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10 Good
  1. Beechwood 51 Ludlow 22 Ludlow had 1 at the quarter and only 6 at the half on 2 field goals. Beechwood Sophs. played most of 2nd half. Ludlow offense seemed to concentrate on movement between half court and the free throw line, forgetting that the basket was somewhere else. Beechwood was lead by the usual suspects.
  2. Why would Beechwood not want to host? Isn't it as big as Holy Cross - it was there 2 years ago. Why give up the home court advantage? Is there a $$ deal involved? Puzzling to me... Can anyone enlighten?
  3. It is a district game and the district has decided to play each other once. So, if you do not wish to have the graciousness to play your district games without such cocky and obnoxiousness, just drop out and play an Oak Hill, VA level team each week.
  4. Whew! Ryle 10 Ludlow 0 has gone out of control. What is the objective with all of this? Is there a goal with these railings of claims of unfairness that is attainable? Seriously, whether your arguments have merit or not, is there a goal? What is it? Convincing everyone you are right? That will not happen and is petty. Will their be a KHSAA investigation? Will their be a symposium for addressing this? Will there be special re-training for officials? I doubt it. What is the goal? Is it worth the effort and potential damage? And, is there sound data that can statistically indicate your claims, outside of examples for which there is disagreement? No, I do not know you either, but if I was an AD hiring & saw these types of posts in publicly accessible threads, I would be concerned with this type of approach being exemplified to players. It typifies the "nothing is my fault" & "I cannot overcome" & "I can get litigation" & "I can complain complain complain" attitude of today. I hate to see self-destruction. Thinking these things is one thing, talking to close confidants another, operating under these types of attitudes is another, & expressing them incessantly yet another. I would suggest sticking with the first two of the last sentence. Passion is an attribute, but if not directed in the proper direction can lead to quicker failure. Be happy & move forward & overcome these challenges whether they are real or just percieved or somewhere in between. Overcoming major challenges is the most rewarding! If things are easy, they are no fun. enough.
  5. Overall, I thought the 5th region officials did pretty well. My only real concern was in the Dixie - Newport Central Catholic game where they gave a whole new meaning to "let them play" in the second half a couple of times. It was as if they were keeping score of violations in their head and if they were even they just called nothing. "Let them play" is kind of like the word "choice" in the abortion debate or of the word "tolerance" with respect to people with excessively diverse and aberrant behavior. It is hard to argue against "let them play", "choice" or "tolerance". But, I am not for abortion and do not care of tolerance of all people with gross agendas and do not like "letting them play" in lieu of calling fouls when they occur, walks when they occur and carrying when it occurs as according to the rules. So, "let them play" is a popular monikor, hard to argue against because it sounds so good, but it is really hiding the fact that the officials are not calling the game as stated in the rules. Whether violations are called or not, the entire 32 minutes of the game will be allowed to be played. Fouls not called especially hurt smaller and less physical teams. And yes, if 1.33 fouls occur per second, then 1.33 fouls should be called per second. The frequency of fouls should not indicate that the referee should put his whistle away because there are too many and "let them play". It becomes, "let them maul" in some instances. And D J should also have gotten a T in the first round of the district when during a dead ball he physically and angrily reacted with an opposing player and nothing was called. I guess if you have the reputation of being like that then you either get picked on or it becomes too passe to call. It was more than what Voories did when he was T'd up. Someone from the 5th region on BGP indicated that the shorter the referee from the 5th region, the worse they were. I did not find that to be true. They were, overall, pretty good.
  6. Thanks much MWO - Yes, Riherds scoreboard has it wrong in 3 places and I think they just had the score reversed.
  7. I see that Hickman County beat Mayfield in the semifinals, yet Mayfield went to the Region 1 All A finals, beat St. Mary, and is going to Richmond. Can anyone shed light on why this happened? Was a score wrong on the Riherds board? Never seen anything quite like this. Thanks for anyone who can help.
  8. What uninformed observations and what accusations are you referring to? And there was never any particular program mentioned and not even a reference to this being an NKY thing. It is simply a fact that when you live in a district in a public school that is the public school you are assigned to but that is simply not the case for private schools. Is that not the case? Do private schools have districts they draw exclusively from? Please indicate to us how that is not the case. I also simply stated that if you are talented that there can be creative ways that private schools can augment support financially. Is that never the case? Please explain rather than just claim someone is uninformed. Inform us. Isn't that what this is about. If that is all it takes to get your dander up...
  9. Back to the discussion, I witnessed the CovCath student section at the last 9th Region Tourney and one or two of the students were getting well out of bounds. I do not remember at all what they were doing, but the point here is that the CovCath administrators were all over it and stopped it very quickly and effectively.
  10. Have they? Holy Cross is currently 4-3 and go to Ryle next. Please educate us. Wasn't aware of the Holy Cross success over the years. How many tourney titles? How many district championships? How many regional victories and vists to the Sweet 16? What is their records in previous years and how tough was their schedule? In general, maybe how a small private school can do it is called "recruiting" that is illegal for public schools and the center of the issue with the public schools desirous of having separate state titles since 2/3 of the schools are public but 2/3 of the state titles go to private schools. Maybe the statement should have originally been that is is difficult for a "public" A program to sustain solid basketball, but a size A private school can sustain since transfers can come and go through the turnstyle with little attention to anything being improper.
  11. Provocative heading to create discussion, but no one person gets all the credit. An excellent coach or an excellent player can move a team from average to good or good to excellent or poor to average. Likewise, the absence of that player or coach can move the team in the other direction. Romes and Herald are currently both very important cogs in the Beechwood program and both have deservedly earned their share of accolades for the current success. Yes, after Beechwood loses the 6 seniors from this year, the team may not have as much success next year, but that does not indicate a coaching issue. Next year, they may be an average team that becomes good because of Coach Herald. Both Romes and Herald deserve much credit, as do other players, coaches, administrators, janitors, and family members. It is rarely one person. The only half counterexample I can think of is Larry Bird at Indiana State - They were .500 the year after he was the only departure from the NCAA finalist team. Herald has done a great job in the 2+ years he has been there establishing consistency, demanding passion, and being a mentor. He also knows to run a break with the point guard in the middle of the floor, something his predecessor did not understand. He also gives players personal latitude to create within his schemes. Herald, Romes, and the other players all deserve credit for being 6-0.
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