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Posts posted by $$East-Bank$$

  1. If it were up to me both Rice and Hill would start, only Rice doesn't play as good of defense as some of the other guys on the list. ;)


    Everyone on the list is well deserving and I wouldn't have a problem with any of them being in the starting 5 over Hill or Rice, as long as they worked harder and proved themselves. :thumb:


    But I'm not the only one who thinks Hill should start...Your Daddy does as well. (See post # 8 ) :thumb:

    Count Me in.:thumb:

  2. Miller looked terrible during try-outs.


    The kid from Trinity played really well, and he gives them some size and strength in the post.

    I'm not saying he didn't look bad in tryouts, and I'll take your word for it because I wasn't there but he was one of the top players I saw this season, just judging by that.:thumb:


    How did Jamie Case-Belfry, Jamie McCarty-Johnson Central, and Justin Hicks-Hazard look during tryouts??


    I also thought Trotter from Cristian County would have had a good shot at making the team.

  3. East Bank, If Slone has been double and triple teamed since his freshmen year then it is even more astonishing that Paintsville has not won their region! With the other talent on that team & him being gaurded this way 1 or 2 others should be able to pull the slack or is Slone forcing shots when he is being double & tripled teamed therefore not allowing others to help?

    He matured more as a player this season and forced less shots this season than in previous seasons, he had a couple games where he had double figures in assists I believe and I think one game he had 17-19 rebounds, which is pretty astonishing since he is a wing player. I think the answer to your question is simple, Incosistancy. At times I think Landon worried about what others said or thought about him and actually tryied to be to unselfish at times when he could have scored, but the truth is he dosen't have as much help as most think on that team. Grimm is a garbage player and gets most the garbage points and VanHoose will have 20 one night and the next night may have 5. My opinion is if slone dosen't score his points they usually have trouble and he dosen't force as many shots as you would think and at times maybe he should. Anyway here an example of the inconsistancy I was talking about team wise: Last season they played two teams that was in the sweet 16. They beat Elliott Co.60-53 and lost nearly beat a very good SL team 57-58. Then later on in the season they lose to weak Magoffin team in their district. I don't know if thats the best example in the world but than is an example of the inconsistancy with that team.

  4. I agree with 5 in this group however the most overrated player in the class of 08" since his freshman year is Slone. He is a really good player but no where near the top 6. I feel expectations like this have hurt him over the years. That & the fact of how his team has so much termoil

    Who would you put ahead of him, thats not listed on my list? When he plays his "A" their is not a better ALL-AROUND player in the state. Better athletes yes but as far as Defensively,shooting,passing,getting to the rim, getting to the foul line, rebounding....etc. I've never been a Paintsville fan but he's earned all the attention he gets, hes been double and triple teamed every game since he's been in HS and he still puts up those kind of number, and Paintsville played some of the top competition in the state last season. I mean everyone is free to their opinion, but i've always liked Slones game.

  5. I was referring to the selection process of who actually makes the team, not who gets to try out. While both processes are political, it will be better for the KABC to govern who is on the team - I think.

    I couldn't agree more, at least 10 of the players are already pick before tryouts are even started and an additionally 2 or 3 are pick up by their performance IMO. I remember in 02' Quenton Smith from North Hardin was probably the 2nd or third best player at the tryout and didn't even make the squad.

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