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Royal Uncle

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Posts posted by Royal Uncle

  1. Our son was a Michigan football player and our daughter was a Michigan Cheerleader. They looked adorable.


    I couldn't decide which way to go on this one, so...


    (1) I hope you check their candy very good.


    (2) Somebody call CPS. This is both child abuse and child endangerment.

  2. Bush's spending is my biggest problem with him. I appreciate the fact that we haven't had a terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11. Taking the fight elsewhere and tying up Al Quaeda's resources has kept us safe domestically. The things he takes criticism for like Katrina and the economy are not his fault. The local governments have to share the biggest part of the blame for Katrina, along with people refusing to leave when they were ordered to evacuate. Look at the devastation IKE just brought to Galveston. The Island was almost empty, and the loss of life was minimal. I think they learned their lessons a few years ago.

    Congress has to take some blame for the economy, as well as business does. In a free market economy, the people running business have to act in a responsible manner. To say the POTUS is responsible for the failures of Enron or any other failing business is like giving him credit for the success of Wal-Mart. It's not his fault businesses fail or flourish. That is how capitalism works.

    Bush has given us 2 good Supreme Court justices. He has tried to fill other federal court benches, but the dems in congress have blocked those attempts.

    Bush will not be remembered as a great president, but I believe he is a good president.

  3. If anyone wants something worthwhile, T. Boone Pickens is on RFDTV(231 on Dish) going over his energy plan. Expand wind and solar use for the power grid. This frees up natural gas for use in vehicles. Then have the natural gas companies install home hook-ups so you can fill your car up off of your home gas line. Will take some time to implement, but it is really the only viable option anyone has brought to the table. In the meantime, drill on every piece of American soil we can. Show the world be mean business when it comes to becoming energy independent.

  4. The prison in Lucasville, OH mentioned earlier is a state maximum security facility. There is a federal prison in Summit(Ashland), KY. Something else to take a look at is the FBI. Go to the office in Lexington and get started by talking to someone there about career goals and expectations. Also, check out the state police agencies in surrounding states. They may not be testing now, but more than likely, someone will be testing before too long.

    I, also, took criminal justice in school. Upon graduation, I worked 6 months at a State of Ohio juvenile corrctional facility. This was not the right job for me. The young men incarcerated were locked up for all types of felonies (1-5). In my mind, these thugs needed to be treated like the criminals they were. The state's policy at that time was focused on rehab. They have since changed toward more of a corrections mode, but I had since moved on to greener pastures.

    There are a lot of jobs related to CJ that you could pursue. Probation and parole officers are a good stepping stone into something else. Keep your options wide open and look at everything.

  5. Calling Obama a socialist has been the main talking point of the McCain campaign the last few days, calling him a Muslim has not been a McCain push but it has widely been pushed by the republicans on the ground, read BGP for example.


    Questioning someone's "Americanism" is hateful and it is also the most disgraceful distasteful action that the republicans have partaken in during the last 28 years. What they inappropriately deem "American" are there own values, and call others who disagree "anti-American".


    Yes false accusations of racism are hateful but I don't see anyone calling McCain a racist.


    Obama is a socialist. Loook at his economic ideas, then read up on socialism. They are one in the same. If that doesn't bother you, that's fine. But don't get offended or call it "hateful" when the truth is spoken. Any economy that wants to take from the performers and give to the non-performers is a form of socialism.

  6. Palin's wardrobe has been purchased with campaign dollars. After the election, the clothes are being donated to a charity that helps low income women prepare for job interviews. I don't know the name of the charity, but Men's Warehouse has the same program to donate used suits for men to wear to interviews. Since this is helping the down and out, I would think it would be heralded by the left, rather than just finding something stupid and irrelevant to complain about.

  7. It'd be good for the Giants.:lol:


    Other cities that are expendable in Hearsay's world:


    San Antonio

    San Francisco

    New Orleans

    Las Vegas


    Washington, D.C.

    Madison, WI

    Boulder, CO


    Burbank, CA

    Palm Springs, CA

    Tuscon, AZ

    Santa Fe, NM

    The entire state of Vermont



    San Jose, CA

    Portland, OR

    Disney World


    But the best maple syrup comes from Vermont. The rest of the sanctuary cities on here can go, but please reconsider Vermont.

