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Posts posted by Can'tcoach

  1. Holy cow! i am further depressed on this day learning that not one poster is even close to my age.


    My wife and i were on a cross country trip to the west coast with her brother and his wife. we had been driving all morning and knew nothing about it until we stopped for fuel in a little ma and pa store/gas station. I went in to purchase some snacks and use the restroom and saw several people congregated around a radio and obviously upset. When I inquired about what was the matter you would have thought I had two heads. Needless to say the rest of our trip was not what it could have been. Las Vegas was really eerie. They closed down a reenactment of a battleship battle for fear the sounds of cannons would invoke fear etc. The wives refused to cross the Golden Gate Bridge for fear it may have been targeted. They would not go up into the St. Louis Arch either. To make matters worse my daughter was home alone .


    Do any of you wish to discuss where you were when JFK was shot?


  2. In my short time on BGP I've come to appreciate his constant flow of random topics in this forum, his level-headedness on nearly all issues, and the comedic on-going banter with so many long-time posters (and I'm assuming, in real life, good friends).


    Now, of course, all of this was before he called me "Nancy" yesterday, so I now have NSA looking for his exact location, so things have changed. :D


    I can supply that info for the right price.

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