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Everything posted by YAKOFNORWEGIA

  1. Exactly. All we need is for one of our relievers to find that motivation like the water boy. Maybe we should talk about their mamas?
  2. Do most phenom kids have advisors as such? Did LeBron? Does Beasley? Did Telfair? Are these just extraordinary leaches? If they are, I hope we never get to talk about what could have been.
  3. Probabaly true. We still need someone with an attitude. We need Ricky Vaugn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Do you think that the batter is intimidated when he comes running in. When John Rocker did it the batter thought "this guy is going to throw at me" When Coffey runs in they think straight fastball take a rip. However when they saw Weathers they thought straight slow fastball and their mouth watered. We need someone with a gimmick like the pro wrestlers. We need the Nasty Boys or at least someone who will knock somebody down every once in a while. Where is the attitude? Dare someone to lean out over the plate and swing for the fences.
  5. All this talk about OJ and courts and lawyers makes me wonder if the gloves actually fit this time. Was it Ito that heard the appeal?
  6. Didn't hear the game, was just reading and knew we were up 1. Couldn't tell you how or when the Cards scored. How about leads not held? Everyone is quick to blame the bullpen. I was just curious how the blown save stat stacked up.
  7. I wonder what the average of blown save opportunities per team outside the Reds is and how do we stack up.
  8. I'm suprised that there is an audio tape included in the evidence. That one is the mystery to me. Is it real or is it Memorex?
  9. That gives them 91 and I think that number is a lock. Statistically speaking if the Reds can play .550 that would give them 85 wins. If St Louis continued at the .529 pace they would end up with 86 wins. We will have to win more than 86 games to win the division and I feel like a safe number would b 5 greater. Make sense?
  10. The article said that they had a taped conversation with someone close to the RH program, (asst. coach) Why in the world would someone be taping a conversation and altered documents? Are these for real becuase it didn't sound like they made any dent in the decision?
  11. If we had fun into Dunn the insurance copany would have bought me a new truck. I hope the Reds can pull out a W today and leave Mizzou 1 game closer than when they got there. I think that they need to win 29 of the remaining 42. If they don't make the playoffs at least I am looking forward to Reds games in August and that hasn't happened in a long time.
  12. There could be deeper issues??????????????????????
  13. Does anyone find it interesting that in another thread on this site Marty Brennaman is applauded for being arrogant and obnoxious and the Tomacat announcer is bashed for those qualities.
  14. Well said GR sometimes these guys get no props for the service they provide. We are quick to cut them down, it is good to give a nod every once in a while.
  15. I watched about 40 minutes after getting the little yaks signed up for JFL. I thought Campbell Co was definately the aggressors. I didn't see the Ashland team look very enthused about making plays. Many think that coming off camp week may have slowed them a step.
  16. I know that it is different. They weren't in the hall when they were players. I just think that some managers are better motivators. I guess I respond better to a demanding coach and therefore everyone else should too. Bottom line is the Reds will win when the team decides that is what is the most important.
  17. How would Sparky have handled this situation? Do we think he would have been passive? He would have done whatever it took to right the ship. Makes me wish I was a kid again, going to Riverfront and sitting in seats that I couldn't possible see from and loving every minute of it. The team must come first.
  18. Wasn't he the guy that got over 30 technicals? Seems like I read that somewhere. I would run that guy out of town.
  19. You know that dp's are a pitchers best friend and so are teammates girlfriends when you haven't eaten in what seems like days. My mind is made up my vote is for Alderman as the best. If my team were in the regional finals I would hope that he gets the nod.
  20. I think it could be that Rose Hill elementary coach. He has a problem giving everyone a "fair shake." My money is on him. That's kind of funny.
  21. I couldn't agree with you more, I think he is a quality person. He may not only be the best referee in the 16th, he may be the fastest and could very well be 1/2 of the greatest dp combo ever, but that is my spin.
  22. I would agree with that one although I have never used that word in a crossword puzzle. Are you saying that certain officials may "suckuptify" to get ranked ahead of others? If so, does this influence ever so slightyly their decisions?
  23. He may be the best, I agree that he could call one of my games anytime, I have confidence in him. Wonder why then, when ratings come out it is others who get the nod for the state tournament?
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