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Posts posted by Oscar

  1. I meant to comment on this too. You are right Cincy does have some of the worst fans and especially tons of fair weather fans. I mean I been a Bengal fan my whole life, and so I haven't seen to many winning seasons or good teams at all. However I am a fan and no matter what I am going to cheer them on, and support them through the good times and the bad. Even though it has been mostly bad. It was funny how all kinds of people came out of nowhere saying they were Bengal fans when they were good in 2005. However if your not going to support the team when they are down, then don't support them when they are good either. Just go find another team that you do like how things are ran or whatever.


    Exactly. lol, you are an example of a true fan. I guess you put it better than I did.

  2. They didn't win a game until what, DECEMBER last year? They've had ONE good season in TWO decades. Really something to get fired up about...


    I guess that's my point. And maybe it has to do with me moving up here right in the midst of that season, but ONE winning season and the entire organization is stellar, and now they lose one game on a freak ending, and people are calling it already. I don't know, all I've seen since I've moved here is how negative the fans are in Cincinnati. Just my perception, I mean I'm sure the people who've lived here forever don't think so.

  3. I still disagree with that. However I remember someone say before that Carson would be smart to try to force a trade to get out of Cincy before it ruins his career. Before I argued that, but now I think it would be smart. I mean we have seen people before leave Cincy and then do great. If he was in a different system, then I think we would see the same with him. He plays on a team whose offense is so predictable, their offense coordinator has lost it. The offense has gone completely stale, and yet the Bengals still try to keep running the exact same stuff as they did in 2005. They seemed to think that well if they run the ball more, then it would help. However it does not, the players on the offense are going to have a hard time doing good with the offense that this team runs. They need a new offensive coordinator in town.



    It might help him to get out of Cincinnati, and into a different offense, I don't really know. He certainly is headed down in his career at this rate though..

  4. That's funny.


    It's not funny. Cincinnati has some of the worst fans. True. I've lived plenty of places and have plenty of basis to make this statement.


    And I get it, walks like a duck etc etc. I get it's poorly ran. I get they need major changes. But it IS the biggest bunch of fair weather fans. In 2005 all I heard was how amazing this team was, and how awesome the Bengals were, how great CP was and Johnson etc and the organization was on the up. And now..lol.


    And for the record, CP has seen his best days. He just isn't that great of a QB. Face it people. He isn't bad, he isn't good..he's middle of the road. And he's injury prone.

  5. Someone else said it, but the only thing worse than the actual pro teams IN Cincinnati, is the fans and their constant negativity and poor outlook on everything. No wonder the teams suck so bad, they have no support from anyone around..all they hear is how bad they suck and how bad their coaches and owners are.

  6. He's a moron but there's no denying he makes great music.


    I can agree with this. He is a pathetic person, disrespectful, rude, loud mouth, ignorant etc etc. Don't care for him AT ALL as a person, never have. But he makes pretty good music/lyrics. But he isn't even in the BALLPARK of Jay-Z. As I'm sure you know lol.

  7. I don't find Beyonce in the least bit attractive, so watching her doing nasty dance moves all over in black and white does nothing for me. And it surely wasn't worth ruining Swifts moment.


    By the way, JayZ' presence is just amazing.

  8. Saw him at the CovCath vs. Cov Holy Cross scrimmage and Walker is a very good QB, but he doesn't have as many weapons surrounding him as Erpenbeck does. As I said before, if Beechwood keys to much on the CovCath QB, the other RB's will kill Beechwood!


    That will be the difference. Walker is his team. From many who were at the Bwood game, he pretty much was the one man team doing everything for them to bring in the win. Erpenbeck has more options and thus should be more successful.

  9. When I first heard, I thought it may be staged. Then I watched and honestly, she IS a country singer who won a VMA and she looked truly excited. And then stunned and sad. And I will stick by the opinion I've always had of him, he is an ignorant, pathetic fool. Good music, terrible guy. He made himself and Beyonce look bad.

  10. He's every bit the runner that Markel is plus he's a better passer. Passing is the difference between the two.


    Passing wise, Erpenbeck is without a doubt better than Walker. But Walker is a better running QB...better runner period. And he is more athletic size wise. That being said, Erpenbeck will still get his yards and if he is having a good night passing and Connelly is catching everything coming his way like Friday, CovCath wins by 2 TD's. If not...it's a close one.

  11. This is what I fully expected. I watched Manual play HHS and they do have some good players and are young, but this was Colerain. They are going to beat most teams in Ky.


    Oh, and don't you love it how HHS keep popping up in threads all over BGP because of posters like yourself. Thanks for the thoughtful and positive comments. We in the "promise land" love to read what you all think! :popcorn:


    Something to chew on and hate us even more!!!


    When you're at the top you get the glory when you're good and when things aren't as good it is glaring. I'm sorry that some, not all, of those in the "promise land" are unrealistic, over the top, and apparently just flat out silly. I can't control all of that, lol apparently you can't either. I don't expect you to like everything I'd say, but really why keep thanking me for it? Take it as a compliment that people are willing to even consider putting Highlands into conversation with programs in Ohio.

  12. I agree with you, HHS does have a big shocker coming in two weeks. Especially if they don't get it together. But if they do, then maybe, just maybe they pull it off. Thanks for your support!:thumb:


    You're welcome..you keep thanking me in every thread, and I don't know why. Sarcasm i'm assuming orrr? lol

  13. I think at this point Highlands would have a 3 TD or more advantage on CovCath, being that they beat Ryle by as many, who beat CovCath by as many. So Highlands beat Beechwood by 3 TDs right? So I'd say this game could be a pretty darn good game. Both teams are rebuilding, and honestly I think talent wise are about evenly matched. CovCath has an advantage with Erpenbeck, but Covcath isn't going to win games being one dimensional, so hopefully this game they come out with some different facets to the offense, and if they do I'll take CovCath by 2 TDs. If not, I say it will be close, down to the wire, CovCath still edging it out. Also to add to this..heard Colosimo is making his name known...so that could be a difference maker too. Who knows...hmm.

  14. Manual's offense is not good or even "okay" this season. This is the second shutout this year.


    lol oh I'm aware, I just didn't think it'd be 0. For some reason I was thinking or hoping Manual would at least score. Wishful thinking I suppose. Sadly all this score made me think is, if Manual held Highlands 19 to 8, then Colerain would kill Highlands too..again...which just shows that even the best in KY don't match up well with OH.

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