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Everything posted by halfback20

  1. Black guy was lying because based on everything shown its obvious he was lying. If you have information to change my mind, I'll read it. You dont. Every case is different. Has nothing to do with Jussie's race. Are you saying I'm racist because I think Jussie is a liar?
  2. Also, its on Twitter about some people with friends in high places trying to help Jussie. But im not going to share it because it could be considered political. Look it up if you're interested.
  3. He got away with something you or me wouldnt have gotten away with.
  4. I don't know who he knows. Do you? And i didn't say thats what happened for sure, did I?
  5. Look at the evidence that has been released. Its pretty obvious he made it up and paid the brothers off. Obviously before he was convicted i think he would have deserved a day in court. But based on whats out there, it's pretty clear.
  6. :lol2: Money fixes a lot of problems. Some people may have called in some favors for Jussie. I dont know. Why do you think they sealed all of the evidence? Surely if Jussie is innocent and wrongly accused he will sue and have his name cleared. I hope he does. Also interested in what the FBI is doing about his letter he allegedly sent himself.
  7. I never claimed to have that answer. I'd love to know why they sealed all of the evidence as well. Wouldn't you?
  8. I dont know why they did what they did. Perhaps they are corrupt. I dont know. I hope Jussie does try and sue, and I hope that makes all of the evidence public.
  9. I think it was all fake. And it was a terrible lie no one believed. I know what I've been told in the news, so I can't sa anything is 100%. I wish they would have at least released the evidence. Obviously Jussie didnt want that to happen.
  10. His story was obviously made up from the beginning. It wasnt even a good lie.
  11. The mayor is not a fan of the decision. Im no Rahm Emanuel fan but when you are right you're right. Says the grand jury charged Jussie based on very little piece of the evidence. Police chief and mayor say they'd love to make all evidence public.
  12. The prosecuting attorney says you are wrong. There is nothing to disagree about other than how they resolved the case.
  13. NEW from Chicago: Joe Magats, the first assistant state's attorney who made the final decision to drop the charges against Jussie Smollett, says in an interview: "We didn't exonerate him." Magats, the asst state's atty, said he saw no problems with the police investigation or the evidence against Smollett. The charges against Smollett were dropped in return for his agreement to do community service, he said, and for forfeiting his bond to the city of Chicago. More from the asst state's attorney: "Here's the thing -- we work to prioritize violent crime and the drivers of violent crime. Public safety is our number one priority. I don't see Jussie Smollett as a threat to public safety." "We stand behind the investigation, we stand behind the decision to charge him and we stand behind the charges in the case. The mere fact that it was disposed of in an alternative manner does not mean that there were any problems or infirmities in the case or the evidence."
  14. Actually I just read that the prosecutor who dismissed the charges says there was nothing wrong with the investigation or evidence, and that they did not exonerate Jussie.
  15. Why did they want the facts of the case sealed? Wonder what will happen with the letter that was sent to him that also had "MAGA" written on it? FBI still investigating that? Did the brothers send that as well?
  16. When did he say he was "guilty"? The prosecutor who dropped the charged apparently recused herself weeks ago. Why is she still involved? They basically said that they arent going through a trial because he would only get community service anyway and he does community service on his own... You think he has been completely honest about this?
  17. Yea i doubt he wants all of the evidence made public since they had all of it sealed.
  18. I had Wisconsin going on a run. Boy was I wrong.
  19. Cant blame him. Made a ton of money. Won a lot of championships. Smart move.
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