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Posts posted by 3wishes

  1. He doesn't need to worry about pro players.


    Are you serious?


    Gilbert Arenas ring a bell.


    I or anyone else on this board could come up with NBA players that act bigger than the game and cause constant trouble.


    He wouldn't have to recruit, true.


    But that is his biggest assest, so why take that away.

  2. He's never coached a big name college program until last year. If he failed in Chicago (he wouldn't if LBJ was there) he could get another college job in a second. He could also retire and go to TV. Why keep recruiting in the grey area when you could be done recruiting and coach Lebron?


    Lebron isn't exactly providing Mike Brown much job security these days.


    I know he could get another college coaching job in a second, never said he could'nt. However, re-read my post, he would be pushing 60 and all the variables of starting over and wanting to retire and not having the stamina to pursue another season of recruiting glory, then potentially not even win it all anyway.


    Cal has job aspirations also, just as you and I do.


    If I'm a lawyer, I may apsire to be a judge, however, I do not aspire to fall back on being the court reporter for Judge Judy in the future.


    Just as Cal will not concede to the TV ranks just for a job.


    Lebron has a great cast of athletes this year and they are on the brink of losing in the semi's. You cannot just say Lebron this and Lebron that, that is no reason to sacrifice your potential mortality in the college ranks as one of the best.

  3. Money will not be an option.

    Prestige will be.


    Therefore, should he take a chance in the NBA and fail where does he fall back to? He isn't a young pup anymore and without success in the NBA and 0 National Championships, where does his image go?


    Sure he could be gobbled up by a big name NCAA program after a few years of failed NBA regime (if he did indeed fail) but he would be pushing 60 and not have the stamina or staying power to possibly start over and win the NCAA.


    There is no guarantee to win the NCAA at UK but his chances are real good each year and his legacy will be imprinted forever as one of the greats and could potentially be the greatest if he stays around past his anticipated 10 year stint.

  4. Words With Friends is now my favorite app. It allows you to play scrabble with other iPhone users. Five of my friends and I play each other constantly!


    I love this app, I play daily.

  5. I have learned the basketball floor at the Joe Craft Center has been damaged by water and may need to be replaced.


    It was not caused by this weekend's rain, but it is an interesting story of how the floor was damaged.


    Bledsoe hitting the water spinklers...

  6. There is recruiting going on and you know it. It is simply hidden. Not all schools do it and winning certainly recruits, but to say it would be a shambles-I disagree-I offer it would look not much different than today with the same teams winning year after year.


    I agree with some of that, the first part. Most recruiting is hidden and consist mainly of just border/boundary counties; and yes winning does recruit itself, however, allowing coaches to fully eqip themselves with an arsenal of recruiting propaganda would destroy athletics.

  7. Or maybe they thought they were following the rules and tragically were told by a body that is not in their community that they were not. :thumb:


    That may be the case, but you are either following the rules or you aren't.

    If any chance my son wouldn't get a chance to play and I was transferring, you better believe I would be calling the KHSAA myself.

  8. I don't think some people realize what a mess our athletic programs would be in if transfer rules were not in place. There would be wide spread recruiting amongst communities to play at better programs and high school football doesn't need recruiting to be a part of the game.


    Like someone said earlier, the Dunn's knew the rules and ignored them, no one is blaming them, rather they are blaming the enforcers of the rules.

  9. Hate it also. My wife watches this show and loves it. A few weeks ago they remade "Hello, I love You" by the Doors. I almost threw my remote through the TV. Jim Morrison was rolling in his grave!


    That was the worst episode they have had IMO. None of the songs were any good at all and not very recognizable.


    It is a great show though IMO.


    I would prefer that he work out with my friend in a one on one session as opposed to with 40 other kids and 3 coaches.


    I think he could do that also, but what kind of image does that portray to the rest of his team mates if he doesn't lift with the team? I'd say the coaches would also feel a slap in the face.


    This is where coaches get their first look at most of the kids unless they were scouting them in middle school and for him to be a no show, I wouldn't think it would be wise.


    Leadership, determination, success, relationships are built inside weightrooms.

  11. Lifting in 7th, 8th grade is appropriate. Lifting as a 9th grader is a must; for an athlete.


    As a middle schooler, emphasis should be placed on proper form and repititions of low weight.


    That way as a high schooler, their form will be perfected and can lift moderate amounts of weights.

  12. They saw no love from the NFL draft either.


    It will definately hurt future recruit classes, knowing that so many Cats were possible high picks and only 1 went inside the top 100 I believe.


    Lindley, could've bolted his junior year and was projected 1st rounder and Micah Johnson was a top LB in his class and didn't even sign a free agency.

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