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Posts posted by thomam

  1. I'm not really arguing. I just know how it works. I'm not saying its bad but it happens. A lot of clubs direct a kid to a certain school. The coach of the school usually doesn't say a word to these kids. They are not directly recruited, more indirectly. Some people have a problem with this.


    But in some cases the coaches do step in and recruit. People need to quit denying that recruiting is a problem. In Jefferson County its a big one. I don't know about anywhere else but it is a problem and it does happen.

  2. Thanks for pointing that out. I'm aware of the rules but thanks for the warning. I'm just saying recruiting is a problem in Jefferson County. Face it. Everyone directly involved with school sports programs knows its true. And I'm not defending the public schools against this even though I belong to one. KHSAA won't go by heresay and coaches aren't stupid enough to write out handwritten invitations to come to their school to play sports. You almost have to have them on video with audio. Its very hard to crack down on and people know it and take advantage of it.

  3. If its all about education and not about athletics then why are we getting so mad about this rule? I think they should go even further and say in Jefferson County, if you go to a school outside of your resides area you got to sit a year. These proposals are about recruiting. Public schools are complaining that the private schools recruit. Well in Jefferson County just about every public school ilegally recruits. So I say set this for resides areas. What sickens me most is everyone wants to lie and act like this stuff doesn't go on.

  4. Academics are competition. If they weren't they wouldn't be posting CATS scores in the paper and rewarding high testing schools and looking to punish low ones. Manual and Male are rigged to win that competition amongst public schools. You cannot compare a Iroquois to a manual in academics. Iroquois will never be close to Manual in academics, because Manual picks and chooses while Iroquois and other schools cannot. Manual can refuse anyone they want. Iroquois can't refuse kids in the resides area. Manual has no real resides area.


    If you think academics aren't about competition too. You are crazy.

  5. LSURock, thats the truth about Manual and Male. They pick and choose who they want also. Thats definitely the pot calling the kettle black. They should be in this group of private schools. Someone should propose a rule against schools like them who have no resides area at all and can choose students they want. The rest of the Jefferson County Public schools can't do that.

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