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Posts posted by kyvince

  1. But if it is the coordinator, then whose fault is it? You can blame players for not making plays, heck you can talk about the lack of speed and talent, but you have to get players in position to give those players a chance to make plays and that is what I don't see happening, that is putting players in position to make plays!


    The scheme that CovCath ran on offense worked great. They had recievers open all night long. The QB had a very off night. If he would have played like he did the 2nd half against NewCath, this game would have been much different. There were at least 9 overthrown balls, may be 2 were caused by pressure, the others were flat out bad throws.


    I hope the young man is ok, but he had a very poor game, for the 2nd week in a row.


    The defense lacks speed. Van Sant his a true stud, but beyond that there is maybe 1 or 2 kids who have the speed to compete with the top programs.


    With out knowing what the d-coordinator called, you can't tell if someone blew an assignment or they were in fact in the wrong defensive set.

  2. Did NCC put any funding into the turf at Newport stadium? I had heard that NCC put up some of the money to the Newport Scholl District in return for a long term contract to continue use of the field.


    A few years back their was a proposal on the table to have Newport School Board, NewCath and the City of Newport form a partnership. This partnership would buy the Stadium, the surrounding tennis Courts, Maintenance buildings etc.


    The plan was to renovate the entire park area, including a Turf field with Newport and NewCath being joint tenants. The City of Newport using a Federal grant would renovate the surrounding areas, including a walking/biking path that would go all the way down to the Levy. Tying in the Park all the way to the River. I thought it was pretty far along, but I believe it ran into resistance from the Newport School board, and lost one of its biggest backers whem Mr. Ciafardini left his post as City Manager.


    I had heard the Rumor that the ex-Coach Mr. Schlarman was dead set against the plan, and that he swayed the Board not to support the plan.


    Obviously now that the new field is in place, this "partnership" is no longer a possibility.


    What are you talking about? He asked if NewCath's offense was as good as Diehl & Co. from 2005. I was making a comparison. Reread the post that I responded to.


    I agree Kues and Kelley are as fast as any backfield in NKY. Without Conner, I think their backfield is at least as good as HHS. The difference between these teams is at Reciever on offense, and almost the entire defense. HHS is so fast on defense, that is where they excel. Also Highlands has a much better passing game at this point in the season.


    As for the game, it depends which Ryle offense shows up. If it is the old 3 yards and a cloud of dust, sprinkled in with a few go patterns, the NewCath will win by double digits. If it is the more wide open, diverse offense they showed in the pre-season, then I think this game is a close one.


    My prediction NewCath 27 Ryle 21.

  4. Not to give you anymore bad memories but NewCath had far more superior athletes than we did in 79' and 80'. We just seem to grasp what our coaches were preparing us for moreso than what Bob was preparing you guy's.


    I agree 100% . Especially the season of 1980. There were 4 D 1 players, 6 if you include Sophomores Mike Robinson and Jeff Brauley, as well as at least 4 other seniors who played DII or DIII.


    Even with the numerous injuries we had that year, we were outcoached, outplayed by Highlands and Newport. NewCath was #1 rated team in the state for 5 weeks prior to the Highlands game, and had not given up Score up to that point.


    The entire year only 90+ points were scored on us, and Highlands had 29 of those. A truely disappointing season!

  5. Great memory! I can't even tell you what I had for breakfast much less how much time, down, and timeouts left 29 yrs. ago. Now I remember, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Got-a-go!


    I couldn't tell you what I had for breakfast either. I can tell you almost every detail of every NC vs Highlands game I played in.


    I rehashed that game so many times over the years, including discussions with some of the NewCath coaches, that it really wasn't 29 years ago, seems more like 3 or 4 :)

  6. Actually there was 1:37 left on the clock with Highlands having 2 timeouts left, and it was 2nd down.


    I know the look only 2 well, I was on that sideline. I was taken out the play earlier, to get a senior in the game at RB, so that he could be part of the game. Probably the most frustrating loss I have ever been associated with!

  7. Actually that is not correct. He tried to hand it off to Mike Kiernan ( playing at FB) up the middle, the handoff was mis-handled and the ball bounced backward 5 yards. The ball bounced directly to Mr. Pabst and he ran it 60 yards for the score.


    Now if you want to complain about the wisdom of handing off to a FB who had not yet carried the ball in the game or for the year, that's legit. Or if you want to complain about his offensive schemes from the late 70's to the late 90's that's legit as well.


    However of all the issues people could legitimately have with Mr.Schneider, his lack of sportsmanship isn't one of them. He has always shown great class when it comes to showing up an opponent. Even his days a the Baseball coach, he would not allow a player to steal with a lead greater than 4 runs.

  8. This game epitomizes why both Teams programs are so successful. NCC quite honestly was out manned. They had 23-25 kids, and only 13 or 14 played meaningful minutes. But did they play! Hitchew, the QB #75, #11 etc.

    played inspired football. The score does not indicate how the game was played at all. NCC had the ball inside the 10 at the end of the 1st half, but could not score. Had they been able to punch it in, I am not sure we would have seen the same outcome. Congrats to the young Breds and the Coaching staff, keep playing like that and more trips to Louisville will be in the schools future.


    Now the Bluebirds: They must of had 6 different RB's who all look like excellent atheletes. The True kid, is by far the best at this point, but they have a several others #39, #17 etc. all of who have potential to be stars down the road. Even though the game was somewhat sloppy (lot's of pre-snap penalties for both teams) the kids from Ft. Thomas never hit the panic button, never lost composure. They believed they would win, and finally their superior talent finally wore down the Breds.


    Based on the other Scores posted for the Freshmen teams, this could be a very interesting year for Freshmen Football in NKY!

  9. I heard that numbers are an issue again this year at Scott. One parent told me they would not field a JV team this year. Is this true? I sure hope not, it is tough build a program with out a fielding teams at Frosh and JV.


    My understanding is that the Frosh numbers are good, and that they should have a pretty strong team. I hope that their is enough for JV as well.

  10. How are the Freshmen teams looking? Are young Birds going to dominate this year? Is the True (Sp?) kid from the Spartans going to be the featured back?


    How is SK going to be? What about Covcath, NewCath and Dixie?



    I hear HC should be loaded this year, much like their Jr. class was a couple years ago.

  11. Dixie is loaded! Their only problem is how to spread the wealth! That is a problem most coaches wish they had. It could be the begining of something very big for Dixie the next few years.


    I have heard the Zeke Pike might be the QB. He is a very good athelete, if he can convert that to a good QB, I think it is either Dixie or Highlands as the favorite.

  12. What do the Freshmen teams in NKY look like this year?


    Is SK loaded again? Does Highlands return to dominance? How much has Cooper affected Conner, Ryle and Boone?


    Dixie should be loaded, will the team live up to expectations?


    What type of teams do Covcath, Newcath and Holy Cross expect?

  13. Am I a horrible person because I volunteer with planned parenthood?

    Does a view on one issue completely erase any moral standing that a person has?


    In my opinion YES.


    Put it this way if your murder someone, no matter what else you have done in life you are a murderer!


    OJ Simpson, did many charitable things in his life. He spoke to children of the ghetto, telling them to avoid Drugs and gangs. He was one of the best RB's in College history.


    At the end of the day he will be remembered and judged as a murderer!

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