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Posts posted by barrel

  1. Being a HC isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Probably the biggest perk is you get to set the work hours.  One of the upsides to this whole Covid thing is staffs have learned to work more remotely. You get a side of the ball. You get to make probably a pretty good amount of decisions on your own/control. On top of all that you don’t have to put up with/do all the other stuff that is a royal pain as a HC. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Sweeperboy said:

    Btw, for those concerned, it doesn’t take money to work out on your own. Never has and never will so whoever is complaining about kids working out privately claims “isn’t fair” is an insult to all athletes across this country.

    There is a big difference between doing push-ups and burpees and putting a bar on your back. There are a number of programs that would make the argument “it’s not fair” that other programs are in the weight room and they aren’t/can’t be. The personal trainer thing can be hit or miss but access to bar and weights at this age (even when not done optimally) can be a big advantage. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    This is what makes hiring the next coach at Highlands so challenging. Clevenger seems like a great candidate. Then you look at his record and he is 12-17 over the last 3 years and he was let go from his current job. I look at his resume and it is a lot like Brian Weinrich's. How do you sell Clevenger to the Highlands community as the answer?

    He did more with less. I’m sure that won’t go over well but you can certainly sell it that way. He won a state title which is never easy. You have to have the players, coaching and some luck. You can rack up wins in a weak district and/or with favorable scheduling. Barth has the wins but then people point to no title. 


    It appears he hasn’t had much administration support. Smaller school with a bigger fluctuations in talent and/or having to play young guys sooner. I’m not sure about resources and being in the same county with another top level program. Right now who else would be an easier sell?

  4. I believe there are a number of former Danville players that HC and AC throughout the state. So if they open this up to interviews you might get a decent amount apply. Considering how this looks from the outside hiring a former player might be the best bet. Someone that knows the community, program history and willing to look past some things because it’s home. If you bring in someone with no real connections I think you better knock it out of the park. If anything the HHS job has shown how hard that is. 

    The former coach is very well known so those interested in the job will have no issue finding information out about all the red flags and pitfalls of the current situation. 

  5. 11 hours ago, Sweeperboy said:

    Couple guys that haven’t received much or any attention in this thread that were Highlands guys that coached at other schools that I thought could someday come back to Ft Thomas to coach their alma matter

    Kevin Siple - Like 10 time Coach of Year in Ohio, loves his Birds

    Tom Spritzky - been outta of it for sometime now but could manage a game clock with the best of em

    Anyone have confirmation on whether either applied? 

    @franknicodemus @9068 @barrel has all been an interesting wealth of information that only very close to the situation room would know 



    I’m not close to the situation. I just know how coaching works with jobs and KY football in general. I doubt Siple applied. The last job I heard he applied for was when Carroll was open last time. Depending on who gets hired and staffing I guess there is the possibility he could end up on staff. I honestly think he is pretty happy doing what he is doing. 

    With what’s happened at Danville things get interesting. I wouldn’t be surprised either way if he ends up at HHS. He kind of fell into their lap if either party is interested. He has won a title. He has taken a historic program that was down and got them on track. Overall it’s a very interesting turn of events with both him and the coaching search. 

    There are a lot of places that are kind of a mess right now with off-season workouts. So hiring late isn’t that big of a deal. We don’t know if there will be spring ball. Most coaches unless local wouldn’t be able to be at out of season work due to current job and distance. The upside to all of this is kids have at least been exposed to distance learning. A coach can start exposing players to things in that manner. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Sweeperboy said:

    Can’t they do this on their own or with an art teacher or someone else as a supervisor?. If the kids have to be motivated to work hard by a coach and can’t do this on their own then imo a high dollar head coach isn’t going to change anything. 


    There are some Art teachers that are coaches and even HC here in KY. I get your point but it still made me laugh a little. 

    Now the statement of football not being a priority by another poster is one heck of a statement coming from HHS. Even if it isn’t fact (I have no clue if it is or isn’t) if that is the perception that’s bad enough. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Jack of all Trades said:

    Weinrich to Beechwood

    Behymer to Newport

    Umberg to Newport

    Dill to ??????

    Turner still at Highlands

    Deaton still at Highlands

    Leopold to ???????

    Hall to retirement?

    All frosh coaches were not renewed.


    Even the Frosh HC that is/was on the committee? 

  8. 6 minutes ago, FrankNicodemus said:

    I mean seriously is this a story about Roberts or Coach James.....I see Deja Vu in this one right??? They better vet this big time if this is HHS pick....for the record I am totally speculating this is HHS pick.

    I highly doubt this is HHS pick. Past coaching where you grew up there really isn’t many similarities. His teams do play with a swagger that might be similar to FC. 

  9. I agree that Frosh/JV HC better prepared you for being a HC. The problem is most people doing the hiring don’t see it that way. Also with numbers being lower in certain areas and resources some teams just don’t have dedicated lower level teams.  Less freshman games and more froshmore type games past some schools. 

    For all the advantages that people think of with Trinity it’s bodies and the size of the staff that might be the two biggest advantages. If you look at teams that have had success and/or continue to have success I would venture to say they have those advantages too. 

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  10. 10 hours ago, NLTanker1 said:

    This is interesting. That building is not very big in comparison to other high schools in the area. If they are going to be 6-12, they'll almost certainly be 1A. 

    If that is the case then the job would of been very appealing. The ability to pull players from across JCPS and play in a small class. Get to build everything from the ground up. Have players potentially in the same system for 5-6 years with pretty much these staff.  Then add JCPS pay on top of that. 

    • Like 1
  11. You can’t play MS kids on the same field as a JR. Football has different restrictions than most sports. 

    This is what I think the plan is. Start with a MS team. Then move up to freshman. Now some districts won’t let MS kids play freshman football. Then start playing JV and maybe four years play varsity for the first time. Now their first year or so of varsity might not be district play. I believe LCA followed a similar model. 

    The setup for the school sounds like it has the potential to be a very good set up. I’d love to hear more about their current HC. This is one of those jobs that if people would of known about it could of gotten some very good applicants. 

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  12. 55 minutes ago, John Anthony said:

    Well if they can’t aim high, what’s next?  Try to lure Bryson Warner away from Boone by showing him property values in Ft. Thomas?

    I don’t think you have to aim low. You might have to think outside the box or some might have to look past some blinders. I think you have a great idea of finding a coordinator. The question is who has the connections to locate one? Another option is finding someone that has been able to win due to limited talent/resources. I think both ideas could work but I think the second might be a tougher sell. 

    Funny you mentioned Coach Warner. I had a discussion with someone about the job. It feels like pretty much no one in NKY wants to go near it. I’ve got guesses why. The person brought up Warner and I thought there is no way that would work for a number of reasons. I know you weren’t serious about him. It just reminded me of the conversation. 

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