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Posts posted by Oscar

  1. The three best players in NKY reside at Covington Holmes in Pittman and the two Johnson brothers. This is an undisputed fact. They were the only three from NKY that were All State players last yr with two of them being 1st team and the other as a 3rd team. R. Johnson & Pittman are the probably the co-favorites for Mr. Basketball and J. Johnson might possibly make 1st team all state and probably no worse than 2nd team. There is no one in NKY that comes close to these three.


    Pittman, unless something drastically changes, isn't the co-front runner for Mr. Basketball. It's Guyn and Johnson. The best 3 in NKY though are definitely Pittman and the Johnson brothers, no question about it.

  2. A completely dominant performance in Ft. Thomas - and I am not going to get into the "ifs and buts" debate anymore than to say that if Bardo doesn't leave the game, it ends WAYYY lopsided. That observation is not to suggest what the score could have or should have been - it is to emphasize that St. X had no answer for Highlands' first team offense, contrary to what so many in the prediction thread had to offer.


    My comments are directed primarily to those who ridiculed anyone who had the audacity to suggest Highlands could win, or that Bardo and the Birds belonged on the same field with the Bombers. Frankly, given the vitriol in the St. X/Highlands predictions thread, I am surprised at the restraint exercised by Highlands fans after the game. Has there ever been a thread on BGP where more posters were more certain of an outcome that missed so badly? After reading the prediction thread, I think there are about a dozen posters that should acknowledge that, for whatever reason (relying on bad data or just not knowing the game), they didn't have a clue what they were talking about. Remember all the talk about the size and speed of St. X? The reality check that was going to come to Ft. Thomas? All of the "St. X by 4 or 5 touchdown" or "St. X by as many as they want" predictions?


    I appreciate that it's a game with an uncertain outcome, and some teams can have good, or even great, nights and pull off spectacular feats, and erroneous predictions in those situations are the ones that deserve a plate of crow. On the other hand, predictions with biting sarcasm about silly "loyalty" that blinds fans to the "truth", or predictions that mock posters who suggest Highlands might have a chance - I think those are entitled to more than just a helping of crow.



    As someone on another site said, you can't fault those who predicted a lopsided victory in St. X's favor. Everything pointed towards that and in a realistic approach, St. X looked to be the heavy favorite coming into the game. It just makes it all that more impressive that Highlands came away with the win. They did what most, even a good portion of their own fans, didn't think would happen, and they honestly won it without any flukes. They were just the better team.

  3. Wow. Thats the upset of the night.


    If we're talking strictly IN KY yes. But many would view HHS upsetting St. X Ohio as the biggest upset to come around in a while. (How big of an upset, who knows. They actually seemed to be ranked quite similiar now that I look). I also found the SK and Conner score interesting. Maybe not an upset, but definitely a surprising margin.

  4. So weird. I can't remember if BC lost or beat Lafeyette, but it was VERY close. Then Henry Clay beats SK last week. And tonight Lafeyette beats Henry Clay. It would lead you to believe that SK and BC might be a good game..and Lafayette and SK as well, but I firmly believe SK is better than both. 6A trips me up..

  5. Not neccessary to gloat, just be happy for the boys.


    Very classy. Although y'all have some serious gloating rights right now lol.


    As for the people commending Highlands defense, which they rightfully deserve. St. X defense deserves credit as well. They buckled down and made key stops in the red zone multiple times and kept the game within reach for their team. St. X offense is bland, boring, and couldn't do much of anything, hence HHS being the better team tonight. Their offense was better. This was a defensive battle.

  6. I never doubted SK would take this and run away with it, but I didn't think they'd literally run away with it by this much of a margin. Impressive. I don't think I was too far off in thinking Ryle and SK are the best in 6A right now and that game will be a heck of a game to watch. Simpson is ridiculous...

  7. I'm impressed. I don't neccessarily think anyone can fault those who thought this game would be a blowout, because everything pointed to it being one. But I am very impressed. I honestly thought the defense for highlands would be their downfall and obviously I was wrong, they seemed to be a totally different animal out there. It was apparently a defensive battle between two great defensive teams and the better team (from what I have heard as I did not see nor have I watched the game) won. Congrats to Highlands, I'm happy for you and you leave no doubt who the best team in KY is right now.


    For Bardo, I hope you heal and get back on the field quickly. It was hard to watch my brother sit for half of his senior year hurt and it was harder for him, and I don't like to see that for anyone. You deserved the win and you deserve to be out there with your team to lead them to what should be yet another state championship. :)

  8. Anyone who argues that the energy and feel of that game (Beechwood vs CovCath under the lights) wasn't so much more intense and exciting is crazy and on top of it there were twice as many people there. It was a special night and a special event, but that wouldn't be standard. Keep it the way it is, embrace it, it isn't going to change.


    As for the rift between the AD and neighbors for whoever was concerned, if you'd like to know feel free to PM me.

  9. Thelen should be and will be in the top 10 by the end of the season. Wish he could have stayed healthy last season. I hope he utilizes both his inside ability and his outside ability because I noticed he likes to hang around outside sometimes, but he's going to be key for CovCath. Wellbrock has shown he's a rebounding machine, but he'll give you a solid 4 points a game. Thelen will give you points down low and rebounds to boot. If Pauly can stay healthy things could be good for CovCath.

