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Everything posted by scooterbob

  1. If you need for me to cite the examples, you are more indoctrinated than even I suspected. Among other activities, I, as a college professor, review proposed history textbooks. I am quite familiar with the trend.
  2. Anyone can write anything. That doesn't make it factual. Unaltered videos don't lie. Writers do. Surely that is a fact that has been proven throughout our history.
  3. Do you have video of this or are we expected to accept the word of Project Vote? Surely, we would expect a little proof other than the word of a group formed to get out liberal and minority voters. I don't imagine Project Vote is monitoring any affluent or predominately caucasian neighborhoods.
  4. No doubt. But do you teach history as it occurred or as it is presented in politically correct textbooks? But, then, I believe you have already answered the query. Can I also assume you are a life member of the KEA and the NEA?
  5. I'm not particularly impressed with your credentials. Do you teach actual history or the politically correct history that has infiltrated our more recent editions? I assume you are employed by the public schools.
  6. Amen. And when they finally learn to think for themselves, it will be too late.
  7. You still don't believe in the Holocaust, do you? Obviousy Obama doesn't coordinate all that occurs. However, it is safe to conclude that it is coordinated by his supporters and that they are trying to intimidate whites who may be voting for McCain. We are not a police state- at least not yet.
  8. Supply vs. Demand: Assuming Obama wins, there will be many of his supporters making demands in regard to distribution of wealth. However, I have no intention of supplying anything to the cause. I would hope others who will be expected to supply the bounty act in a like fashion.
  9. Then who will pay the taxes for the grand distribution to the non-payers?
  10. Excellent post. I completely agree particularly in regard to the four conservative justices and the one somewhat conservative justice. If we lose one of them, we are in big trouble.
  11. They tracked down Auntie Zeituni but haven't located Uncle Omar who Obama says is also a "resident" of Boston. Of course, Obama hasn't been able to get in touch with them.
  12. I just reviewed the bankruptcy papers of a debtor who earned $20,613.00 last year. Due to the various and sundry credits (mainly, of course, earned income credit) available to those who pay no taxes, he received a federal refund of $9,713.00. Wonder what he will receive under income redistribution?
  13. Just as many actually hate George Bush, there are a number of people who feel the same about Obama. They believe him to be dangerous. They know very little about him and what they know is a conflicting mixed bag at best. His past associations don't nuture positive feelings about him in the eyes of those who stand on traditional Judeo-Christian tenets. Regardless of the outcome, the country will be even more divided after the election than it is today.
  14. If you are familiar with the Book of Revelation and/or the Left Behind Series, you must admit there are some similarities. To deny that there are any similarities is to admit that you are ignorant of the Scriptures or that you are so partisan that you will admit nothing remotely negative against your candidate. Remember he has been called, at various times, by his supporters "The Messiah", "The One We Have Been Waiting For", "The One". The only answer I can find that he has given on the subject is to say that he wasn't born in a manger. Now, I'm not saying he is Carpathia. However, from what he says and from the fact that some people seem to actually worship him (ie: the elementary school kids and their videos from California), (ie: his vow to change the world- not just the US), (ie: his uncanny support and admiration among our foreign "friends" and enemies) (ie: the willingness of masses of people to accept him though they know nothing about his past) he fits the bill better than does anyone else of whom I am aware. All of this for a man, like Carpathia, of lots of form and no real substance or accomplishments.
  15. It would be the opening of Pandora's Box and anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling himself/herself.
  16. I believe he may have refused help from rightwingers who sought to use him as a pawn for political embarrassment of Obama. I remember hearing Hannity offering to "assist" and there were rumors of a bake sale for George H. Obama. Nonetheless, these are blood relatives of the "compassionate and caring" Obama. I guess he wants to implement his redistribution plans so that the rest of us can provide for Auntie, George, and other various and sundry of his relatives. On the other hand, I'll bet George H. and Auntie would be most happy to receive a "gift" from their distinguished family member (or from others required to send the gift by order of the relative's "policies".
  17. Answer: I have heard her interviewed on several occasions and, to be nice, let me say that it is obvious that she was not valedictorian of her class.
  18. It is obvious that Johansson was endowed in many ways. But, alas, did she receive a brain?
  19. The school allowed one party to register voters. It should have required that either representatives of both major parties participate or cancelled the event. The school was both naive and negligent. If my child had been one of those whose form didn't make it into the record, I would be well into the process of holding the school responsible.
  20. Don't doubt that I, and a lot of others, have considered that possibility. By the way, Geraldo Rivera, a noted radical from the 1960s in his own right, stated on Fox and Friends (unlike the other lesser news channels, Fox does allow opposing viewpoints) said that his fellow radicals from that time in our history see Obama as a culmination of their efforts. I remember the unrest of and extremism of that era. Rivera's analysis merely supports my earlier observation that Obama is dangerous.
  21. I offer my sincere thanks to those Obama supporters who so abily proved the point that their candidate has accomplished nothing that would qualify him for any position of major inportance let alone the highest office in the land. I guess I should apologize for asking a question that has such an obvious answer. And that answer is that Obama is all form and no substance. But that should surprise no one. However, I must give a measure of credit to hoopboy who observed that "he isn't a republican". Indeed he is not. From what we know of his history (which is sketchy at best because of the veil of secrecy around him), we can conclude that he has always sought out and associated with radicals, socialists, and Marxists (that is well documented even, in so many words, by him) it is reasonable for us to conclude, from the evidence, that he is (I'll be nice) a person with strong socialist/Marxist beliefs (surely, none of you can deny this). I must conclude that he is quite dangerous.
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