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black 10

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Everything posted by black 10

  1. :laugh: Les, picks South, this puts the curse of doom on South. "Hazard, wins":thumb:
  2. I hear The Ville, is playing at Hoops this weekend as well . Should be some great competition this weekend.
  3. A typical cry from most Corbin, fans. "not all" I've never heard them say we got out coached or out played in any loss, football or basketball. It's alway the men in stripes fault. I can tell you the men in stripes missed calls on both ends and let the kids play. A big call the ref's missed was in the 1st qtr when a South player flat out ran over top of Corbin's big man and the called a blocking foul. Mann's, fouling St John's, on about every rebound. By just flying into him not trying for the rebound from his back side. Bumping him very hard keeping him off balance while other Corbin players got the rebound. Good hard play jamming him on rebonds is OK, but just flat out mugging??? Corbin players pushing off to get spacing because the can't do it out of triple threat. Johnson's push off in the third qtr was just a missed call. Players hooking trying to get by the defender off the dribble is a offensive foul. Corbin's player under cutting South on 3 different lay ups, and nothing being called. A rec league ref makes that call. "Yes" South, got by with a slap and reach here and their, and Corbin, got by with some hard play under the basket at times. "OK" "but" to say South, won because of the Stripes PLEASE!!!! What South did to Corbin, in the second halve and OT. Is what Corbin, did to South, at the end of the first halve and start of the second. South's coach's made adjustments in the 4th qtr by keeping their players heads in the game and hearts on the floor. Corbin's coach's never made the adjustment for South's 4th and OT runs. Except to come out of the zone and go man to man after the Bortnem, hit two big three's. They never hedge out on Bortnem, I guess out of the fear St John's, would slip the screen. They just came under the screen leaving Bortnem, open for the 3 point shoot. Then South went off the dribble on Corbin's man to man. Corbin, never switched to help out or was late getting over on the drives from the weak side to stop South's, dibble penetration. The Dean, kid made some big shots off the dribble for South. Corbin's coaching staff down 5 with a little over a minute left in OT sat in silence defeat. "WHY"? Did the stripes make them quit coaching? Their players quit playing because their coach's quit coaching. They flat out got out coached in the second halve. Fourteen points down little over 6 minutes, left South calls a TO. Coach Wright, met his team on the floor encouraging them. This game was not over. Corbin, never set up any offensive plays in the last few seconds of regulation or in over time. The players just tried to create on their own. After a missed shot the fouled to make the big gap on going to the line. Please!!!! I'm not bashing any of the Corbin, players. The are some great kids and very good basketball players.:ylsuper: Just some of their fans! :fire: The Truth: Some were between the chants from Corbin's fans of Rupp Arena!!!! Corbin's players celebrating after South's TO in the 4th qtr with Corbin up 14 points. Corbin, lost their game focus. Coach's forgot to tell them who they were playing and the game was far from over. I think the Corbin's coaching staff forgot who they were playing as well. Began to celebrate along with their fans and players. Which gave their players subliminal permission to relax and think the game was over. At that point South's coaching staff took over. Coach Denny, the best asst coach in the state with his clip board in hand flipping pages looking at game plan notes. Coach Wright's intense antics relaying encouraging game instruction to his team. While the other coach's spoke words of encouragement. The South players came out of the TO, playing with fire and defensive discipline. :ylsuper: "Gave South the win" "Not the Stripes" Sorry for a long post " but" This is years of frustration buldt up over "some" Corbin, fans blaming stripes and bad calls in all their losses. :madman:
  4. Les, please pick South, to lose every game at Rupp!:thumb: I know your truly a wolf in sheep's clothing ! In short your a ture Card, fan!!
  5. I don't think any one has any love for South's. I do think Corbin, will win. I don't think either of these two teams are good enough to defeat the other team three time in a role. Corbin's has a bitter taste, over the district loss and the big loss at home. I do think Corbin's has been the most consistent of the two teams all year. South, has been a very inconsistent team for the most part of the year. Their like a box of cracker jacks, you just don't know, what the prize is until you get to the bottom. We shall see what that prize is tonight. :banana:
  6. If Corbin, was at the South, KC, game at South. They will press the whole game if, they do press Corbin, by 15 points, "if not" KC, by 3 in a barn burner.
