like I said , I think it is cool , I wonder if I can get it in Indiana red ? :thumb:
  10. Kinda remindes me of the chicken dance. :clap: (JMO)
  11. Speaking of license plates I saw one after the game that read "CAKE-ETR" (I'm not telling what state it was.) I thought that was pretty cool !!!!
  12. Numbers in my opinion mean nothing because their are so many variables that affect them. As far as being in the wrong position, I don't think there is a wrong position for AC. This young man is an athlete, he will contribute anywhere Coach Mueller puts him. You mention injuries, I know for a fact that Austin has played many games while injured. He's a tough kid and there isn't a coach in the country that wouldn't like to have him . As far as not playing D ? The talent pool at HHS is very deep, I think that says it all!
  13. Gloat ? :confused: Just stating the facts , my friend . HHS is next , :notworthy:
  14. How many players go both ways? Oh,by the way,we got some studs too.I'm sure it won't take very long for our studs to meet yours!!!
  15. The personal foul called on JC (big time clip) on the opening kickoff wasn't to shabby either!! :madman:
  16. The O and D are improved since the beginning of the season but the biggest improvements have been made on special teams. At the start of the season teams were getting long kickoff returns.......not anymore!!! Great job by players and coaches,once again!!!! Go Birds!!!!
  17. Highlands doesn't play smashmouth football,but they will hit you........HARD!!!!
  18. Again we meant no harm! I would like to apologize if we have offended anyone. Truthfully, I don't know whom you're talking about, as far as the adult you speak of, or the situation you speak of. Please send me a PM if you decide to tell me what is going on. Once again please except my apology. I'm sorry.
  19. We meant no harm.:confused: He sounds like a great kid. We are proud to have him as a bluebird. Thank you for all that you do young man. :thumb:
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