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Posts posted by SvFan4life

  1. Part of the reason I like watching the Yankees get whipped in the playoffs is to see who is given their pink slip and sent out the door. From A-Rod's interview last night after the game I thought it seemed that maybe he was a little worried about the upcoming offseason even though he kept insisting that he was 100% committed to being a Yankee and that he hopes they don't want to trade him!

  2. Defense is Horrible right now!


    You saying that the offense isn't horrible? If you're watching the game then you know how many dropped passes UK has had and I think they said at halftime UK has 1 rushing yard or something like that. 2 INT's and just then 1 fumble that rolled out of bounds by Woodson. 1 sack that I know of..


    Like I said horrible offense.


    UK has horrible defense too, especially the rushing defense!

  3. Tigers are for real and their end of the season slump and failing to capture the division didn't phase them one bit. I feel sorry for Jeter because I respect him but I love watching the Yankees go down after they invest huge amounts of money into players who can't handle media pressure, I just love it!

  4. Here is a list of the players on the Hot seat.


    Torre-Good as gone.

    ARod- Has no-trade clause but will not be in a Yankee uni next year.

    Sheffield- Option will be decline and he'll be gone.

    Mussina- Probably won't be back.

    Giambi- Might not be back, but more probable that he will.

    Matsui-Also may be gone with Melkey Cabrea in his shadows.

  5. :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: Just like the Braves teams all those year, uh :D


    To be honest I can see where a lot of people think the Braves are overrated, but if you really look at it then the only time the Braves were given hype was during the regular season which was backed up. Once the postseason began then they were usually the underdog in every matchup. The Braves never had an overpowering lineup and they still managed to make the playoffs, but the Yankees have probably the greatest lineup ever and still can't get it done. I would say the Yanks are more overrated than the Braves. But I will agree that in some aspect the Braves were overrated.:thumb:

  6. Well it doesn't look like the Yankees have much faith is slugger A-Rod as they drop him to the 8th spot in the batting lineup for game 4 today. Sheffield is playing 1st base and Melkey is in LF with Matsui being the DH. Could be the last lineup card Torre fills out as a Yankee coach and it could be the last Yankee lineup card that has Sheffield and A-Rod in it! I can't wait!!!!

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