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Posts posted by doomer

  1. They just showed the rebound basket again and the announcers of course don't say nothing about the obvious push in the back on the rebound. They say size made a difference and that was all.


    Also a classic hook and hold by the Puke player on the rebound that gave them the lead. The hook and hold prevented the UCF player from jumping. Should have been a foul and a T, game over.

  2. I've had surgery on both shoulders for rotator cuff tears, labrum tears, bone spur and partially torn biceps tendon. First off, I have had seven knee surgeries and ankle surgery, so I am not new to being worked on. The first shoulder surgery was 10 years ago. The first three days after the surgery were very painful, and I didn't have strong enough pain relief. I didn't sleep a wink and could only sit around. Finally, I was able to get better pain relief, but actually after the third day, it became manageable. The rehab went very well. I was only in the sling for 2 to 3 weeks and started rehab early. Within six months, the shoulder was 100% (although I damaged it again in a bike wreck last summer- as I sit with an ice pack). The second shoulder was repaired in 2016. Originally, it was thought I only had the bone spur as the shoulder was not nearly as painful pre-surgery as the other had been. However, in surgery they found the rotator cuff tears along with labrum and biceps tendon..who knew? Maybe because I was eight years older, or there were more problems, this shoulder took probably a year to get right, but it is now at or near 100%. I did demand better pain relief for post surgery and got it. However, after the 2nd day, I didn't really want it.


    In both cases, I missed only three days of work, however, I had an office job.


    I do the band therapy and other exercises religiously. I lift weights, but I am careful on the bench press and overhead presses and work more reps. than heavy lifting. I stretch, but it is never enough, and I need to do more.


    I hope this is helpful, and reach out if I can share anything else that helps.


    I wish you all the best.

  3. Let her know to keep an eye out on the weather for Saturday. May see some more severe weather in her area. For now it looks like they'll be okay. I'll be watching it.





    One of the other mini-doomers and family are in Huntsville, so I will advise them as well.

  4. Let her know to keep an eye out on the weather for Saturday. May see some more severe weather in her area. For now it looks like they'll be okay. I'll be watching it.




    Thanks for the heads up!!!

  5. The report is they only had a 5-minute warning before the tornado hit.


    My daughter (mini-doomette) and her family live in Auburn, roughly 10 minutes from where the tornado touched down. She said there was no warning where she was, or they didn't hear it, so they were not in a protected area. Since then, she has loaded an app on her phone to provide warnings. It is a scary situation.

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