  10. I'll respectfully disagree on the talent debate and won't get into "this guy is better than that guy" debate. Its close .I will say that hype sometimes is greater than actual talent.


    However, there were many underclassmen playing last year. I can remember the BW game having way too many sophomores playing due to lack of talent in the two grades above them. Elder was the same. The fact that you had too many underclassmen playing last year would seem to indicate a lack of overall talent in the upper grades and would seem to then make you believe that those players are better this year simply by maturing physically and having had varsity experience as sophomores.


    Where I will agree is that this staff is much better and that certainly makes a difference.



    The junior and senior classes of last year (the senior class of this year) definitely are not the most talent laden football classes to come through CCH. But the 07 and 08 team did have more overall talent on the field, when healthy especially, than this team does. Unfortunaterly in 07 Buckley and Van Sant were out the entire year basically, and 08 the QB went down in the BW game and didn't come back til playoffs. If Robinson were playing right now then I'd say this team probably has pretty similiar or close to what 08 had, but with him gone, they pretty much return Connoughton *spellcheck* and a couple others, other than that it's all new. I don't know, I guess we'll just agree to disagree on that part but agree the coaching staff is making a world of difference.


    And for the record, I'd agree with whoever said this is somewhat of a must win for CovCath. NCC is in a down year and CovCath is going in as the favorite. To lose this would be a step back in the wrong direction because they've taken such big strides week to week and with Highlands coming up this isn't a good time to take your foot off the gas.

  11. Are you saying that you think the talent level on the team is less this year than last? The only player on last year's team that seems to me to be greatly missed is Van Sant. They played a lot of juniors and sophomores last year, so with another year of lifting/conditioning and with a year of experience under their belt, those kids are surely better this year than last. Plus they've added a talented sophomore class this year to the squad. I'd say there is more talent overall on this year's squad than last year.



    Have you seen this years team play or are you just creating debate for the sake of creating it? I'm asking because honestly I'm not sure how you could make this argument. Last years team had more talent than this years team. As someone else said, they just did less with more as opposed to what this team is doing, more with less. They played a lot of juniors last year yes, but I don't recall many sophmores at all. The one I do remember is Connelly, because the captains repeatedly asked Brossart to bring him up to varsity and he finally did. So yes, I'm saying that this year the talent level is less. I doubt many would argue that. But I think it's pretty great what the coaches are doing with it.






    You can mock me all you'd like, but it's a valid point. I'm not speaking in hypotheticals, my parent's home is right behind the field. The people were there first, and quite frankly with the way the AD treated most of them I don't blame them one bit for voting against lights every time it comes up. If they had moved in after the field was there I'd say it's a different story, but most of them have been there longer and didn't know or ask for this to be built in their backyard and have the right to a life that doesn't include blaring music, little kids, loud crowds, speakers, and on top of that lights until 10:30 or so at night on a Friday.


    As for the people who say CCH should have to only play away games because it inconveniences other schools that they only play home games on Saturdays, are you being serious? That's absurd.

  13. Most of the neighbors to the football field were there before the football field was even built or was CCH property. How would you feel if a high school football field were put in next to your property and you had to put up with constant use of the field. It is not just football games -- it is the youth leagues, soccer, track, and the loud blaring from the speakers and music played at these events. Not to mention the crowds of people looking at your back yard and anything you do. Most of the neighbors sent their kids to CCH and are supporters, but there has to be some consideration for the intrusion on their lives.

  14. There has been some "non-official discussion" (for lack of a better term) that has taken place between some of the Cov Cath Athletic Boosters and the neighbors. It's a non-issue.



    That's not really true. It was discussed lightly, but not everyone agreed. I think the largest part is honestly who the AD is. He really left a sour effect on the people behind the stadium, and although you think most of the people have moved, they haven't. Most of the people in those houses have lived there for 20 years.

  15. It will not happen. The AD at CovCath has not made nice with the people who live behind the field, and a good few of those people do not want lights. If the AD changed or if he changed his attitude and treated them better it could happen, but I can almost guarantee it won't.


    I hate Saturday games and wish they would get lights. There is nothing like Friday night football.

  16. The difficulty in trying to compare last years team with this years team is there are several variables that have changed, not just the players on the field. Obviously the current team doesn't have the talent level of a Van Sant, Deters, Buckley, etc. but are 'doing more with less' instead of 'doing less with more'. I do agree that if you take the complete team from last year and switch with this years, records would be about the same.


    I think the optimisim comes from do you feel you are on your way up, or on your way down?


    I think you pretty much nailed it and gave the answer to the question. This team/coach is "doing more with less" as opposed to "doing less with more". The two years past, though not the greatest teams to ever walk through CCH, had talent and were better than their record indicates. I think if you took last year or the year befores team and put them up against this schedule you'd have a loss to Ryle and obviously Highlands and the other teams that everyone knows will likely beat the team this year, but based on what I saw of Lasalle I think if they'd have used the approach they used verse a very good NCC team, they'd have won that game and probably LexCath as well as beating Campbell County and Beechwood. So I think the record would be better. But you can't really gage the success solely based the record and the quality of the teams CCH has beaten so far. The positive attitude and enthusiasm are because good things are going on and a good coach is leading the way. And for the record, I don't think Highlands will win by 50. Not only because I don't think Highlands is as good as last year, but also because I think these coaches will have a better gameplan than that.

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