  7. Typical North, guy wishing South, ill fate. Just got to love it!!! :ylsuper: This means South, wins big!
  8. I wonder what the Hound fans, thought about Johnson's, shot selection tonight:D. He's the most unappreciated player on the team. Corbin, fans give him down he road after every loss. Especially after the the District loss to South Laurel. They could not of won tonight with out his, hard play and scoring. Show the kid some love, he's the real deal, just young.:thumb:
  9. Does any one know of any 7th grade or AAU 13U, teams playing at the BCI, this weekend. I think South & North Laurel's, 7th grades are playing this week end. Thanks for any info! Hope to see you at the gym!
  10. The Ville, finished 1 and 4 in Dallas,Texas this weekend. The Ville, had a little bad luck in their second game against the Houston Defenders, Hatcher went out with a twisted knee and missed the rest of the tournament. Sanders' only seeing limited playing time because of getting back in basketball shape and rehabbing his ankle. Hicks, playing on a bad ankle as well, had The Ville, up against the wall most of the tournament. The rest of the team played with great effort in very game. Their first lost came to ARC, by 7. They lost their second game to the defending 12 Under AA National Champs, Houston Defenders, by 5 points. The third game of the was the hardest of tournament, it was their third game of the day. They played the Texas Titans, with out Hatcher and Sanders playing at very limited times in the game. They lost to the Titan's by 14 points it was their worst game they played. They lost to Super Friends by 9 points in their forth game on Sunday morning with Hick's playing on bummed ankle, Hatcher out and Sanders playing very limited. Their only win came in their fifth game of the tournament against their neighbors from the north OBC, with out Hatcher or Sanders playing. The Texas Titan's put on a First class tournament, the best I've ever seen at this level. The level of competition was that of a 13 under AA final 4. The talent level was off the chart for this age group. They were some big time players, playing in this tournament. I guarantee some college coach's have had people contact them about a few of these players. A couple of kids that stood out to me was #1 Julius Randal's, 6'5" of the Titan's. "Superman", played every positions on the floor it seemed. With ice water in his vein's he hit a NBA, three in OT to give his team the lead against The Houston Defender's. The real deal about the kid he's still 12 years old. #2 Andrew Harrison, of the Defender's 6'3" PG shot NBA 3's with consistency, great passing ability. Can see the floor really well and could take any one in the tournament off the dribble. #3 Roschon Prince Jr, of ARC 6'6" big man that handled the ball like a guard and totally dominated the inside game. #4 Aaron Harrison, 6'3" guard a lot like his twin brother Andrew. I just like Andrew's game a little better. You can't hardly tell them apart by looks or their game. Ton's of other top players just to many' too talk about so I just highlighted some of the one's I thought had "big big time" written all over them. Their were a lot that had "big time" written on them but not "big big time". I hope to see you soon at the gym.
  11. News from Big D! The Ville, has gone 0 and 3 in play.
  12. McGoveny, is he playing with the Thunder, this summer?
  13. The first time I saw Keifer, I thought he reminded me a lot of South Laurel's Sanders at his age. Good handles and floor vision for a young player. Keifer, plays with tons of engery, if you have not seen him play your missing out. He could be special if he keeps working hard and keeps his attitude right. Good luck! Keifer, and The Ville, in Big D.
  14. The Ville and our neighbor's up north OBC, are heading to Dallas, Texas this weekend to play in the Texas Titans, tournament. With some of the top teams and players in the country playing in their tournament, it should be a real shoot out down in the long star state. Teams Texas Titans, TX Houston Defenders, TX Super Friends, MI OBC, OH ARC, CA The Ville, KY Top Players Rashon Prince, 6' 6" PF ARC ranked 1# Andrew Harrison, 6' 3" PG Houston Defenders Ranked #13 Arron Harrison, 6' 2" G Houston Defenders Ranked #14 Darin Minifield 6' 3" C Houston Defenders Ranked #41 *Son of UK'S D. Minifield Cliff Busy, 5' 10" WF OBC Ranked 36 Darrel Hicks, 6' 1" WF The Ville Ranked # 40 James Quick 6' 1" WF The Ville Ranked # 81 Plus theirs a few more top 100 players and top 150 players on these teams. Disclaimer, this should save me some heat and debating.:thumb: Ranking per Hoopscooponline. com. The teams play 3 games on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. It will be a fun filled days for these teams and players. The downer is playing 5 games in 2 days against the this type talent and teams. "The experience priceless" Hope to see you in a gym soon!
