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Posts posted by 3wishes

  1. My first thought would be that Coach K has been very successful in an era where wins were harder to come by. Coach K is also recruiting top talent in a time with many more rules and regulations.


    Coach K has the added luxury of planes, $$$$$, past player success for recruiting tools, basically an unlimited amount of resources for recruits. Rupp didn't have those luxuries.


    I'm not saying either is better, because I honestly think that the time frame between the two are just too distant to have an unbiased argument for who is better. There are so many variables between the 1940's to the 2000's.


    Both are the best at their game in their respective times.


    For every thing you can say good about Coach K, you could say that Rupp didn't have that oportunity.


    For everything you can say good about Rupp you can argue that Coach K didn't have the chance to do it first.

  2. If I'm not mistaken, I think the NCAA already had something in place to guard against the disgracing of an opponent....Bottom line IMO they simply do not want the Bible verses. We live in a "politically correct" society and we must not offend anyone...at least that's what we are being conditioned to believe.


    I don't think so at all.


    They just don't want any attention an anyone other than themselves. (NCAA)

  3. I hate that players won't get a chance to write bible verses on their eye black, however, we all know it will only be a matter of time before some player takes advantage of it and disgraces the opponent, themselves or embarass their own school. I think the NCAA almost had to ban it.


    Celebatory calls will be very questionable and taking a TD away is very excessive. Just because it is much more discretionary than any other call in most cases.

    We have even discussed several questionable celebration calls on here numerous times in the past.

  4. No. :lol: Part Jack Russell, part Beagle, and, and our vet told us the other day, part Boxer.


    I have a chihuahua. That is why I thought you may becaue a lot of your dogs traits fit mine as well. Especially the one where goes potty and won't face you.

  5. My dog is VERY quirky.


    • He hates big dogs.
    • He hates most men, especially men in uniform, tall men, men with deep voices, men wearing hats, men running....
    • He hates anyone on the other side of the fence or door.
    • He knows when the mail man is due. He sits on top of the chair by the window at the same time every day and waits for him.
    • He won't eat unless I'm at home.
    • At home, he won't go outside to go to the bathroom unless I'm the one who lets him out. He doesn't go in the house, though.
    • If he drops a piece of his food on the floor, he'll go back and eat that piece before he'll eat out of his bowl again.
    • He hates rain if it's in the back yard. If we leave the house through the front door with his leash on, he'll go out with no problem.
    • He hates when people touch me. He can't STAND it when people hug me. He goes crazy.
    • He will not play with anything that I don't specifically give to him.
    • He loves to watch basketball on TV
    • He hates to have his feet touched.
    • He won't walk in puddles.
    • If anything is different on any of our walks, he balks. Once, after a windstorm, a tree was lying across the sidewalk and into street. He would NOT go around it. We had to turn around and go back the way we came.
    • In the park, there are wooden bridges. When it snows, he won't go over the bridges. I have to carry him.
    • He won't poop unless there is a clump of tall grass, a pile of leaves, or a small bush or plant to poop in.
    • He deliberately turns his back on you when he's pooping, and if you walk around so that you're facing him, he'll turn around in a circle until his back is to you again.
    • He loves my son's dog...until my son leaves the house and doesn't take his dog with him. Then, he doesn't like him at all.
    • If we wake up before the alarm, or no alarm goes off, he knows he gets to go on a walk. If the alarm goes off, he knows there's no walk.

    Those are a few. He has many more.

    Do you have a chihuahua?

  6. The trading of the Franchise QB would have did it for me.


    Not me, I never jumped on the Cutler gun. I was disappointed the day they aquired him through the draft and even the way they got him by losing picks to move up in the draft. He showed he is a sub par QB at the Bears.


    Sure he may be smart, but he lacks a personality to get along with other teammates. At QB you have to lead in the NFL, I just feel like he was a primadonna.

  7. The rule makes it illegal to tackle a runner by grasping the back or side collar (jersey or shoulder pads) and pulling the runner down.


    Is pulling the player down by the jersey only really a horse collar? If the runner has a baggy jersey and the defender grasp at anything and he pulls all jersey near the middle to back of runner, is that still a horse collar?

  8. My dog barks his head off when either my wife or I get up to leave for the morning. He is really vicious acting, he can't stand for us to leave the bed in the mornings. He had never done that until I left for a vacation with my buddy and left my wife at home, when I got back he started the habit and it hasn't stopped for a single day since.


    Another one is he will stare out the window of our house all day sitting on the couch and when he sees people walking up our street he goes and grabs a stuffed animal and shakes it furiously like he is going to rip someone apart. He will shake the animal so hard I've seen him slng it about 15 feet before and he will run from front door to back door trying to see the walkers.


    He also licks his feet a long time before going to bed.


    The last 2 weeks or so, he has begun to annoy me because he starts whining and crawling on me at night around 2am every morning wanting outside. I of course take him.

  9. It is sad so many people lack trust in our police force, because there are many and I mean many that do care and act the right way.


    I feel really bad for that kid, he may have spit on the horse or something, that we could not see from the video but even that did not constitute a beating of any kind. He looked like he was honestly just having a good time after a game, not bothering anyone.

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