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Posts posted by doomer

  1. Officials will become public tomorrow morning, but the crew that is working is very good.


    Then I'm hopeful. Williams is a great player, and very strong, but it is not unusual for him to shoot more free throws himself than the entire opponent. And, it's one thing to let him bully around the basket, but to allow it, AND call a foul on the opponent for merely existing is ridiculous. BTW, I loathe and despise ut (small letters on purpose) if one can't tell.

  2. I doubt the issue ever comes up during mission trips. Usually missionaries try to meet basic needs, teach the Bible, and start churches or schools. I would be surprised if birth control is ever discussed.


    That makes sense, and maybe that would be more if the WHO’s role. My concern is that certain religions discourage birth control, or at least contraceptives.

  3. *UPDATE*


    Nevermind, I quit. This research is too depressing.


    Looked up the country with the highest birth rate in recent years. It's a country in Northern Africa. Approximately 43% of children between the ages of 5 and 14 work at least part time. However, the data remains unreliable because of the large sectors of the population engaged in hereditary slavery and the practice of some young girls born into slavery being sold as "fifth wives" between the ages of 9 and 11.


    So you know what? I'm done here.


    Thank you for participating anyway. And your research gets to some of my concerns, and it is those areas where growth and density of population lead or at least evidences a devaluation of human life in addition to the, at least local shortage of resources.


    And churches, with best of intentions, send missionaries and support to these areas. However, my curiosity is if those churches that do not support education and birth contol serve the best interests of those people and humanity in general?

  4. It's God's world, it's his plan and he alone is in control. I'm not exactly a biblical scholar but I've believe that he told man to be fruitful and multiply, fill the Earth. If for whatever reason there is need to check the population, I believe God has many means by which he could do so.


    I am not in favor of any government making laws or policy that dictate how many children someone is allowed to have or any methods to achieve this such as forced sterilization, abortion, euthanasia, etc.


    I agree with you that man should not dictate by law or otherwise to reduce the population. However, education and availability of birth control can have a positive impact. Thus the topic in religion.

  5. The highlight of my old lab's day was me sending her down the driveway to fetch the newspaper. Sometimes the Sunday paper would be a bit too much and would end up in sections on the driveway. Since she has gone, I no longer have an interest in the printed version, but I agree with several on here, especially the local papers provided information about local government and events that would be hard to know about otherwise. I do enjoy going with Mrs. doomer to the library on the weekend, and I will go through the back issues of the newspapers they keep there.

  6. Look life is way too short to worry about trivial things. There's real, serious, pressing issues facing our planet and world that have immediate ramifications to worry about something that isn't going to become an issue for hundreds of years.


    I agree there are many pressing issues, and I believe population is one of them. It is not a quick fix either, and when it hits us in the face, it will be too late.

  7. Not sure what you mean.


    Growth has slowed over the past several years. Population is growing at around 80 million or so per year now, which is less than a decade ago.


    However, life expectancy is increasing while "fertility" (children per mother)is declining which is the good news. Regardless....projections are for 10 billion+ in only a few years. I believe many of the issues we have are the result of claiming resources to support population growth, thus deforestation, unhealthy GMO food supplies, soil fertility degradation, increases in sicknesses and mental health issues...possible dietary related, reduction in pollinators, extinctions, global hunger, and on and on which are magnified by uncontrolled growth.

  8. I am one that you described as "seeks the truth." I believe in the possibility of there being a higher power, but, prove it to me. I've had people say "Well how could this (insert random thing or happening) be without God?" and then I give them ways it could be without the presence of a higher power. I hope that when I challenge people on things like that they aren't offended or take it personal, but that's just how my mind works.


    I don’t speak out loud much about my beliefs:


    I have pondered all this as well, but I have conceded that the mysteries of the universe and the mystery of faith is beyond my current level of comprehension. I do know that my life, at some very low points, when I prayed and allowed things to take their course, turned in ways that I would not have imagined and better than I would have imagined. There have been things in my life where disaster could have happened, and it didn’t, and times where it did. Both cases caused me to examine but reaffirm my faith in a higher influence...which I will call the Father, his Son and the Holy Spirit. I was brought up in Church, but I struggle with organized religion, and I admit have some cynicism towards some, of which I am not proud. At the end of the day, I respect each individual’s right to think and believe as they will in their search for happiness and fulfillment.

  9. So that means they beat every playoff team on their schedule...obviously including the three teams they played in the playoffs...just a weird stat...


    How do you beat KC twice (including once in Arrowhead), the Bears at Soldier field, and the Chargers like a tied up goat...and lose to the Dolphins, Jaguars (by 11), Titans (by 24!), and Lions (by 16!)? The NFL is definitely a week to week league...


    Same way UK gets demolished by Duke and loses to Seton Hall. Get better as the season progresses and peak for the tourney.

  10. It will be three years in April since I last played. I enjoy watching golf, and going out sounds good in theory, but the injuries have mounted up. Surgery on both shoulders was bad enough, but I tore a tendon in my thumb hitting out of a wet sand trap three years ago. The injury is called gamekeeoer’s thumb. So I had to change to a baseball grip with my top hand, and it really bothered me on my short irons. I probably need to sell all my equipment and stop thinking about it.

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