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Free Bird21

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Posts posted by Free Bird21

  1. Fact is Corbin would beat Madison Central at least 75 percent of the time they play. Madison Central as athletic as they are just don't shoot the ball very well. They don't handle the pressure defense very well either.


    Hate on Corbin all you want. Boone County beat them in the same tournament. Last time I checked Boone County is located further from the 13th Region that Madison Central is. Funny how the officiating didn't affect the outcome of this game. You know what else is funny? There aren't any Corbin fans on here talking about how they were robbed. No sir, I have seen several posts from Corbin fans sending congrats to Boone County though.


    Officiating, even bad officiating, is part of every game. It is something as a team you must be prepared to deal with too. Mark it down...Corbin will have a much better season than Madison Central.



    I agree, bad officiating is a part of the game, as I said in my previous post. But in this particular game, it was lopsided. It might not have been in the Boone Co. game, I don't know I wasn't there.


    Central plays in the toughest region in the state, I would hope Corbin would have a better season than them. Corbin is a good team and head and shoulders above anyone in the 13th, especially when Crawford returns, but the 11th region is a totally different animal. I'm just stating what I and many other non-biased fans saw and that was a severely lopsided officiated game in Corbin's favor.

  2. Merry Christmas. Cheer up it is holiday time. Corbin and Boone County were clearly the two teams that should have been in the finals.


    Madison Central was the best team in the Tournament. They officiating was very one sided and frankly, laughable. To say differently is just wrong. I know refs have a thankless job and all that stuff, but it's there job to do it right and to let the kids decide the outcome of the game. I'm neither a Corbin or a Madison Central fan and I could easily tell a difference. The North Laurel-Rock game was the same way. 13th Region refs take care of their own a suppose.

  3. My season tickets will not be renewed if Marvin is still there next year.


    Rudi Johnson is terrible, so why did Marvin give him the majority of the carries? Kenny Watson is much better.


    Typical Bengals fan comment. I have been a fan through the thick and thin and will always have my season tickets no matter what happens.


    I've always said that Rudi is a product of that offense, if you put a Steven Jackson in there (who of which we could've drafted but selected Chris Perry instead) none can even imagine how much more dominant the team would be. The Defense is just horrible and I agree, Marvin has to go, he has no control over the team whatsoever. Evans burnt Joseph EVERY play today.

  4. An article in Sports Illustrated last year was estimating about 20 years from now what the home run list would look like and Adam Dunn was in the top 5 with nearly 700 homers.


    As I and most people are aware of this, the greater concern for the Reds right now is pitching. Hopper and Griffey are hitting well while Hamilton is on his way back from killing the ball in Louisville. The Reds are almost better off putting a pitching machine on the mound than almost anyone in the pen.

  5. What does everyone think about the Reds broadcasters on Fox Sports Net? I thought I would like Brantley and Brenneman in the booth, but they just seem to be to critical of the players. In my opinion, broadcasters are there to announce the game...let the players play. I like Welch and Grande much better. Any thoughts on the subject?


    I agree. The young Brennemen and Brantley really get on my nerves with their rants on individual players. I think they talked about how bad of a lead off hitter they thought Freel was the other night for 3 innings. I love Marty to death, grew up listening to him, but i having a hard time getting used to this combo on fox Sports Net. I enjoyed the break from them last night!

  6. I thought it was a great effort by South Laurel and a lackluster one by Corbin sans Crawford. He couldn't be stopped but it will take more than a superstar to beat a team the caliber of Laurel County. The birds are definitely the better team but I think Corbin can beat them. It will just take a team effort. To me it looked like Corbin's youth seemed content with just having a bid to region while Laurel County was lights out and not wanting to send their seniors out with a L in their final home game. The good thing about this is that this is just one game and if both teams play to their potential, will meet up again in a week. Best of luck to em.



    It's South Laurel, not Laurel Co.

  7. If it were as cut and dried as just losing one guy with stats, I might buy your argument. They also lost Trabish (6-4), who was coming into his own. Dalton, a key reserve on the front line, also missed three games, and it took the team some time to rediscover its chemistry. It's kind of like asking a thoroughbred to re-rally not once in a race after checking in traffic, but multiple times. Tough to do.


    I stand by my statement.


    As usual, very well said Jim.

  8. I've said for 3-4 years now, as much as I love UK basketball, I absolutely hate the fan base.


    On the bright side, it has made me more of a "pure" college basketball fan than before.


    Sorry that we forgot to ask you how to be a fan. Kentucky Basketball is a big part of many peoples lives and thats what makes it so great.

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