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Posts posted by YAKOFNORWEGIA

  1. I used to over look the "did you catch one" when referring to deer and turkey. However, my 9y.o. has enlightened her to the proper verbage, something that I was smart enough not to get into, yet he can get away with that.:thumb:


    Proof that you child is a gift.

  2. I love my wife dearly. She is a saint for putting up with me. However, she has yet to clean the and prepare the game that I bring home as she should. I shouldn't have to pluck the turkey or skin the deer. I have a difficult time convincing her that this would be, you know, more "traditional"

  3. It is good to know that there are those still out there who are thankful for their spouse. Funny, most of these people also fear God and hunt. Just a coincidence? I don't think so. Back to the whole swollen neck thing, deer that get stupid in the rut make life easeir for fools like me.

  4. He will get his chance on Friday. If he fails it is not the end of the world. There will be more chances. Who knows he just might rip the Russell defense to threads. I have not seen him play. I'm looking forward to it on Friday although. Keep in mind even if the Tomcats loose that does not mean that this freshman failed. It may just mean that he got his foot in the door.


    This looks like a case of the Hunter vs the hunted.

  5. He will get his chance on Friday. If he fails it is not the end of the world. There will be more chances. Who knows he just might rip the Russell defense to threads. I have not seen him play. I'm looking forward to it on Friday although. Keep in mind even if the Tomcats loose that does not mean that this freshman failed. It may just mean that he got his foot in the door.


    I agree

  6. I have seen some very good Freshman players over the years. Very few but the ones that did play varsity football were good. Coach Hart, I'm sure has a very good handle on it. He can pull the kid out at any time and put the other back in. I have a feeling that Ashland just might see their starting QB for the next four years on the field tomorrow. I just hope the kid gets a fighting chance against the Russell Defense. Don't get me wrong I want Russell o win but I would love to see the kid do well.


    I think the Hunter kid has a very high ceiling. He very well may be a fixture. The can't afford hurt feelings either.

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