  8. Ohio State looked great against Michigan State this week. Penn State looked like crap the first half against a pathetic Michigan team. If Penn State starts out slow again this week, the Buckeye defense will hold them down and keep the streak against the Nittany Lions in The Shoe intact.


    Ohio State 37


    Penn State 24

  9. My wife of ten years now had a three year old son when we met. She didn't have anyone she could leave him with on a consistent basis (his father wanted nothing to do with him then or now), so I included him in on everything we did. A romantic dinner to a fine Italian restaurant was changed to Fazoli's and the kid menu. A Garth Brooks concert was replaced by Disney On Ice. I realized if I wanted to be with her, I had to build our lives around them, not just her. My parents took to him like he was a natural grandchild. My brothers family and his kids were happy to have a "new cousin" they could play with right away, not having to wait until they got bigger. My willingness to accept them as a package has made our life as a family better. Had I been reluctant to do so could have caused resentment that would still be an issue. If your friend values his relationship with his son, he will tell this lady that his son comes first. If she loves him, then she will love his son.

  10. Krogers is a great place for a college kid. I worked midnights on the stock crew, 9-5:30. Take classes when you need them, get off early in morning and go fishing in the spring and summer, hunting in the fall and winter. I never really stayed on a set schedule. Sometimes I would get off work and sleep for 8 hours, sometimes stay up all day and sleep in the late afternoon/evening. Even take a short nap in the morning after work, then catch a few hours before work. It was a great job for colllege, and paid decent, also.

  11. I'm still unsure of why it was wrong of the hockey crowd to boo Palin. They weren't booing a six year old girl and her mother. They were booing a candidate for vice president of the United States. This was obviously done for political purposes. If she chooses to bring her family along out on the ice, then she is putting them in play.


    It's funny how things change. Chelsey Clinton was off limits. The Obama children are off limits. But, if Sarah Palin takes her children with her, then they are "in play." I love the double standards.

  12. Same city that boo's Santa Claus. I'd had been more surprised if they didnt' boo.


    Not only booed Santa, but pelted him with snowballs. The residents of Phiadelphia have taken a huge downward spiral in the last 250 years from the patriots that help found our country to the idoits there now. I have 2 uncles who live in New Jersey not too far from Philly. They are both rather liberal in their thinking, and they don't like "The City of Brotherly Love."

  13. Wow...Michigan is really down right now. They just don't have the athletes needed to run Rich Rod's offense effectively.


    If Rod was such a great coach, wouldn't he have recognized this and run an offense more suitable to the players he has, and not put his offense in until he had recruited the players needed to run his preferred style of offense. I think if he had stayed with something more like Lloyd Carr ran for a few more years, this team would have a few less L's and a few more W's. Putting his offense in without the right personnel has been a huge disaster and will hurt him in his future recruiting endeavors.

  14. When McCain said Obama was someone we shouldn't fear to have as president (I'm paraphrasing), I was highly upset at him. He may as well have just said, "Hey, vote for Obama, I am." As a McCain supporter, I was just flabbergasted that he would say something that to me sounds like throwing in the towel. I coach my sons youth football team. One of the things I am constantly preaching to the boys is to play 'til the whistle blows. "Well, Senator McCain, play 'til the whistle blows. Don't let up. If you lose, you lose. But don't stop until the end!"

  15. What is ALDI? I think there is on e in NKY but I wasn't sure what it was. There is also something called GFS that I don't know what it is.


    Aldi is a discount grocery store. I think of them as the Big Lots of the grocery industry. I have been to 3 different ones, and they seem very disorganized and not well thought out. GFS Store is a retail outlet of Gordon Food Service. They are a commercial supplier to restaurants and institutions like schools, hospitals, and nursing homes. If you need a gallon of mayo or a 5 gallon bucket of sliced dill pickles, they are the place to go.


    JS, I don't think the two are connected, but I could be wrong.

  16. My favorite is pizza I make at home. Chef Boyardee pepperoni. Those little pepperonies sitting in a can of sauce for who knows how long are awesome. Then I add extra pepperoni, banana peppers, onion, green olives, mushrooms, and sometimes green peppers. Then add way too much cheese. This is awesome.

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