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Posts posted by letthebighogroot

  1. Just more of you after a Win.:thumb:


    Hey, I respect your opinion....I respect your support for RH as well, just havent seen you post much to support them before. Get on here more often and support them....Remember, the boys are reading this, so it could help their self esteem with your support:thumb:


    I agree 100% not just RH fans, fans of every team in Ky. They might not be your own kids, but give them the support that you would give your own kids and want others to give your kids!!!

  2. If they were a little taller, I'd say Billy Gillispie would know the back roads to Sandy Hook, never mind they're all back roads.


    True statement. Also I'd say he already knows how to get there. They had the younger Knipp down to Midnight Madness and the LSU football game this past year. And before next year is out............who knows???

  3. He is always around the ball. He is probably averaging close to double figures in rebounds. The Faulkners seem to dart in there and come up with the rebounds all the time. That where playing with heart and not size pays dividends!


    Oh, I agree completely. Could you imagine if the twins and Ferguson were all in the 6' 4" to 6' 6" range, with the way they play it would be unreal.



    I also agree that Euton will do fine at the next level.:thumb:


    I can't really comment on how he will do at the next level, because i have not seen him play. But It seems to me that if he is a legit 6' 8" and can shoot it from the outside he should be absolutely dominating in the 16th. Who from which team, is gonna guard the kid?????

  5. I need to go see an Elliott Co game.


    I admit that the other night I was being a bit critical of Elliott Co. Normally I don't do that without watching a team play. I played at a small catholic "A" school and I normally support the small schools. I think my best chance to watch these guys play is going to be when they play Mason Co.


    Does Elliott Co play any schools further up north (NKY - 9th or 10th region)?


    I'm hoping Brossart makes the All "A" in Richmond too. That would give me another chance to see these guys.


    For the record, I have no beef on Elliott Co, other than the fact that when you winning games by so much ( like they have been doing) why not dress a couple more players (2 or 3 players from jv/freshman) and mix them in with the varsity so they can get the speed of the game down. That's my only beef. Other than that, I like what I'm hearing about.

    The Mason game would be your be your best chance. And as far as not playing more kids, and I'm not saying I agree with it. But that is what coach Mays has always done. Even in years past when they were taking beatings like the ones they are giving this year, he only played 7 or 8 kids
  6. So what is concidered to far is you are happy about hitting a shot...I've seen players kind of "WOO" After hitting a shot, or just let out a scream after an And One play, but I've never seen a T over it.


    Thats more or less what happened Ferguson got a bucket in traffic on a break, and let out a scream afterward, out of frustration stemming from their sub par performance tonight IMO, and got tee'd up for it

  7. I hate the "T" that was called on Ferguson. He hit a shot and was excited about it and screamed, and not in the face of an opposing player's face. I understand the taunting "T", but the fact that it was called on him last year and again tonight is sad. He didn't spike the ball or yell at anyone, nor were there multiple players in on the celebration. LOL:D. I think the taunting "T" is way too subjective and the ref that called it, well I have nothing positive to say about his entire officiating game tonight, so I will refrain from commenting. But seriously, when does being excited and happy about your play become a technical? That is just silly, and I truely understand why that rule was put into place. But Ferguson's two the last two seasons were truely jokes. The two refs that called those two need to quit trying to find a reason and JUST DO THEIR JOBS. And as a fan I would tell them to their faces, but I would just kicked out of the game, LOL. Seriously, that call tonight was a disgrace on the entire 16th region ref-ing staff. Sorry to those of you that do your job night in and night out and do a great job. But at the end of this rambling, I will say this; GO LIONS!!!!!!


    I agree that the one on Ferguson was chippy. But I think it was more to keep the Rowan players from maybe getting out of hand. They had warned the Rowan player that got the "T" earlier when he was at the free throw line after he shoved his way past Chris Knipp to get to the line after the hand check foul that was called on Knipp. IMO they were just nipping a possible situation in the bud.

  8. Ferguson had 29. That is the only one I have heard.


    Elliott probably had their worst shooting game of the year. They had 29 points after the 1st period. Then went completely cold in the 2nd and 3rd quarters. Then started shooting better in the 4th.

    Yes, they were very cold in their shooting. But I had never seen those boys play so sluggish and uninspired as they did tonight. It was not like them at all. And having said that they still won by 29. Maybe I've just gotten kinda spoiled.

  9. You guys just don't want to get it do you? I have saw where sportsfan of ky has posted several times that Elliott doesn't play their starters the wkole game and you guys act like he never even posted. I have watched Elliott play this year and when you get past the

    sixth man they are done. The four other guys with one starter in couldn't hold a 40 pt lead for half a quarter. I agree with sportsfan, from what I saw Mays trys to mix it up

    and has a starter or two(in game I saw it was Ferg and a Faulkner sat out six min. of the second) sat out in second and plays couple off the bench then Ferg and the Faulkner

    played in the fouth for three or four min. To be honest and say something I am sure Elliott fans aren't going to... They don't have a bench. They might be a "little" effective

    in the sixteenth region but out of there the bench doesn't have a chance competeing against a Mason or Lexington Catholic type school.

    As a EC fan I can agree with most of your post. I think that on the defensive side they probably have 8 kids that could compete, but on the offensive side of the ball yeah it would probably be 6. And as for having a 7or 8 deep bench were all of the kids could compete with the likes of Mason or Lex Cath. What school the size of Elliott, regardless of region can say that?

  10. Because if kids arent ready for varsity basketball, then they arent ready. No one but the coaches and players see what goes on in practice everyday to evaluate whether other kids should dress varsity or not. Coach Mays has been at this a long time, and he knows who should be on his varsity basketball team. He isnt going to put a kid in a game just for him to be embarrassed. They use the JV and freshman games to try and develope the younger kids games and to try and prepare them for varsity basketball.


    Could not agree more. If every kid was ready to dress for their varsity, then why even have a JV or Freshman team

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