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Original Rookie

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Posts posted by Original Rookie

  1. Let me preface by saying I in no way think UL can or will repeat... If everyone had returned, maybe. I don't want anyone jumping down my throat...


    But if that were to happen, especially with the "best recruiting class ever" down the road, talk about Armageddon. :lol2:

    Top 5 team if Russ comes back.

  2. How is it a bad example? Jorts is another one right off the top of my head. How many more you want?


    Bogans was always looked as a future first round pick and had a bad junior year. Russ has never been thought of as a first round pick and had an amazing year. Bogans stock was as low as it ever was and it could be easily argued that Russ stock is as high as it will ever get right now.


    I don't even think Jorts had stock after his junior year but that is a better example of a guy who improved a lot as a senior.


    UKMF made a good point and you want to nitpick at one thing he said. Fun stuff!!!

  3. I don't think Russ is right or wrong either way. He will ever be a 1st round pick if he isn't this year. The 2014 is already talked about as being the deepest of all time and the 2013 is one of the weakest. If he's a first round pick this year then he has to go. If he is not, can't fault him either way for what he decides.

  4. The highest I've seen Russ is early 2nd Round. I don't keep up with the NBA draft that much, but someone told me contracts aren't guaranteed after the 1st Round. Is that true?

    True. Some people think it is better to be undrafted than to be taken in the 2nd Round.

  5. A poor analogy? Really? You go into Louisville threads with negative and snide comments and wonder why people attack you? Sounds like a perfect analogy to me.


    Yes a poor analogy. If I were to go on Louisville Rivals message board and post things then I'd expect it. Are Louisville threads for Louisville fans only? Of course not. BGP is a neutral site, nobody has home court advantage. I'm still trying to figure out what I posted that was so negative. I posted a direct quote :lol2: :lol2:

  6. You post WAY more on/about UL than I do UK, and at least half of your posts are of a negative fashion. The ones that aren't are often snide or sarcastic, as rockmom pointed out. Two posts in two days means nothing. I can fake being positive towards UK. The fact that you deny your consistent dissing of Louisville is the biggest issue with me.

    Please tell me what was fake about them or why I would feel the need to be fake positive towards Louisville?


    :lol2: When have I denied that dissing Louisville?


    I can't help if you all choose not to participate in UK threads :idunno:


    Did anyone just catch 02Ram post in the other thread? Snide and sarcastic I tell you! Let's get him!!!!

  7. There you go...right there...snide.


    Even the craziest UL fan would admit that Pitino is the king of hyperbole. I've tried to get the thread back on topic but if you'd like to keep attacking my posts, I will keep defending them.


    When was the last time TheDeuce (or insert most UL fans) said something positive about UK/negative about UL? I gave two posts in the last three days for me. Isn't that what fans in a rivalry do? Am I missing something?

  8. Well, you are pretty negative about all things UL, so I know it's always in the back of my mind when reading your posts about UL that you're trying to denigrate them in some way.


    :lol2: These posts were soooooo negative...


    "Man, how good is Pitino? Hard not to appreciate what he has done for the college game."


    "Congrats! Best team won. Enjoy it. A lot of ups and downs for Siva throughout his career but what a great way for him to end it."

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