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Posts posted by kyvince

  1. I hear through the rumor mill that there may also be an opening in the Tigers' organization in Kenton County. :sssh:



    Does that correspond to the job being filled at Cooper?


    That's the only way I could see that happening.

  2. I played in the early eighties, a time when the number of good/great pitchers might have hit it's peak. My Junior/senior season I played with or faced no less then 15 pitchers who went on to pitch in college. Eight of those pitched at least at Division II or above.


    I faced some very good ones Rob Williams from Campbell Co, Pelfry from Scott, Atkins & Stamm from Newport, Rogg from Highlands, Kunkel from Lloyd, Tarvin from Bellevue, Erpenbeck from Covcath etc.


    The one who I hated seeing the most, the one with the best rising fastball short of Kirsten Allen was Pumphrey from Lloyd.


    I swear he threw, what they now call mid-90's, and when he was on, his ball had more movement then anyone else I have ever seen.

  3. I believe Doug Losey was a 2 time winner in 1980 and again in 1981. He was an outstanding Lefty Pitcher and First baseman for the Breds during those years.


    Doug also was a member of several successful Storm Club summer league teams. He went on to pitch at EKU.

  4. Rumor had it that they approached the O-Coordinator at Campbell Co. (Keith Culp) to gage his interest. I assume there was none.


    This type of screw up by the administration, could have long term affects on the viability of the program. If they don't have a full staff in Place by the time the dead period ends, I seriously question the wisdom of fielding a varsity team this coming season.


    A real shame for the returning players!

  5. News to me.:confused:








    Doesn't mean that it isn't true, just haven't heard it and if it were true can't think of the players it would be.


    Names I heard were Alford and Brown, not sure if it is true or not.

  6. I know that the two studs will be Zeke Pike and Seth Bruns. I have heard rumors that Zeke could be playing QB this season and running the show! I do know that most of Summit Views Starting team will be joining Turkey Foot, Riaders, and Spartens Player to create a real special team!!


    Look for Zeke Pike to really take over the show and expect an outstanding 4 years from him.


    Molony is an ok football player but will probally be on the line this season!!


    I would be shocked if Zeke plays QB. I also think that as a minimum Molony will start at LB, as will Zeke. They will have a very strong team this year. I am curious when they play Highlands & Ryle.

  7. I had heard that they are really supposed to be special. Does anyone know some of the personnel they have??


    I know they have Zeke Pike, Michael Molony, and Tyler Moore from the Raiders, Burns (Sp) from the Spartans as well as the entire Turkeyfoot team.


    They will be loaded this year at the skill positions. I am not as familiar with their O and D lines.

  8. Anyone go the the intersquad scrimmage, and how are they looking?


    The game turned out about as good as you could up for. The offense was much further along than last year. Deters ran hard and showed more quickness than I realized he had. The defense started slowly but rebounded in the 2nd quarter and showed why the d-line will give fits to many opponents next year.


    The passing game was average at best, but it's obvious that the pass offense for spring was very basic. A couple of the recievers showed that they have good hands, but there wasn't much of a vertical passing game to determine if they have the wheels to extend the defense.


    I was impressed how well the o-line moved, they are obviously big, but they moved extremley well on the traps and pulls.


    The 2nd's were surprisingly talented. The 2nd O definitley had the faster atheletes, but the D showed great hustle and a willingness to hit.


    A final note the kicker, who ever he is, has a very strong leg. They finished the scrimmage with a 35 yard field goal, which would have been good from 50!


    All in all I think it was a great day for CovCath. The weather was great, the team played as well as can be expected. To my knowledge no one was injured and kids seemed to relish the chance to compete and get better.


    If they continue to work hard and hit the weights, I think it will be a very good season for the Colonels

  9. This year's staff has 2 former College coaches, a former High School HC, and Former Offensive and Defensive Cooridinators at the High school level. Those are just the additions to the staff.


    I have are hard time believing they are doing anything but preparing/planning on competeing for a State tile in 2008. They have a solid nucleaus of returning players and have a team oriented approach in everything they do.


    They may not have the level of skill position players that Mooney, Highlands, or Moeller have, but Covcath traditionally never has. They win by putting a good/Great Team on the field, not great players.


    I think that if they stay healthy, it will be a toss up between them and Highlands. I think Highlands will again be very very good. They perhaps have enough potential to be better than the 2007 version, but an injury here or there, and I think there are enough new players that leave Highlands far from a 40 point winner in this year's game.

  10. Regardless of whether the call was correct or not, this comment indicates that you are not too familiar with the mechanics of umpiring. Umpires DO NOT stay behind the plate to make such a call.


    Depending on where the play was coming from, the Umpire should have either been up the 3rd base line ( or more toward the ss) creating a 45 degree angle if the play were come from the right side. If the play was coming from the left side he should have been up the 1st base (more toward where 2b plays) . Staying behind the plate is the last place you should be unless it was stealing home situation.

  11. I think he is one of the best X and O's guys I have seen. His d-coordinator is top notch. IF you don't believe me ask the Coach from Ft. Thomas.


    However, he is not a great program builder. He was unsuccessful in building a Championship program at McNick. As CSHS81 stated he does not have radiant personality, that draws the community together and energizes the "fringe" members of the fan base. He himself admits he is not good with younger players, better at fine tuning a good atheletes, than developing them. At CovCath he all but ignored the younger classes, literally not coaching the Sophomore QB's or WR's, during his stay there.


    My belief is if he is to have success at Moeller he will do so in year 1 or 2. They obviously have the talent, if he can get early success then the momentum of winning will take care of feeding the talent pool. If he does not have success ( Ie. Winning the GCL, as a minimum) in the 1st 2 years I do not believe he is the type to develop the younger "raw" talent into Championship caliber players. I also don't think that the Moe nation will have much patience with a Lasalle Grad!


    I wish him luck, but he had better start off quickly!

  12. Let me know what you want to wager...:D


    Your source is wrong...period, end of discussion.


    I also was told that Coach L inquired about the position. Not saying he will take it, but was told he inquired.


    Why do you think he has no interest? I don't know the man, I am just asking.

  13. Congrats to both Campbell Co and CovCath on a good season. Both of the freshmen teams have some pretty talented players. I think the future is bright for both programs.


    In the game last night neither team played it like the rest of the season schedule. Both teams played the 1st half using their #1's, but it appeared that the 2nd half was played mostly by the #2's. Both coaches showed class by leaving in #2's, even when the opposing team had the ball inside their own 20. It was obvious that both coaches wanted to reward the ENTIRE team by playing one last game as a Freshmen team.


    Hopefully the 2 schools can schedule a game against each other in the next few years. I think Campbell Co has its program headed in the right direction, and it looks like CovCath will continue to be one of the elite in No. Ky.


    Best of luck to both programs in the coming years!

  14. From their record SK is obviously the best Frosh team in NKY. I know they have a strong RB in Crane, what are their other strong points? It doesn't seem likely anyone scores many points on them, so I assume the Defense is tough as well.


    How good is the QB? Is he the heir apparent for the varsity.


    Based on the last couple Frosh teams it looks like SK is going to be force in 6a the next few years. Especially with what the new HS in Boone Co. may do to some of those programs in the next couple years.

  15. Does anyone know what the 3 way tie breakers are?


    It is very possible that Highlands, Campbell and CovCath will all end up with the same division, and over all record. I think overall record is the 1st tie breaker, but not sure what the 2nd is. Once one team of the three is eliminated in the tie breaker, then it is head to head.


    Should make for interesting last two weeks.


    What was the score of the Highlands vs Holmes game?

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