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Posts posted by Czar

  1. I may be wrong, but didn't Johnson Central have a good season this past year, but no one gave them much respect because of their schedule? Wouldn't playing Catholic give them the respect of playing a championship program, plus give their players the statewide exposure. I would think a good football team would jump at that opportunity.

    Isn't Catholic doing the same thing that you just accused Johnson Central of doing? From what I've been told if Catholic couldn't get Johnson Central to play in this game that they would be playing Bishop Watterson,OH. I could see why Catholic would rather play Johnson Central. A wise old coach told me once that people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


    In the game you need to drop the clueless act. I know that you know more than what your letting on so lets cut to the chase. It's funny thing to me that you broke the story on here about Lexington Catholic playing Johnson Central and then you're the first one to break the story about them not playing. We both know that there were some discussion between the two teams but nothing was final. The people at JC were suprised to see it printed in last Friday's Lexington Herald that the game was set. Sounds to me like Catholic jumped the gun a little. I'm not going to go into it all but Black Eagle's post sums up the entire situation. Maybe the two teams could hook up next season.

  2. Understood...

    Why did two of the top freshman basketball players in the program quit abruptly during the early part of the season?

    Could it have been possible that they were given a message they couldn't play football or would have been way behind if they didn't lift weights?:sssh:

    You're still wrong. Who were the kids? I know of one who quit but it wasn't because of he was afraid he wouldn't get to play football. The kid quit because he didn't want to play. He said he hated it and it wasn't fun any more. I get so tired of everyone on here who think they know the low down but really don't. Tell me brother what have your heard. Spill it and I will tell you the real truth. If you don't want to in public PM me. This same boy missed almost all of the passing games this summer because of basketball but nothing was said to the boy from the football staff but guess what happened when this same player missed some summer basketball to attend a football passing league? You guessed it our basketball coach had some issues with it. This same kid played and contributed in every football game the season so it's plain and simple the football coach had no problem with kids playing other sports. As a matter of fact he encourages it. I can tell you about some more players who tried to pull double duty by attending summer basketball and trying to do summer football or summer baseball and guess what happened. They were more or less told that the summer was for basketball only. Ask Johnson Central's baseball coach if he has a problem out of the football coach during spring football. He will tell you no. There are actually more kids that play football and baseball at JC than football and basketball. I can go on and I can name names of kids that were encouraged to play basketball only. So you can see why I get upset when the football staff is blamed for the basketball coach's problems with low turnout.


    The real question is why does a school as big as Johnson Central only have 11 or 12 basketball players? In football JC dressed about 70 players and actually lost a couple when basketball conditioning started . Coach McCool had a full roster during the volleyball season. Heck, even both soccer teams had full rosters. Coach Wireman has a full roster in girls basketball and I promise you that when baseball and softball starts Coach Hall and McCool will have enough players to play JV. So why is it that the boys basketball program at Johnson Central had to cancel it's freshman schedule and only have six players that play JV? What's causing kids at JC to not want to play basketball when it's obvious that other coaches are not having this problem? The problem is real obvious and it's not because of the football coach or any other coach at the school.

  3. I'll go ahead a make a few predictions.



    #1. If Ashland plays poorly you will get on here and talk about how mad and embarrassed you are.


    #2. If Ashland plays poorly you will initiate the "silent treatment" to all of the threads that pertain to games involving any rival that might happen to be superior to Ashland.


    #3. If Ashland plays poorly you will change your avatar midway through the season to coach Wilcox and proudly proclaim and crown him the latest and greatest to wear the highly coveted title of "my boy".


  4. I can't believe that after watching what I feel is the best high school football game that I've ever watched that you have two people crying about the PA system. That's the most stupid thing that I have ever heard in my life. These boys from Ashland and JC played there butts off and you two want to talk about the PA system. Come on people this is FOOTBALL if you don't like the atmosphere at Johnson Central then don't come. I'm sure you won't be missed. Your kids suffered a heart breaking loss and all the two of you want to talk about is the PA system? Great game by two good football teams. Both communities should be proud of these young men.

  5. I think that the whole ring thing is probly the most stupid thing in the whole world. They win ONE regional championship and you all think that they are gods. They really wasnt that good. Everybody gets lucky once and a while wins something. Big deal and who cares. They went up there and got killed by J-Town. I know that they won it but that was the worst field of 16 teams in state tournament history. When they win a state championship you can give them a ring. I would rather watch the grass in my yard grow then watch those boys play. They wont even make it out of the district this year.

    BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fire:

    Gee thanks! Your prediction on the upcoming season makes me feel better considering the prediction you made about Johnson Central's upcoming season after last years scrimmage with Morgan County. You sure blew that one didn't you bub. I thinks it's funny that you've not posted anything in almost a year and you come out and bash Johnson Central in your last two posts. Where were you during the tigers football season or as I like to call it the 2006 one and done tour? Johnson Central must be doing something right because with success it bring haters like yourself out of there hole. Come on dude jealously is a terrible terrible thing. Isn't there anything to talk about over at tiger land? The tigers did beat Johnson Central in womens soccer this year you know. That must make you proud.:sssh:
  6. I understand that the High School Football Association has already sent Ashland the Second Place Trophy, Think it was in bad taste, and I hope that Coach Hart gets to give the dang thing back.

    I also hope that JC is as over confident as the people that sent the trophy. We are not going to lay down for anyone. I’m looking for an upset in the second half.


    Ashland 35

    JC 28

    Did you ever stop and think that the trophy was for the regular season? :rolleyes: ALL teams that finished first and second in there districts during the regular season received a trophy. I've heard some say that district championship is determined after the regular season and I've heard some say that it's determined after week two of the playoffs but I have yet to see anything in writing by the KHSAA stating which is true. Maybe the district championship is rewarded during the regular season or maybe the KSHAA is giving trophy's for the regular season and after week two. I don't know which is which though but I do know they didn't give Ashland the second place trophy because they assumed they would get beat Friday by Johnson Central. If that's the case then why would the play the games?

  7. Let's hope so.

    I will keep my prediction that Ashland will not be rolled over as some would have us believe.

    In fact I think we can play smash mouth with just about anyone.

    The two linebackers are the only ones I see that are physical.

    With that being said BRING IT ON!!!!!

    Oh you can bet that it will be brought my friend. There's nothing like smash mouth football in my opinion. I love it.

  8. Not trying to start an argument here. As long as the posters you are refering to stay within the rules and guidelines of bluegrasspreps.com, they have every right to say what they want to. That is why we have administrators and moderators to keep everybody in line.

    Not trying to start an argument either but just because members " stay within the rules and guidelines of bluegrasspreps.com " doesn't mean they still don't post a bunch of crap that usually has nothing to do with the thread topic which results in a lot of thread closings. The administrators and moderators on the site do a great job in keeping everybody in line but the member(s) that I was referring to in my previous post make there job a lot harder by posting useless info that has nothing to do with a thread topic. I think you know what I mean.;)

  9. You know your right I shouldn't have lowered myself to the level of JC fans. To everyone else I greatly apologize for that. I will keep all my post classy and positive. I will not post anything else on a JC thread.

    To the level of JC fans? After reading your last few posts it's clear to me that your on a level by yourself. I'll admit there are one or two JC fans on here that come up with some of the craziest crap that I've ever seen but to lump the whole community into one like you've just done is just plain dumb and irresponsible on your part. ALL schools have people like this not just ONE. It makes me wonder why I waste by time arguing with members like yourself.

  10. Firebird you need to get your glasses checked cville did say Lex Cath not Christian. I think JC goes in with a big head and gets beat in a nailbiter. Ash 28 JC 27 another missed PAT

    How many more predictions are you going to have on this game? Here's your first one a couple of days ago http://www.bluegrasspreps.com/showpost.php?p=1898607&postcount=55. In two days Ashland has went from a three TD defeat to a one point win in your opinion. Has Ashland improved that much in the past two days or has JC gotten worse in your opinion?

  11. Firebird you need to get your glasses checked cville did say Lex Cath not Christian. I think JC goes in with a big head and gets beat in a nailbiter. Ash 28 JC 27 another missed PAT

    If you think JC will go into this game overlooking Ashland then you're clueless about this team and program. This group of seniors still remember there freshman year when Johnson Central was the laughing stock of Eastern Ky when it came to football and I can promise you that they've haven't overlooked anyone during the regular season and they sure as heck are not going to start now. These players and coaches have one team on there mind this week and that's Ashland. You and some others may think that JC will come into Friday's game "with a big head" and you'll be proved wrong because they want to defeat Ashland Friday night just as much,if not more as they wanted to beat them when the two teams met up the first time.

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