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Posts posted by Oscar

  1. While other schools were cancelling football games and other events to help limit spreading the various illnesses making the rounds, the Ryle admin decided not only to have the football game and parade on Friday but also to cram 600 of their kids into their cafteria Saturday night for the Homecoming Dance. Now they seem surprised that they had 550 kids and 25 teachers out sick yesterday and even more today?


    From what I have heard, and I don't know if this is true, they can't cancel classes for just one school in the county but would have to call off school for the entire county to keep the schedules in sync. A classic case of government bureaucracy getting in the way of common sense.


    Wow I wasn't aware they'd have to shut down the entire county not just the school in question. I could see shutting down Mann and Gray Middle as well, but not all. That's sad, and it's only going to make the situation worse.

  2. Pride is a strong emotion and it is totally understandable if not everyone had this emotion evoked within them when HHS won this past Friday. However, I would only have a problem if people did not respect the win and the team for it. They deserve a whole lot of that after what they pulled off.


    Unfortunately jealousy is rampant, and let's be honest sometimes the negative reputation that HHS fans have is not totally unwarranted (Same can be said for a couple other schools, or all schools to a degree). Those two things combined make for some hatred towards the school and program and some people refuse to get past it. Sad, but true.

  3. With a brother that goes to Ryle, who is currently at home sick from whatever is going around that place, I sure wish they'd figure out some type of method of trying to prevent this from spreading. It's insane how quick it spreads. It's from my brother, who was out for 3 days, to my mom who has it now...


    If this continues and Ryle sees these numbers consistently in the next day or so, I'd say the school will close for the rest of the week and no football game.

  4. Whoever said the stress revolving around May; that is definitely the more stressful situation for me than school in the present time. I don't have a clue what I want to do. I know I'm going to apply at some places, or even consider moving on up in the company I'm aready with. Part of me wants to apply to law school; a big part of me at that, but I'm not sure if I have it in me right now. Should I go straight to grad school if I don't go the law school route? I'm so confused lol.

  5. I don't like girls. I'm so glad I'm a woman and only date men, in particular one amazing one who loves me despite my obviously opinionated and over the top attitude at times. I don't know how y'all do it really...girls are DRAMA. It's hard to even be FRIENDS with girls.

  6. Are you a doctor or a Bardo? If not ,I would not post this information.You are not a star reporter,like you think you are. If the Bardo's want their personal information posted,I would think they would post it, don't you?


    I think you're overreacting quite a bit. He/she said nothing wrong, and if he/she is wrong then so what? It may throw your opponent off, because that is what rumors are good for; playing with peoples minds. If it is true, than good, that means Bardo is better off than I suspect and I'd like to see him back out there. But all the quick reaction, hush hush and attitude surrounding it is only making things worse, not better in the way of "rumors" and speculation. Sure makes it seem like theres something people don't want everyone to know...


    As for the game, Highlands wins this big and this will solidify their #1 spot in the district. Dixie and Covcath are both a couple of steps behind...

  7. I believe CovCath will have enough pull to get the zoning changed.

    I also think it will happen sooner than later.

    I think you're quite wrong and until the AD gets a better attitude and treats people better I hope you're wrong.



    The neighbors were there first, then the football field, and they have every right to oppose the lights and keep them from happening.

  8. There are two schools around here that I feel have fans that exude attitude and arrogance and make the program look bad at times, and I don't really care for either of them, and one of those is Highlands. However; I was thrilled to see them win and I think they earned it and deserve it and at no point did I think "man I wish it had been ___" instead. I think the only team who had a shot was Highlands and I'm glad they got it done. They weren't too hard to root for this time around...

  9. To light or not to light is totally up to the good people at Cov. Cath. I have no doubt they can raise the money if they want to.


    As far as the neighbors go....if you buy a house by a football field that is the risk you take. Besides, it is only a few hours on a handfull of Fridays in the fall. I do remember years ago, the neighbors who lived by the field having a yard full of people watching the games for free. Then Cov. Cath planted trees and put an end to that. No doubt people living near the field are Cov Cath fans.


    For your information most of the neighbors came before the football field. In fact, the property the football field is on didn't even belong to the school.

  10. I just heard/read somewhere that Bardo is out for the entire season, and is scheduled to have Tommy John surgery stemming from the hyperextension of his arm. Is this true? If so, I feel terrible for Bardo. I know first hand the surgery and the length of rehabilitation and it's tough, and he deserves to finish out the season with his team as he really has proven himself. No one deserves an injury, let alone a season ending one in their senior year. God Bless.

  11. It was indeed a very good, solid & clean hit by UK, but I think most of the damage came when Tebow hit his head on one of his linemen's knee as he was falling backward, which whiplashed his chin forward into his chest. Got to be a concussion of some sort, hopefully mild.


    Yeah that is what it was. I mean I'm sure Tebow isn't going to come out of this angry at Wyndham or anything. It was a great hit, and an unfortunate ending with his linemans knee being in the fall.

  12. I'm not celebrating the injury but it was a vicious hit that elicited a few yelps in my living room. I don't think I'm going to hell for my reaction to the hit. One of the best hits I've seen all year. I don't think I'm a bad person for thinking that.


    It was a solid, clean hit. Wyndham made a nice hit and he deserves some oohs and aahs for it. But the celebration of Tebow being injured and carted off to the hospital is the part that has me disgusted. I'm sure you didn't throw a party over that development. I definitely ooh and ahh'd about the hit.

  13. Good post, any "so called" fan celebrating an injury to any player is classless. :puke: :madman:


    U.K. once again was shown what a top SEC football team is.......U.K. is FAR from a top tier SEC team amnd imo never will be. Middle of the pack at best. I hope I am wrong but I just don't believe U.K. will ever contend for a SEC football championship.


    I said the same thing to my dad tonight, as well as to some of my friends who were celebrating. I told them, "Lovely, not only is UK a train wreck of a team, but in the midst of the wreck, they took out one of the best QB's around and the fans are celebrating. What a joke from top to bottom." It'd be great if UK could ever get to where they contend for an SEC championship, but that time is nowhere in the foreseeable future...and quite frankly, I'm not impressed by the fans and it makes me not much root for or care either way. I'm not trying to lump ALL fans in; I know that there are good UK fans out there lol. I'm just disappointed I guess.

  14. Tebow is a class act, and a great football player. The UK fans *the ones on my facebook in particular* who are celebrating a concussion are sad and letting the obvious envy and jealousy cloud their judgment. UK just got flat out slaughtered, and unfortunately some people will celebrate anyways because of Tebow being knocked out. Ick.

  15. :lol:


    I was saying the same thing to my wife the other day. I noticed the other day she was wearing some kind of nerdy style eyeglasses while she interviewed players on the field. I bet she's wearing "grandma" panties now too.

    lol it appears she may have stopped perusing the aisles of Victoria Secret. She almost looked to have no makeup on the other day...on television.

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