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Royal Uncle

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Posts posted by Royal Uncle

  1. If you're suggesting the officials called the game in favor of the home team, how dare you? The masses will just call you a sore loser and let you know that you can't blame a loss on officiating. We all know that the players determine the outcome of all games 100% of the time. Unless, of course, it's the coaches fault.:D

  2. That is a very good question. ;) How often should the filter be changed?


    It depends on the make. For whatever reason, it seems like Fords need changed about every 40K miles or so. Much after that, you can feel a shutter when they start to shift. I don't know what the manufacturers suggest, but as a general rule, I would do it every 50K miles even if it is performing properly. It's an easy job. The transmission fluid pan has a magnet in the bottom that collects filings from the trany. Small shavings are nothing to be worried about. Big chunks of metal mean trouble. I always clean the pan with a few cans of brake cleaner. Also, if you do this yourself. lay the gasket from the new filter out flat in a warm area so it will fit nice when you go to put it back on. The morons that make these things wad them up in the box.

  3. My car is at the mechanics for the weekend. He has closed up shop before I was able to leave work/school to deliver it.


    It felt more like a front end vibration. It was not at a certain speed and was not consistant. It did not occur at breaking at all.


    Sounds lika a drive train problem. How many miles since your transmission filter was changed?

  4. I hope that AS doesn't mind me asking my own automotive question...


    Just this morning my car started "shaking" while I was driving. It was not constant, though VERY noticable...and that was the only symptom.


    Any thoughts?


    Lots of them.


    Loose lug nuts

    Tie rods/ ball joints

    Since not constant, it could be a transmission shudder while trying to shift

    Rough road


    Does it feel like it is in the front or rear?

  5. I think you can just take the car to autozone, if it can make it there and get them to hook it up to their computer.


    That works, too. I have one, and it is worth it's weight in gold. Only problem is family/friends/neighbors have you as the first person to call when their car messes up.

  6. Did the engine light come on? If so, there will be a code stored in the computer. If any friends or family have a diagnostic reader, they can plug in, read the code, and most likely tell you what sensor needs replaced. S3 is probably right, but there are so many things it could be, just randomly changing parts can get expensive. If no one has a reader, I suggest buying one. They pay for themselves pretty fast when you start adding up your time and trips to the auto parts store.

  7. All of these hypothetical play-off systems make it too complicated. There is no reason to re-invent the wheel. The old 1-AA system worked great. I used to go to play-off games at Marshall. Youngstown State, Appy State, Georgia Southern, and any other team that came to Huntington traveled well. When all the games were played, there was a sense of satisfaction among the winners and losers that a true champion had been crowned. Corporate sponsors are still going to support the games. The only loser is the bowl committees. The only reason to keep them around is for historical sake. They serve no other purpose but to serve themselves. Eliminate them. Institute a play-off system. And most importantly, give us a true NCAA national champion in football and end this ignorant debate once and for all.

  8. What I don't like is when I am using someone elses phone (especially someone of the other gender) and their phone rings. With my luck it always plays something that, to put it nicely, doesn't suit me. It always seems to happen around a large group of people. I get these looks that say "Why does that biker looking guy have THAT song on his phone?".


    Do you think the first thing in their mind is the biker in the Village People?

  9. I did one on the proper use of smoke detectors in the home. All kinds of boring facts and figures all available online. I brought a small piece of drywall, a cordless drill, and a new detector, and demonstrated how to install it, as well as how to change the batteries. What put mine over the top was, at the time, I was a volunteer firefighter. I wore my dress shirt and badge to class that night, but kept my jacket on until time for my speech. The uniform gave some authority to the facts. I don't like public speaking, but this was pretty easy.

  10. My in-laws always get me crappy gifts. Been married 10 years, and the nicest gift I have received from them is a new Rand McNally road atlas from Wal-Mart with the oil change coupons cut out. The worst gifts range from garden decorations that glow in the dark (a butterfly and a hummingbird) to a size medium shirt. I am 6'7". I can't wait to see what's next. :creepy:

  11. This is one crisis that I have been following with quite a bit of interest as of late. Instead of relying on the drivel put forth by msnbc (as referenced in the 1st post), I invite those of you who are actually interested in knowing what ACTUALLY has transpired over the years as it relates to what the Bush Administration has done to click on the following link and read it in its entirety.




    No, I'm not saying I agree with everything included in the linked story, but to say the Bush Administration ignored "clear warnings on lending rules" is so utterly laughable that I can't believe someone would actually be so naive as to believe such misinformation.


    Thanks for providing facts, rather than mindless fodder. Even with this though, there will still be plenty who ignore these facts and continue to throw the blame on Bush. Those that choose to go that route have no hope of ever seeing past the hate.

  12. I blame Bush and Congress. Congress has more "oversight committees" than you can shake a stick at. Yet, when something like this happens, it's always the fault of the administration. They all need to man up and take responsibility for this, rather than just say it is the fault of one person. 1 man overlooking something, I can see it. All 535 members of Congress missing something is unacceptable.

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