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Everything posted by dalen5

  1. I may only have 16 posts but I'm on here a lot more than I post. Just actually joined in order to post a month or so ago. Thanks for setting me straight. I feel enlightened. Why don't you comment about the other big game that is going on this Friday? By your name I take it that you ARE a Trinity fan/supporter. However, you haven't commented much about that game in this thread. I guess the you all over on Shelbyville Rd aren't concerned about this one, huh?
  2. Hey Rock. Why the hatred for the Rams? You guys have won 2 of the 3 times you all have played. No reason to dislike them as far as I can tell. Far superior teams and your fans are better than everyone's elses so why can't you just live in your utopia and call it a season. Or could it be that you actually feel the Rams are not far from actually being able to pay with you all year in and year out and you have hatred from FEAR.
  3. His judgement is that he probably feels it will give him something ELSE to use as motivation. He will ahve his team so upset that Manual wouldn't let them into the home locker room and not on the home sideline, they had earned that right blah, blah blah. Bottom line is it isn't their stadium. Wait 2-3 years then X can have your place.
  4. I can hear it also. Boys, we don't have a place to call our own YET and we HAVE to play here and they over there in the other locker room had the audacity to want THEIR locker room and THEIR sidelines. After all the sign outside says DUPONT MANUAL STADIUM. However, by the end of the night we will be able to chant "Whose house, Our house" as they take the yellow covers off the red pads that STAY on the goal posts. Then we can go back to RENTING again next week.
  5. Thought what out? For the Rams to give into the almighty power known as St X and give them what they want? How do you know that it won't fire up the Rams more that X even had the gall to suggest that they be able to use Manual's home Joe Hutt locker room with Manual using the visiting locker room? Tak about having a huge set. I'm not suprised though.
  6. Positive. Manual in THEIR locker room, on THEIR sidelines and in THEIR home reds.
  7. How is the pressure on Manual? They aren't the ones going into the game as the defending state champion, on a 23 gaame winning streak and being the number 1 team in the state aat game time. The pressure should be all on X. They have a lot more to lose in a loss than Manual would.
  8. According to Glaser there were 170 on the varsity level. Then another 75 on the freshman level. Therego, the HUGE numbers advantage.
  9. Public schools have to recruit in order to compete with T and X and even with the recruiting going on there is still a battle to compete. Male, Manual(only recently), Ballard (occasionally) are the only ones that CAN do it. I don't think there is a difference in coaching and working hard. The public school coaches work as hard, study as much film, stay away from home as long. It is a numbers game. At the catholic school there are more numbers to practice against. You can have your first offensive group going against a defensive scout team that is just as good as the team you will be playing and vice versa for the defense. At the public schools most of the true atheletes play both ways. The practice is split so both sides of the ball get work. The scout teams they go against are not as good because the numbers aren't as great and the talent they go against is not as good. I've heard of stories that catholic school coaches will recruit kids to their schools just to keep them from going to a public school where they could be utilized to better compete with them. That certainly can't be fair to the kid.
  10. I've never understood why catholic shools go after kids that have attended public schools their first 8 years. Same could be said for public schools that RECRUIT catholic school kids. My solution is that the catholic schools have a feeder system. You get those kids. The public schools keep their kids that have been going to public schools all along. Now if these kids CONTACT the schools other than those have been attending that is fine. Stop RECRUITING kids from other counties and states. I'm VERY familiar with kids from Southern Indiana that were outright recruited to attend X and Trinity. These kids had no interest of attending these schools until representatives of BOTH schools show up at their GAMES and start extolling the advantage of a catholic school education. Althought this is not illegal it is far from right. After these representatives left the games did they set up tables INSIDE the schools to RECRUIT kids that are excellent students and can't run a 4.4 forty? The same can be said for some of the kids that have been at public schools and aren't blessed with athletic talent. How much RECRUITING is done to go get some of these underpriviledged kids and give them this "FINANCIAL AID". They don't think about going to X and T because they can't afford it. Therefore, they don't seek out that option.
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