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Posts posted by sportsfan41

  1. I think it's great what they're doing at Dixie, with Cawood being moved and other thing being jossled around it makes you realize how big sports are around here, but not in a negative way. If anything I'd say Dixie is gaining alot from lost revenue ESPECIALLY in football(not to mention Cawoods new location on Turkeyfoot looks very nice from what I can see). Dixie's had some good teams especially over the past few years and I'd say they did lose a good bit at the gate due to accomodations and the field.


    I think this is great for the school and NKY sports as a whole and would like to say congrats to Dixie and it's supporters for finally getting this done.

  2. Dixie losing Gibson hurts them terribly, but a BIG gain for SK! Scott's transfers unfortunately sends them into doomsville, IMO.


    Why would you say Scotts transfers hurt SK? Animosity among team mates?


    I just don't see that as being an issue at SK but that's just my personal opinion... I think teams like Highlands would tend to say you can never have too much of a good thing(true athlete's).

  3. June 29, 2006 at 09:10 PM EDT

    Justin is doing fine at his new temporary residence. His bed is a little to small for him and they are looking into getting a longer one for him.

    I met his new doctor, Dr. Gennantonio. All his doctors have been young blondes. I keep telling him he needs to wake up to see all the ladies that are checking him out.

    I met with an occupational therapist about getting him his special chair so we can take him outside. They will have to rent one.

    The wound nurse came in and changed his dressings on his treach, feeding tube and his wound. His wound is now only 7.8 x 2 centimeters.

    He has now lost about 60 pounds but he still looks good to me. He is going to be so mad when he sees all the muscle mass that he has lost. He's been working out for years to get it and it only took 8 weeks for him to lose it.

    We are living by Faith and taking one day at a time. Keep up those prayers, I need for Justin to come home.


    God is our refuge and our strength.

    Psalms 46:1



    Sounds like things are coming along and it's only a matter of time. As for the muscle loss when he comes around just tell him it's something else he has to look forward to another goal. I do like the motivation though tellin him he should see all the young blondes checkin him out that's great. Good luck to Justin and family..

  4. June 27, 2006 at 09:06 AM EDT

    Respitory removed Justin's treach on Monday. Some places wouldn't take him with a treach. Now all he has is the feeding tube and a wound vac on the incesion on his stomach. The wound vac will be taken off before he leaves Drake.


    Justin does not have an MRSA after all. Dr Esenduey said he is pneumonia free and his lungs sound great. They took him off the antibiotics. Somehow his culture got contaminated.

    She also said that his CAT Scan showed that his ventracles are even slightly larger than the Scan that was done on 6/9. She is still waiting on Dr Shutter from UC to check out the Scan and give her prognosis.

    I still have not found Justin a new home yet. The social worker at Drake faxed some refferal to about 8 different places on Monday. Only one place came on Monday to check Justin out.

    One of the case managers told me that Justin really needs to go to a brain trauma facility not to a nursing home. But he doesn't meet the criteria for a brain trama facility. It's very frustrating that they do not have the proper place for someone to go to that is in Justin's condition. She also mentioned a place in Lexington that has a brain trama unit and that might take Justin. It does't matter where we go I am not planning on him being there long. He has been very active the last couple of days and keeping his eyes open. One of these days its all going to click for him. I’ve always heard that when God closes one door he opens another.

    Also some things got stolen from Justin's room. He has a bulletin board in his room that I decorated. Everything was there on Friday and I noticed on Sunday that only one cross and 1 rosary was hanging along with the pictures and the phrases. Someone even took his guardian angel.


    Frequently remind yourself that God is with you, that He will

    never fail you, that you can count upon him. Say these words,

    "God is with me, helping me."

    - Norman Vincent Peale



    Seems to me most of the above said is excellent news very happy to hear Justin is being active. Can't wait to hear about once he's awake.... I'm gonna pray hard these next few days.

  5. From the carepage....


    June 19, 2006 at 09:01 PM EDT

    I spelled the street name wrong last night it should be:

    Sandy White

    170 Breckenridge Drive

    Alexandria, KY 41001


    Justin was pretty active today - with moving around and both eyes open. They are now giving him 7.5 mg of ritalin instead of 5 mg. He was up in his chair for 1 1/2 hours. His wound is now 10.6 centimeters - it started out 3 weeks ago at 15.5. I asked his doctor about his infection in his lungs and she said as far as they are concerned it's gone. He's off all antibiotics. His doctor has been on vacation the last 2 weeks she told me today that she was a little disappointed that he wasn't out of the coma but that it takes some people more time than others. He was sleeping when she came in to talk to me, so I got next to his ear with a chip bag and was crushing it to make a noise and his eyes opened up. She liked the fact that this made his eyes open and then he started moving around. Thanks again to everyone and please keep up the prayers


    Come unto me, ye who are weary and overburdened,

    and I will give you rest.

    - Matthew 11:28



    All of this sounds great, but the quote at the end really puts things in perspective, we'd all love for Justin to be back with us right now, awak and able to do everything he used to, but God is with him, and he's letting his body and mind heal. I think this is a very fitting verse given Justin's progress and what he's been through thus far.

  6. For those who don't know, the Raiders feed Dixie, primarily, Beechwood, SK, and Scott secondarily, and occasionally CCH and HHS. Turkeyfoot Middle school which is much the same as far as its feeder system, won the middleschool championship last season in NKY.


    The raiders feeind program is good, but you oughta take a look at whats cames outa South Kenton Lions,(SK Territory) It's sad how much talents leaves this area,.. just ask Highlands they could tell you all about it...

  7. As the Lexington-Herald printed today Bo Smith may play for McBride at Weber St. and not have to sit out a year due to dropping down to 1-AA.


    Yeh I ran into a friend @ Mai fest last night who's brother is on the team and he'd said he though Bo was likely to transfer to Weber. I just wish him the best of luck wherever he ends up at.

  8. wow this is just awesome. When I read that he opened his eyes on his birthday, tears came to my eyes. Please put all your hope and trust in God and the angels he sends your way. He will give you the "peace that passes understanding" as he did me when my newborn son was on a vent and in a medically induced coma. He is now 10 and all boy. GOD answers prayers and I will definitely keep Justin and your family in mine!


    Same here, love hearing that this fella's progressing, the brains something speacial and hard to determine what it'll do next. I still pray for justin and his family. Happy belated 21'st.


    Also football thanks for the updates, and I'm sure this is hard on you, but know just like Justin you've got alot of people hear to support you as well. Can't wait til he get's a chance to come back around, I think he's got alot of people waiting to see him, once he get's back to us.

  9. This is still no good, Cov Cath folks from a Pioneer, I truly am sorry for the losses and heart ache you folks are having to deal with right now, especially dealing with such young lifes. I'm still pulling for you and hope that this will work out for the best, and that it can in someway be a shining light to gods grace and what lifes all about....


    Once again to the friends and family of both young men as well as the CCH folks, I'm very sorry for your current hardships...

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