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Posts posted by thomam

  1. I heard that someone (AD orwhatnot) mentioned putting teams in classes based on their last 5 years records. you could use winning percentages and maybe make one more class but no more then 5.


    5 Classes

    1A 0%-20%

    2A 21%-40%

    3A 41%-60%

    4A 61%-80%

    5A 81%-100%


    4 Classes

    1A 0%-25%

    2A 26%-50%

    3A 51%-75%

    4A 76%-100%


    This would make really competitive football in all classes. Every 2 years take a few teams with the highest win percentage and swap them with teams in higher classes with the lowest winning percentages. This allows teams to move up classes based on performance. It might take a few years to balance but you would see some really competitive football. No more 76-0 smashings like when St.X plays Iroquois.


    As far as recruiting goes. I heard in Florida that if you are found guilty of recruiting your school doesn't get fined or suspended. You get fired and never get to coach in Florida again. Not sure if thats true but sounds good to me.

  2. Yes, I believe the two year period will apply to freshmen and JV also. Otherwise teams like St.X and Trinity would not be affected considering no freshmen get to play varsity. The proposal members have already thought of that. Private schools are trying to fight for exclusion of varsity sports only.

  3. Male is a Public Private school, meaning they are funded with public money but have the ability to accept and get rid of any students they want. Something us Jefferson County people have started calling them. Manual would also be classified as one. Basically they can pick and choose the type of student they want or athlete. Sports are good there and test scores are high.

  4. What happens then if all kids are given a choice and say for example they all want to go to a select few schools? That leaves other school numbers dropping big time. Do you shut down that school? what do you do? Many schools in Louisville had huge population drops when open enrollment was started. Many of them were on the verge of closing. Is that a good thing?

  5. shops his sons talent to public schools? Its recruiting if a public school coach shows up to the csaa game to talk to this kids dad about coming to their school. If coaches are telling this kids dad that he will be the starter and what not then yes thats recruiting. I'll tell you right now that private schools aren't the biggest recruiters in Jeferson County. Most of the recruiting is done by publics. Sit down at a youth football game or even a practice. I remember going to watch highview games a few years ago. I could name about 4 schools I would see up there each saturday talking to players, parents. The most aggressive one was a private but a small private.

  6. Why is it that public school supporters insist on turning a blind eye on the number of students that leave parochial schools after 8th grade for the private schools? That's not a poetntial problem and there couldn't possibly be anything fishy about it.


    Sure seems like a double standard to me.


    The reason its a bigger deal if a kid goes to a private high school after public middle school is money. Public schools don't charge tuition. Thats why it becomes fishy when somehow a kid all of a sudden gets into a private school after middle school. I'd like to see a list like that as well. but here is the fact. Its not only private schools recruiting. Its public schools also. Especially in Louisville. Lets work on stopping everyone from recruiting, not just privates.

  7. You got to be kidding Ram. It is because they can be selective with who they bring into their school. Other publics can't. JCPS allows them to be selective in who they bring in and get rid of. You all have no boundaries besides Jefferson County. You get the brightest in JC. Students and parents want it to be. You are crazy. Who's got half a brain that can tell this kid right. Trinity Alum? Go over this again for him.

  8. Nah, I 'm not fighting for Moore. We are doing quite well right now. Our enrollment has gone up the last 4 years and test scores have as well. A lot more of the kids in Highview are staying home at Moore. It has started to lose its bad reputation. But some schools are not doing well. Getting rid of open enrollment will not wreck education. If a kid wants to learn they will learn at any school. Not just Manual. If a kid wants a education at Shawnee he will get it.

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