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the poet

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Posts posted by the poet

  1. It would have been easy for UK to pack it in back in December. They didnt. That is a credit to their BCG and the players. Way to keep playing hard. It goes to show that with hard work, good things happen.


    Obviously, this team was not loaded with talent. Hopefully, BCG will continue to recruit his tail off and continue to get the talent just like PP.


    I for one am very proud of this team.

  2. When it comes to the playoffs, kids may have a preference of who they want to play based on past history or "playoff rivalries". But honestly, the kids would not care who they play, being in the playoffs and travelling to any away site is always exciting.


    So I agree that playing other districts in the early rounds is best, but lets be reasonable: KEEP IT CLOSE TO HOME!!!

  3. Flair will cheat as he always does. He is not the dirtiest man in the game for nothing you know. But taker recovers because yo cant kill the dead.


    Taker wins.



    Besides,Flair was what?...a 17 time world champ? That also means that he lost the belt 17 times too!


    He loses this one.

  4. Officials have a very tough job. I agree that a bad call here or there usually doesn't mean disaster because there are about 100 other plays that contribute to the game. Anyway, my experience is that when a crew is bad, they are bad for both teams....usually. :cool:

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