  15. Gover, would be a nice addition to any team, great kid, fun to watch play and from a "Super family" as well! He would be a great pick up for the G Men's team. The 13 Under D1 state, should really be interesting with teams beefing up their team roster with the states top players. I don't know much about the 13 Under NE KY Royals, or the Wolf pack. I'm sure they will be strong teams. I do know the G Men, and The Ville, is loaded with top (2013) players in the state, may be some in the country. This 2013 class is loaded with basketball IQ players and athletes. Some think the class of 2012 is stronger, may be athletically, but not with basketball IQ players. Sorry, The Rising Stars, is a very good and very well coached.:thumb: This is why I love AAU basketball, the best going against the best "Iron sharpens Iron". I tell my players you will never know how good you are or how good you can become. If you don't play the best players or teams and love the challenge. I'm excited about getting to watch all this talent play in the state tournament. Like T.O., says "get your popcorn and watch the show", :banana:as Dukie V, says "It's show time baby".:walk: I hope to see you at a gym soon.
  16. Why not do way with the old grade exception rule, and make it Jan 1-Dec 31 of the same year no matter what grade the players are in. So any player born in the same calender year is eligible to play in their age group regardless of grade. " just age". Fall and winter grade exceptions are very strong grade exceptions physically by age, by summer nationals. A player born in Sept, Oct, Nov or Dec, 1993 is a lot more physically developed by age than a grade exception born in May, June ,July or Aug, 1994, by summer national. By summer nationals a player born in Sept, Oct, Nov is ready for their next years birthday. Say a player turns 14 in the fall of 2007, verse a player that turn 14 in late spring or summer of 2008, or " he turns 14 after nationals" their a big physical advantage to the 2007 player with summer nationals. With a Sept 1, age cut off of the previous year and summer nationals they can be a 10 to 6 months age gap . With a Jan 1-Dec 31 same year birthday 6 month would the biggest age difference with summer nationals. Just a opinion for friendly discussion nothing more. Sorry, if I was too redundant.:thumb:
  17. Yes, I do :creepy:. I know the team and player in question. I know it was cleared by the AAU, for the player and team. Kentucky AAU, allows some stronger D2 teams on the teams request to play up D1 in the state tournament. This makes for more teams and a competitive tournament.
  18. I know the player your talking about the AAU told them a D2 player can play up, but a D1 player can't play down. All paper work was completed and cleared by the AAU. This is my understanding of the situation your talking about HOOPDR. Hope to see you in a gym in the near future.:thumb:
  19. Boomer 72, "nice wins" beating a good Ville team, any time is reason to celebrate. :dancingpa The Ville, not having Hicks, Sanders and Quick, is a big step from their bench though. Quick and Hicks is the two best athletes in the state, Sanders, is a top guard in the state. These 3 make up 75% of their scoring, and a lot of their defense and rebounding. The Ville, is a good team with out them and a very good team with them. I'm not disrespecting you or your team for their win "good win"!:thumb: " A win is a win" :ylsuper:
  20. Sorry to hear about that, but who are the Cougar's. Three of the The Ville's, players didn't play this weekend. " Quick, Sanders and Hick's.
  21. He's ankle was a little sore and puffy were he played for the first time in 3 mos this past weekend. His physical therapist, says he's doing great and it will just take time to get him back to 100%. However he is very sick with the flu this weekend. Thanks for asking about him.
  22. How did the 13 under Ville, do today?
  23. His name is Daniel, absolute beast. He's the biggest and strongest 14 or 15 year old I've ever seen. 6'4" and I'm guessing 220 lb this kid was solid he look like a LB for UK or U of L. #50 was no normal 14 to 15 year old either he had speed and size.
  24. Watched The Ville, play a strong Truth's 14 under team at Hoops, today. Their a very strong team at about every position.
  25. Like all fans just because they won :thumb:
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